Catholics defy bishops to pray for gay marriage

Photo ~ Participants sing as Catholics show support for marriage equality on Sunday, October 28th, 2012 on the sidewalk outside of Saint James Cathedral in Seattle. The group gathered to pray, sing and …More
Photo ~ Participants sing as Catholics show support for marriage equality on Sunday, October 28th, 2012 on the sidewalk outside of Saint James Cathedral in Seattle. The group gathered to pray, sing and listen to speakers. The Archdiocese of Seattle, headquartered at the Cathedral, is officially opposed to Referendum 74. The stance has caused a division among some in the church. Photo: JOSHUA TRUJILLO / SEATTLEPI.COM
Catholics defy bishops to pray for gay marriage
The folk mass hymns and gospels were familiar, the response "And with your spirit" recited Sundays in church by millions of Catholics, but the 120 faithful gathered outside Seattle's St. James Cathedral on Sunday afternoon were praying for a cause their bishops are campaigning against.
Mobilized by Catholics for Marriage Equality, they celebrated a "Liturgy of Love," praying for the recognition of same-sex unions and the passage of Referendum 74, which would legalize marriage between persons of the same gender.
Seattle Archbishop …More
Really? Bishops who write and speak about the vileness of such sins are touted as having brought "anguish, division and sadness" to the faithful??? Is this "opposite day"? I would've bet my life that to be faithful to your religion meant to adhere to all the doctrines that have been established and commanded to believe.
I've run into people who claim to be faithful Catholics yet they hold such …More
Really? Bishops who write and speak about the vileness of such sins are touted as having brought "anguish, division and sadness" to the faithful??? Is this "opposite day"? I would've bet my life that to be faithful to your religion meant to adhere to all the doctrines that have been established and commanded to believe.

I've run into people who claim to be faithful Catholics yet they hold such serious heresies publicly and through private conversation. They are not faithful Catholics, just like these fools who petition for same-sex marriage. In all other aspects they may hold to Catholic doctrine, but this is purely scandalous. Repent.
