
Death and the immensity that awaits us

Video to play while reading article at rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/death-and-immen… ___________________ From Rorate Caeli ____________ A recent document published by the Sacred Congregation for the …More
Video to play while reading article at rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/death-and-immen… ___________________ From Rorate Caeli ____________ A recent document published by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has recalled the fundamental points of Christian certitude, which cannot be omitted. Naturally this has provoked surprise in those who retained that these should be no longer spoken of, and has ignited the anger of certain cultivators of the so-called theology of “hope.” (We are speaking of those that have kindled the hope merely of a “settlement” in this world, where it is well noted that here nothing is ever “settled” perfectly). _________________________________________ We retain it the duty of our journal to make some clear and precise observations concerning all of this. All of the document cited regards “the afterlife” in other words - eternal life which necessarily follows earthly life. This earthy life has no longer any sense, when it is disconnected from eternal …More
There are several more paragraphs to the article. The Video in same link is Beautiful! Jesus Mercy