Live Mike

"Before Russia is converted and leaves the path of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will …

On this date 75 years ago The Virgin of Revelation appeared at Tre Fontane - Italy. The message She delivered then has never been more relevant than today in 2022. It was to an anti-Catholic, Communist …More
On this date 75 years ago The Virgin of Revelation appeared at Tre Fontane - Italy. The message She delivered then has never been more relevant than today in 2022. It was to an anti-Catholic, Communist, would-be papal assassin, unfaithful, abusive husband & father, Bruno Cornacchiola (whom She instantly converted) that Our Lady appeared and revealed these most important prophetic points:
- "The shepherds of the flock are not fulfilling their duty. Too much of the world has entered into their souls and they now give scandal to the flock and divert (dissuade) the flock from the path, and away from truth and life."
- "Before Russia is converted and leaves the path of atheism, a tremendous and severe persecution will be unleashed. Pray, it can be stopped."

- "Run away from the false things of the world, vain shows, and printed obscenities."
- "Satan is unchained for a period of time, and is going to start the fire of protest among men. Children be strong, resist the assault from hell."
- "…
Live Mike
Yes, I think you are correct, @Scapular. Our Lady made Bruno C. to understand that Tre Fontane was the continuation of Fatima.
Exactly Live Mike. I couldn’t find the real message anywhere as per usual ( even though I live at the Our Lady of the Revelation shrine WA) When I read what you posted I then made the connection! Ave Maria
Live Mike
Amen Scapular!
Credo .
@ Live Mike. @V.R.S. "Before Russia is converted; > We are not obligated to believe in any apparition, (including ones who have the approval of the Church.) I fully agree with V.R.S! Just one sentence of The Blessed Virgin Mary, "I Am, Who Am in The Divine Trinity," makes this very suspect!. 🤔
Scapular shares this
Must be part of the Third Secret.
No, it must not.
Mr. Bruno Cornacchiola claimed that the "Virgin" had said to him:
"Io sono colei che sono nella Trinità Divina" ["I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity"]
It is very doubtful that the Blessed Virgin used such words on a verge of blasphemy
"Io sono colui che sono" is the Italian translation of the Name of God revealed to Moses.
PS colui is masculine, colei - feminine.More
No, it must not.

Mr. Bruno Cornacchiola claimed that the "Virgin" had said to him:
"Io sono colei che sono nella Trinità Divina" ["I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity"]
It is very doubtful that the Blessed Virgin used such words on a verge of blasphemy
"Io sono colui che sono" is the Italian translation of the Name of God revealed to Moses.
PS colui is masculine, colei - feminine.
Live Mike
@V.R.S. Do you know Dogmatic Theology better than the Vicariate of Rome of 1947?
Have you ever interrogated Bruno and his children about what they saw and heard on 12 April 1947?

Please explain your reasons why those words are "on the verge of blasphemy".
Poi la “bella signora" parlo con voce dolcissima e disse:
“Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina. Sono la Vergine della Rivelazione. Tu mi …More
@V.R.S. Do you know Dogmatic Theology better than the Vicariate of Rome of 1947?
Have you ever interrogated Bruno and his children about what they saw and heard on 12 April 1947?

Please explain your reasons why those words are "on the verge of blasphemy".
Poi la “bella signora" parlo con voce dolcissima e disse:
“Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina. Sono la Vergine della Rivelazione. Tu mi perseguiti, ora basta! Rientra nell'Ovile Santo, Corte Celeste in terra. Il giuramento di Dio è e rimane immutabile: i nove venerdì del Sacro Cuore che tu facesti, amorevolmente spinto dalla tua fedele sposa, prima di entrare nella via della menzogna, ti hanno salvato! ".
Bruno è pervaso da un'intensissima felicità, mentre la grotta -abitualmente molto maleodorante- si riempie di un dolcissimo profumo. [...] Al termine dell'incontro, la Madonna fa un inchino e dice a Bruno:
“Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina. Sono la Vergine della Rivelazione. Ecco, prima di andare via io ti dico queste parole: la Rivelazione e la Parola di Dio, questa Rivelazione parla di me. Ecco perché ho dato questo titolo: Vergine della Rivelazione". Bruno Cornacchiola: Segreto delle Tre Fontane. Terremoto globale, III Guerra Mondiale, stranieri invadono Italia

What is the Church's interpretation on the following passages of the Holy Gospel according to St. John 6:56-57, 10:30, 15:4, 17:21-23?

In your opinion, the approval of the cult of the Virgin of Revelation was given in error by the Vicariate of Rome back in 1947. Therefore, you claim to know the subject better than the the Vicariate of Rome which at that time was under the gaze of Pope Pius XII. Okay. Perhaps this may be a breakdown in communication or a misunderstanding in the translation. Why is the statement, ["Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina."], theologically problematic based upon the Solemn Dogmatic Doctrine of the Catholic Church and please be specific in your answer.

"Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina" or "I am she who is in the divine Trinity" is NOT a declaration of Divinity rather it is quite similar to the following quotations of high Christology in the Holy Gospel according to St. John:
Giovanni 6:56-57
[56] Chi mangia la mia carne e beve il mio sangue dimora in me e io in lui.
[57] Come il Padre, che ha la vita, ha mandato me e io vivo per il Padre, così anche colui che mangia di me vivrà per me.
La Sacra Bibbia - IntraText
Giovanni 10:30
[30] Io e il Padre siamo una cosa sola".
La Sacra Bibbia - IntraText
Giovanni 15:4
[4] Rimanete in me e io in voi. Come il tralcio non può far frutto da se stesso se non rimane nella vite, così anche voi se non rimanete in me.
La Sacra Bibbia - IntraText
Giovanni 17:21-23
[21] perché tutti siano una sola cosa. Come tu, Padre, sei in me e io in te, siano anch'essi in noi una cosa sola, perché il mondo creda che tu mi hai mandato.
[22] E la gloria che tu hai dato a me, io l'ho data a loro, perché siano come noi una cosa sola.
[23] Io in loro e tu in me, perché siano perfetti nell'unità e il mondo sappia che tu mi hai mandato e li hai amati come hai amato me.
La Sacra Bibbia - IntraText
@Live Mike
TL:DR - stopped at your lousy translation: "I am she who is in the divine Trinity"
Beautiful and Catholic- ["I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity"] How did Our Lady address her title at Lourdes?
"Beautiful and Catholic"
Anything but Catholic.
"How did Our Lady address her title at Lourdes?"
Very simply and uncontroversially:
"Je suis l'Immaculée Conception"More
"Beautiful and Catholic"
Anything but Catholic.

"How did Our Lady address her title at Lourdes?"


Very simply and uncontroversially:

"Je suis l'Immaculée Conception"
I am the Immaculate Conception! Jesus Christ wants you in the Holy Mass to be sharer in His Divinity with the drop of water. Our Lady is Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son and Spouse of the Holy Ghost, Our Lady dwells and operates in the Divine Will.
Three Divine Persons operate in the One Divine Will, why not a 4th Divinised Creature operating in the One Divine Will?
@V.R.S. Please enlighten us on the subtleties of the use of the Italian word "nella".
"Please enlighten us on the subtleties of the use of the Italian word "nella""
Kindly note that I am not your entertainer, sir. So if you mean something relating to the matter please do not hesitate to say it.
@V.R.S. Okay...
You claim that "I am she who is in the divine Trinity" is a lousy translation of "Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina", but you provided no explanation whatsoever, casting grave doubt on your assertion.
Additionally, you had written:
"Mr. Bruno Cornacchiola claimed that the 'Virgin' had said to him:
'Io sono colei che sono nella Trinità Divina' ['I AM WHO AM in the Divine …More
@V.R.S. Okay...

You claim that "I am she who is in the divine Trinity" is a lousy translation of "Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina", but you provided no explanation whatsoever, casting grave doubt on your assertion.

Additionally, you had written:

"Mr. Bruno Cornacchiola claimed that the 'Virgin' had said to him:
'Io sono colei che sono nella Trinità Divina' ['I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity']
It is very doubtful that the Blessed Virgin used such words on a verge of blasphemy
'Io sono colui che sono' is the Italian translation of the Name of God revealed to Moses.
PS colui is masculine, colei - feminine."

Having in mind that The Blessed Virgin Mary is at once Daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, then why do you claim that Her expression of being in some sense the feminine portion of the Divine Trinity (or, more properly, as The Virgin of Revelation said, in some sense "in" the Divine Trinity) is an expression on the verge of blasphemy? Isn't it rather a beautiful expression of Her relationship to God as Daughter, Mother, and Spouse?

You may have a valid point of opposition to recognizing the validity of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as The Virgin of Revelation. My invitation to you to "enlighten us" was my invitation to you to actually make that point.
"You claim that "I am she who is in the divine Trinity" is a lousy translation of "Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina", but you provided no explanation whatsoever, casting grave doubt on your assertion"
The fact that you did not read my first comment in the thread (where the correct translation was provided) does not prove that I provided no explanation whatsoever, it …More
"You claim that "I am she who is in the divine Trinity" is a lousy translation of "Sono colei che sono nella Trinità divina", but you provided no explanation whatsoever, casting grave doubt on your assertion"
The fact that you did not read my first comment in the thread (where the correct translation was provided) does not prove that I provided no explanation whatsoever, it proves only your laziness and hastiness.

The fact that you had noticed my first comment (quoted above) writing your second comment and in spite of it you claim that I provided no explanation whatsoever on my claim on lousy translation proves only intellectual dishonesty.

Regarding the matter:
I AM WHO AM is the revealed name of God so no creature should dare to use it and most certainly Blessed Virgin Mary would not use the above words describing herself.
You claim that I did not read your first comment, yet I quoted it and commented on it (which you acknowledge, hence plainly contradicting yourself and yet accusing me of "intellectual dishonesty".)
You did not, and still refuse to, provide any explanation of how the translation is bad (which appears to be central to your point).
God did not reveal His Sacred Name in Italian nor English, so …More

You claim that I did not read your first comment, yet I quoted it and commented on it (which you acknowledge, hence plainly contradicting yourself and yet accusing me of "intellectual dishonesty".)

You did not, and still refuse to, provide any explanation of how the translation is bad (which appears to be central to your point).

God did not reveal His Sacred Name in Italian nor English, so your "explanation" that the Blessed Virgin Mary applied God's Sacred Name to herself remains unsubstantiated since it clearly states that She is IN the Divine Trinity, not that She IS the Divine Trinity and, according to the provided translation, your claim is not just unsubstantiated, but is in fact wrong.

You claim impropriety if the Blessed Virgin Mary did in fact utilize God's Sacred Name in describing Herself in Him, but you have done nothing except pass your own judgment, not rebutting the propriety of Her using it in that way, since she, although a creature, is now Daughter, Mother, and Spouse of God, sitting as the Queen of Heaven.

"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name."

If you reject the validity of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as The Virgin of Revelation on a basis other than your judgment of the propriety of Her use of your interpretation of God's Sacred Name embedded in Her self-description, I should like to hear it.
@V.R.S. I apologize for both my attitude and my tone toward you. It was not charitable, and I am sorry.
"plainly contradicting yourself and yet accusing me of "intellectual dishonesty""
No contradiction here having in mind that you quoted my first comment in your second comment.
"You did not, and still refuse to, provide any explanation of how the translation is bad (which appears to be central to your point)."
Lies after lies:
"I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity" =/ "I am she …More
"plainly contradicting yourself and yet accusing me of "intellectual dishonesty""
No contradiction here having in mind that you quoted my first comment in your second comment.

"You did not, and still refuse to, provide any explanation of how the translation is bad (which appears to be central to your point)."
Lies after lies:
"I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity" =/ "I am she who is in the divine Trinity"

"God did not reveal His Sacred Name in Italian nor English"
God did not reveal His Revelation in Italian nor English so let us be Muslims and do not translate anything. Let us do not translate even the discussed pseudo-revelation ergo there is nothing to discuss here.

"she clearly states that She is IN the Divine Trinity"

"She" clearly states: "I AM WHO AM in the Divine Trinity". Period.

"You claim impropriety if the Blessed Virgin Mary did in fact utilize God's Sacred Name in describing Herself in Him,"
No I do not claim anything like that. I claim that the vision (?) of Mr. Bruno used the wording of God's Holy Name to describe herself (?) as the creature. In what - it is irrelevant.

"If you reject the validity of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as The Virgin of Revelation on a basis other than your judgment of the propriety of Her use of your interpretation of God's Sacred Name embedded in Her self-description, I should like to hear it."
If you assume the validity of the apparition of BMV as "The Virgin of Revelation" please do not forget to prove it.

" I apologize for both my attitude and my tone toward you"
"I am sorry but my tone remains" is a peculiar way of apologizing.
Live Mike amazing. I didn’t know all of this from OL of the Revelation, where can I find the full message? Ta
Live Mike
All the links that appear in the post are good... In particular check out number 3
"Skôr než sa Rusko obráti a opustí cestu ateizmu, rozpúta sa obrovské a kruté prenasledovanie. Modlite sa, aby sa to dalo zastaviť. [...] Svet sa dostane do ďalšej vojny, najkrutejšej zo všetkých; Večná skala (Rím), ktorú si Boh počas stáročí vyvolil za útočisko svätých, bude veľmi zasiahnutá." - Panna Zjavenia, dnes pred 75 rokmi, 12. apríla 1947
V tento deň pred 75 rokmi sa v Tre Fontane …More
"Skôr než sa Rusko obráti a opustí cestu ateizmu, rozpúta sa obrovské a kruté prenasledovanie. Modlite sa, aby sa to dalo zastaviť. [...] Svet sa dostane do ďalšej vojny, najkrutejšej zo všetkých; Večná skala (Rím), ktorú si Boh počas stáročí vyvolil za útočisko svätých, bude veľmi zasiahnutá." - Panna Zjavenia, dnes pred 75 rokmi, 12. apríla 1947

V tento deň pred 75 rokmi sa v Tre Fontane v Taliansku zjavila Panna Zjavenia. Posolstvo, ktoré vtedy odovzdala, nebolo nikdy tak aktuálne ako dnes v roku 2022. Práve protikatolíckemu, komunistickému, nevernému, násilníckemu manželovi a otcovi Brunovi Cornacchiolovi (ktorého okamžite obrátila) sa zjavila Panna Mária a zjavila tieto najdôležitejšie prorocké body:

- "Pastieri stáda si neplnia svoje povinnosti. Do ich duše preniklo príliš veľa sveta, aby stádo pohoršili a odvrátili ho od cesty."
- "Skôr ako sa Rusko obráti a opustí cestu ateizmu, rozpúta sa obrovské a kruté prenasledovanie. Modlite sa, aby sa to dalo zastaviť."

- "Utekajte od falošných vecí sveta, márnych predstavení a tlačených oplzlostí."
- "Satan sa na istý čas odpútal z reťaze a chystá sa založiť oheň protestu medzi ľuďmi. Deti buďte silné, odolávajte útoku z pekla."
- "Celá Cirkev bude trpieť strašnou skúškou, aby sa očistila od žiadostivosti infiltrovanej medzi jeho služobníkmi."
- "Kňazi a veriaci budú postavení pred nebezpečný zlom medzi stratenými, budú na nich vrhané útoky akýmikoľvek prostriedkami, falošnými ideológiami a teológiami."

- "Budú dni smútku a smútku. Z východu silný ľud, ale vzdialený od Boha, začne strašný útok a rozbije najposvätnejšie a najsvätejšie veci."
- "Svet sa dostane do ďalšej vojny, najkrutejšej zo všetkých; Večná skala (Rím), ktorú si Boh počas stáročí vybral za útočisko svätých, žijúcich na jeho tróne lásky, bude veľmi zasiahnutá. Satanov hnev sa už nedá zadržať; Boží Duch sa stiahne zo zeme, Cirkev zostane vdovou; bude vydaná napospas svetu."
- "Najviac postihnutá bude Kristova Cirkev, aby sa očistila od špiny, ktorú má v sebe."

- "Kňazi budú pošliapaní a zabití, to je (význam) zlomeného kríža vedľa vyzlečenia vonkajšej kňazskej sutany." - Saverio Gaeta, Il Segreto delle Tre Fontane, 2016, s. 80-88

Oveľa neskôr, 21. septembra 1988, Bruno Cornacchiola napísal:"To, čo som uvidel, si želám, aby sa nikdy nenaplnilo, je to príliš bolestné a dúfam, že Pán nedovolí, aby pápež poprel akúkoľvek pravdu viery a postavil sa na miesto Boha. Koľko bolesti som cítil počas noci, nohy mi ochrnuli a nemohol som sa pohnúť, pre bolesť, ktorú som cítil pri pohľade na Cirkev zmenenú na hromadu trosiek." - Saverio Gaeta, Il veggente. Il segreto delle tre fontane, 2016, s. 218

Globálne zemetrasenie, jadrová vojna, odpadlíctvo, invázia do Talianska, deštrukcia vo Vatikáne