Gloria.TV News on the 19th of November 2014 Incompetence: German Radio Vatican, an official broadcasting service of the Vatican, wrote on Monday – quote – “that the archbishop of Philadelphia, Cardinal …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of November 2014
Incompetence: German Radio Vatican, an official broadcasting service of the Vatican, wrote on Monday – quote – “that the archbishop of Philadelphia, Cardinal Charles Chaput is overjoyed by the visit of Pope Francis in his archdiocese.” But: Chaput is not a cardinal. Out of context the same article mentions Monsignor William Lynn who according to the Radio was the highest-ranking cleric in the U.S. convicted for covering up abuses. Again: Monsignor Lynn’s conviction was overturned almost a year ago.
Christ Is the Norm Not the Pope: In an interview with cruxnow.com retired Chicago Cardinal Francis George commented on Pope Francis’ wish during the controversial Synod on the Family that every question be raised. Quote: “So he’s gotten what he wants, and now he has to sort it out.” George adds: “Francis himself has said that the pope has the charism of unity, and he knows very well that it’s unity around Christ, not around him.”
The Truth Matters:…More
la verdad prevalece
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of January 2014
The Truth Matters: In the same interview Cardinal George strongly criticized what he calls “the liberal/conservative thing”. Quote: “What’s that got to do with truth? For us, the category that matters is true/false.”
Do you pray for ISIS intentions? Will you pray for Alqueda's intentions? Will you pray for Marilyn Mason intentions? If you know that there's a clear intention to damage a good thing, will you pray for it?
No! You rather pray for their souls...
Bishop George: "Pope Francis, what are your intentions?"
If you know, and most traditionalists knows, that pope Francis likes liberalism and bashes …More
Do you pray for ISIS intentions? Will you pray for Alqueda's intentions? Will you pray for Marilyn Mason intentions? If you know that there's a clear intention to damage a good thing, will you pray for it?

No! You rather pray for their souls...

Bishop George: "Pope Francis, what are your intentions?"

If you know, and most traditionalists knows, that pope Francis likes liberalism and bashes traditionalism, then why pray for his intentions? By their fruit you shall know them!

We shouldn't pray for his intentions, we should pray for Francis soul to embrace Jesus in ALL his commandments.

God bless my pope, pope emeritus Benedict even if he doesn't want to be my pope. Amen
Cardinal George says: “So he [Pope Francis] has gotten what he wants, and now he has to sort it out.” Indeed, if the mess produced by the last Synod is not sorted out, than we will have even bigger problems than we have already.