La Catedral de N. Sra. de Los Ángeles, California. eXpentco on Aug 12, 2007 Third Largest Cathedral in the World, 2002 Conceived by Cardinal Roger Mahoney and the first to be built in the United States …More
La Catedral de N. Sra. de Los Ángeles, California.
eXpentco on Aug 12, 2007 Third Largest Cathedral in the World, 2002 Conceived by Cardinal Roger Mahoney and the first to be built in the United States in over a quarter of a century. Cardinal Mahoney dreamed of a cathedral that would rival any of the wonders in Europe and that would stand for centuries. The building was designed by the architect, José Rafael Moneo Vallés. This video is part of Ernesto Io's trilogy exploring religion and spirituality.
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Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula
Costumed protesters disrupt Mass at Los Angeles Catholic cathedral
Protesters dressed in red costumes from “The Handmaid’s Tale” interrupted Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles.
A handful of costumed women held up a large green banner in the aisle, and were ushered out after a brief kerfuffle by what appeared to be church security and parishioners, as shown on …More
Costumed protesters disrupt Mass at Los Angeles Catholic cathedral

Protesters dressed in red costumes from “The Handmaid’s Tale” interrupted Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles.

A handful of costumed women held up a large green banner in the aisle, and were ushered out after a brief kerfuffle by what appeared to be church security and parishioners, as shown on video footage posted by the Catholic News Agency.

One protester accused ushers of attacking her as they sought to remove the activists. Another yelled, “I have a right,” as she was herded out of the sanctuary, while a man shouted back, “Get out of here!” Several parishioners said, “Respect us!”

Costumed protesters disrupt Mass at Los Angeles Catholic cathedral - Washington Times
To the critics who lament that the design is not traditional, as if a church should symbolize a relic of the past, the words of Thomas Merton are enlightening:
"One of the big problems for an architect in our time is that for a hundred and fifty years men have been building churches as if a church has to look as if it were left over from some other age. I think that such an assumption is based on …More
To the critics who lament that the design is not traditional, as if a church should symbolize a relic of the past, the words of Thomas Merton are enlightening:

"One of the big problems for an architect in our time is that for a hundred and fifty years men have been building churches as if a church has to look as if it were left over from some other age. I think that such an assumption is based on an implicit confession of atheism -- as if God did not belong to all ages."
The cathedral looks like an industrial air conditioning unit from the outside, and much like an underground bunker on the inside - a masculine structure devoid of a feminine form.
👍 But, I was happy that the only relic outside of Mexico of St. Juan Diego's Cloak/image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is found here: Relic of S.Juan Diego's Tilma
[Sunday brunch 😁 was also great!: Sitting outside, after Mass, enjoying the great food and outdoor courtyard 😎 ]
✍️ I agree: 1. I disliked the Virgin Mary image at the entrance-- 🤬 no veil, no sense of the sacredness; 2. the tapestries of the Saints--TERRIBLE--THEY SHOULD HAVE USED REAL IMAGES OF THE SAINTS!
It may be the third largest, but it easily takes the prize for being the most ugly. I have seen makeshift chapels more beautifully adorned than that sterile mess.
I think the architecture of this Sacred Space quite ghastly. It reflects the demise in Roman Catholic symbology and Her architecture of that era; failing to reflect the ancient beauty of our Faith. This Cathedral just looks like a "spruced-up" large war bunker.
On the other hand, the organ is rather delicious indeed!
😇 🤗More
I think the architecture of this Sacred Space quite ghastly. It reflects the demise in Roman Catholic symbology and Her architecture of that era; failing to reflect the ancient beauty of our Faith. This Cathedral just looks like a "spruced-up" large war bunker.

On the other hand, the organ is rather delicious indeed!

😇 🤗
Archbishop Gomez: immigration helps recover Christian origins of America…
✍️ Precioso, edificante , reconfortante y además con una música muy ad hoc (Hay en medio un dueto de voces-parecen seniles-con un tema que me ha encantado . Ella y los Ángeles ...pues, tienen una estrecha colaboración. Gracias.
👏 👏 👏 !Feliz Cumpleanyos, Ciudad de N. Sra. de Los Angeles!! 👍
August 2 - Feast Of Our Lady Of Angels Of The Portiuncula
Rooted in our own discovery of Mary’s gift to us in the Church, from the year 2000 onwards, we began to have a public ceremony for the Feast Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula.
God made His Church a place of grace and His Spirit dwells in her. She is the gift of mercy. She needs to be: she is entirely made up of sinners! Jesus did …More
August 2 - Feast Of Our Lady Of Angels Of The Portiuncula

Rooted in our own discovery of Mary’s gift to us in the Church, from the year 2000 onwards, we began to have a public ceremony for the Feast Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula.

God made His Church a place of grace and His Spirit dwells in her. She is the gift of mercy. She needs to be: she is entirely made up of sinners! Jesus did not come for the righteous only and said so.

When we fail we can turn to God and he forgives us instantly and forgets our faults. We ratify that forgiveness with the Church in the Sacrament of Reconciliation - since our sin injures and weakens everyone in it: there are no private sins.

We are forgiven and we have made it right with the Church, but we are still have a tin can tied to our tails, so to speak, we have the memory of the pain we have caused ourselves and others and the ripples of our folly spread out in our own lives - and in the lives of those on whom our sins have been inflicted. This is something everyone experiences and knows about.

If we are sincere we try to make it up to those whom we have wounded but sometimes it is not possible to do so fully, on this earth at least.

Jesus chose to build His Church on the rock of a man who had denied His existence: Peter. He said that even hell would not prevail against his authority. The Church has chosen to interpret this gift of mercy in a deeply poignant way. Officially, it is known by the confusing name of an Indulgence - which does not mean in Latin what it means in English and, owing to real abuses at the time of the reformation, it has had an confused history

In Francis’ day, the Papal Indulgence for the remission of the punishment on earth due to the consequences of sin, was available only to those who made arduous pilgrimages or went on Crusade, or hired substitutes to go on their behalf. It was not available to poor people.

Now Francis was the saint whom Poverty produced; he went to the Holy Father and asked for this massive privilege to be conferred on those who simply visited his tiny church and prayed there. And the Pope, charmed and bewildered, and in the teeth of the opposition of his Curia, gave him the permission for the feast day of Our Lady of the Angels, August 2.
Francis did not wait for written confirmation of his spiritual gift, he rushed off home and, proclaiming the indulgence granted to visitors to the Portiuncula, crying out: “I want to take you all to heaven!!”

Today Francis’ little church shelters inside an enormous basilica and the Feast of the Pardon is celebrated in all Franciscan churches on August 1 & 2 in memory of this gift. Indeed the fruit of this gift may be received on a visit to any Church, assuming you have recently been to confession and communion, simply by praying the Creed, the Our Father and a prayer in honour of the Mother of God, for the intentions of our Holy Father the Pope. You may offer this prayer for any person, living or dead - even for yourself.

The House of God

As he prayed
Jacob saw, as it were,
a ladder up to heaven.
he said
Truly this is the house of God
and the gate of heaven.
- even the largest and most beautiful -
is a poor, small, humble symbol
for the temple in heaven
which is Jesus.

John said,
I saw no temple in the city
for the lamb is the light of the city
and its temple.

The Church, which is Christ’s
body on earth is a living temple.

That is why Francis heard the words,
Rebuild my Church, which you see is falling down.

St Mary of the Angels,
Our Lady of the Portiuncula
was the third church that
Francis rebuilt with stones.

He wanted it to be a place of grace
and place of encounter with heaven.

Francis said:
I want to take you
all to heaven.

Most High, Heavenly Father
by the holy love with which you loved us
you brought about the birth of your Son
as true God and true man
through the glorious ever Virgin, most
blessed, holy Mary.
And you willed to redeem us captives
through his cross and blood and death.

Forgive us our trespasses
through your ineffable mercy
and through the Passion of your beloved Son
together with the merits and intercession
of our glorious Mother,
Most blessed Mary, ever Virgin
and all the saints.

Mary answers Francis:
I am the Mother of Holy Hope and Fair Love
and the Angels have carried your
prayer before God like sweet smelling incense.
I am she whose soul magnifies the Lord
because He feeds the hungry
and lifts up the lowly
and sends the rich empty away.

This is the House of God
and the Gate of Heaven.

for the poor and the humble;
for those who seek the gift of mercy.

Blessed by the Church,
the Portiuncula has also become
for us,
a house of love
and a gateway to mercy.

Picture: The Portiuncula in the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels, Assisi.
2 more comments from Irapuato
Nuestra Señora de los Angeles 2 de agosto
Carta de la Madre Angélica…/señora_de_los_a…
Querida Familia:
En este mes de agosto, celebramos la gran Solemnidad de la Asunción. Jesús, Quien resucitó de entre los muertos y ascendió a su Padre por su propio Poder, asumió a María a los cielos. Por su grandiosa santidad y pureza, Nuestro Señor le dijo a su madre: "Levántate, amada mía,…More
Nuestra Señora de los Angeles 2 de agosto
Carta de la Madre Angélica…/señora_de_los_a…

Querida Familia:
En este mes de agosto, celebramos la gran Solemnidad de la Asunción. Jesús, Quien resucitó de entre los muertos y ascendió a su Padre por su propio Poder, asumió a María a los cielos. Por su grandiosa santidad y pureza, Nuestro Señor le dijo a su madre: "Levántate, amada mía, hermosa mía, y vente." (Cantar de los Cantares 2:10). Cuán llenos de júbilo y gozo deben haber estado todos los ciudadanos del Reino de los Cielos cuando dieron la bienvenida a la Hija de Dios Padre, Madre de Dios Hijo y Esposa de Dios Espíritu Santo.
Dicen que en el momento de la Asunción, los Nueve Coros de Angeles no podían detener su alegría. Todos proclamaban el esplendor y la gloria de su Reina. Ya que no sólo es María la Reina de Todos los Corazones y la Reina de Todos los Santos, ¡Nuestra Señora es también la Reina de todos los Angeles! La solemnidad de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles se celebra el 2 de Agosto. Es apropiado que la fiesta de la Asunción, Coronación y Nuestra Señora de los Angeles sean en el mismo mes, ya que son íntimamente unidas. Nuestra Señora de los Angeles es una fiesta muy especial para mí y para nuestra comunidad. Nuestro Monasterio lleva el nombre de la primera Iglesia de la orden Franciscana –Nuestra Señora de los Angeles o Porciúncula.
Cuando San Francisco oye de Nuestro Señor esas palabras famosas: "Francisco, ve y repara mi iglesia, que se está cayendo en ruinas", él inmediatamente comenzó a reconstruir la Porciúncula. Esta pequeña Iglesia construida en honor de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles tomó un lugar especial en el corazón de San Francisco. Él dijo a sus frailes: " Hijos míos, asegúrense de nunca abandonar este lugar. Si ustedes son llevados fuera en una vía, vuelvan por la otra, ya que este sitio es verdaderamente santo y la morada de Dios. Aquí cuando éramos pocos, el Altísimo nos aumentó en número. Aquí Él iluminó nuestra sabiduría, y aquí Él inflamó nuestra voluntad con el fuego de Su Amor. Quienquiera que ore aquí con un espíritu lleno de devoción obtendrá lo que pida, mas quien ofenda este lugar será castigado fuertemente. Así que, hijos míos, consideren este lugar de Dios como digno de todo honor, y con todos sus corazones y con una voz regocijante den gloria y gracias al Señor en este lugar".
El amor de San Francisco por esta pequeña Iglesia y por nuestra Señora obviamente no termina aquí. Es más, el va donde el Santo Padre a pedir por una Indulgencia especial: "Santo Padre, si a usted le complace, desearía que, ya que tantas bendiciones Dios a otorgado y seguirá otorgando en este lugar, todos los que asistan a él con un corazón arrepentido y confesado, obtengan una indulgencia plenaria por todos su pecados, para que así no tengan que pagar más por sus consecuencias."
La Indulgencia de la Porciúncula está disponible a todos los fieles el 2 de Agosto. Los requisitos para esta indulgencia especial son: 1) Visitar una Iglesia, 2) Recitar un Padre Nuestro por el Santo Padre, 3) Recitar un Credo por el Santo Padre. San Francisco, en su petición, hizo una clara referencia a la contrición y al sacramento de la reconciliación (que debe ser recibida 8 días antes o después del 2 de Agosto). Verdaderamente, tenemos que estar arrepentidos de nuestros pecados, ya que es por medio de la contrición y de la penitencia necesaria que nuestro apego al pecado disminuye. La Indulgencia de la Purciúncula es un gran acto de la Bondad y Misericordia de Nuestro Señor.
La Misericordia de nuestro Señor es demasiado inmensa para medirla y su amor demasiado profundo para descifrarlo. Él hasta nos dio a Su Madre como Intercesora con Jesús y como nuestra Abogada. Familia, no dejen pasar este día sin dar gracias a Dios por Su generosidad y cuidado. Mantengan sus ojos fijos en el cielo cuando los quehaceres de cada día sean una carga y recuerden que todos estamos llamados a unirnos un día en el Cielo con la Santísima Trinidad, Nuestra Señora y todos los Santos. Piensen a menudo en Nuestra Señora, quien es la Reina de los Angeles y la Reina de VUESTRO corazón! Los amo familia mía!
Unidos en oración,
Madre Angélica.

Más sobre San Francisco
Orden Franciscana
Regla de San Francisco
Santa Clara de Asis

Cathedral N. Sra. de Los Ángeles, California
The third Largest Cathedral in the World, 2002 Conceived by Cardinal Roger Mahoney and the first to be built in the United States in over a quarter of a century. Cardinal Mahoney dreamed of a cathedral that would rival any of the wonders in Europe and that would stand for centuries. The building was designed by the architect, José Rafael Moneo Vallés. …More
Cathedral N. Sra. de Los Ángeles, California
The third Largest Cathedral in the World, 2002 Conceived by Cardinal Roger Mahoney and the first to be built in the United States in over a quarter of a century. Cardinal Mahoney dreamed of a cathedral that would rival any of the wonders in Europe and that would stand for centuries. The building was designed by the architect, José Rafael Moneo Vallés. This video is part of Ernesto Io's trilogy exploring religion and spirituality.