Gloria.TV News on the 5th of January 2015 Evidently Not Excellence: Yesterday, pope Francis named 15 new cardinals. Vatican Spokesman Fr. Lombardi explained the choice of many apparently irrelevant …More
Gloria.TV News on the 5th of January 2015
Evidently Not Excellence: Yesterday, pope Francis named 15 new cardinals. Vatican Spokesman Fr. Lombardi explained the choice of many apparently irrelevant candidates by saying: “The most evident criteria is evidently that of universality.” Gloria.tv would have wished that the criteria had been excellence.
Very Small: Among the new Cardinals is Addis Abeba archbishop Souraphiel who has 25 diocesan priests, Bishop Lacunza of David, Panama, with 16 priests, Bishop Gomes of Santiago de Cabo Verde with 12 priests and Bishop Mafi of Tonga with 29 priests. The archdiocese of Los Angeles with 4.6 million Catholics and 590 priests is still without Cardinal.
No North Americans: Fr Lombardi felt the need to justify why no North Americans were included in the list of new cardinals. Quote: “There are no new Cardinals from North America (the USA or Canada) because they already have a significant number, and that number has remained stable during the past year.” …More
Luther died excommunicated and outside the Church there is no Salvation.
When one is excommunicated the are outside of the Catholic Church.
and he died in a state of mortal sin. This soul dies and immediately in hell.
Once in hell there is no second chance.
Blessed María Serafina Micheli saw in a vision that Luther was in Hell. Also Saint Pio of Pietrelcina faithful to the dogma outside the Church …More
Luther died excommunicated and outside the Church there is no Salvation.
When one is excommunicated the are outside of the Catholic Church.
and he died in a state of mortal sin. This soul dies and immediately in hell.
Once in hell there is no second chance.
Blessed María Serafina Micheli saw in a vision that Luther was in Hell. Also Saint Pio of Pietrelcina faithful to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation argued that Luther was condemned.
The new progressive heretics priests try to rehabilitate the heretic Luther and they must to deny the dogma of hell, and also said that the Church was wrong so they have to redefine all dogmas and revoke and annul all anathemas. So those who Honor the memory of Martín Luther pay tribute to a heretic and also to a reprobate that was condemned to Hell, that's apostasy from the Catholic faith.
Obviously Cardinal Marx knows so little about the Christian faith that even studying Luther is an improvement for him. God help us.