Is Russell Moore Anti-Catholic?

Dr. Russell Moore, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s “Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission” (ERLC) and one of the USCCB’s “ecumenical collaborators”, is pushing division.

In his speech at the Vatican’s Humanum conference, he referred to the Apostles as “the original 12 founding stones” — that’s a slap against St. Peter’s unique authority. It might seem innocuous, in isolation, but it was meant as a subtle dig.

Why be so sure of that? Well, the following picture was posted on Twitter with the line, “Phillip, fetch me the nail gun.” It was retweeted by Phillip Bethancourt, Exec. VP of the ERLC. Moore posted it on his Instagram page. [1, 2]

Moore himself has tweeted criticism of His Holiness Pope Francis.

He has attacked what he sees (wrongly) as legal favoritism given to the Church.

He agrees, along with Protestant Juan Sanchez — an apostate from Catholicism, who says that the Church does not have the Gospel — that Hispanic people are a “mission field”. [1, 2]

Plus, during the 2014 Synod on the Family, he, along with Dr. Albert Mohler (notoriously anti-Catholic in his own right), used the opportunity to bash the Church as unbiblical.
On Guard
This kind of nonsense comes from too much "ecumenism". By the way, many Catholics have also bashed the Pope. Why should we bother what a Baptist thinks about Catholicism. Who Founded the Baptist religion?? Who Founded the Catholic Religion?? Think about it.... and study the difference.
Wow! LORD have mercy.