Quo Primum
Quo Primum
Allocutions for Legion of Mary. By Fr. F. RipleyMore
Allocutions for Legion of Mary.
By Fr. F. Ripley
161 pages
Quo Primum
Third Order Carmelites of Tradition. Third OrdersMore
Third Order Carmelites of Tradition.
Third Orders

CFNews Oct 2023 TOC.pdf

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Quo Primum
Proof of many murdered babies in vaccines. Don't be complicit, accessory after the fact is a crime.More
Proof of many murdered babies in vaccines.
Don't be complicit, accessory after the fact is a crime.


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Quo Primum
Putin's philosophy explored. Dugin and the occult. Download easily here: Return of the Red Empire.pdfMore
Putin's philosophy explored.
Dugin and the occult.
Download easily here:
Return of the Red Empire.pdf
43 pages
Quo Primum
Australia is dying

Almost all of Australia is fully jabbed for covid but deaths are spiking

(Natural News) Uh oh. The mass Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” campaign in Australia did not produce the results that …
Follow the science our governments say ,who is going to be charged for the damages the vaccines caused on people ?
Quo Primum
Best catechism for teens and adults. sacredheart-op.org/Doctrine.htmMore
Best catechism for teens and adults.
444 pages
Quo Primum
Pope John's Council Errata. Michael Davies revised edition Talk here: 2022 03 20 validity of Orthodox Churches.m4aMore
Pope John's Council Errata.
Michael Davies revised edition
Talk here:
2022 03 20 validity of Orthodox Churches.m4a
4 pages
Quo Primum
Our Lady of Fatima asked 5 things of us for 5 First Saturdays: 1. H. Communion 2. Confession 3. Pray for Pope 4. Meditate on Rosary 15 minutes 5. …More
Our Lady of Fatima asked 5 things of us for 5 First Saturdays: 1. H. Communion 2. Confession 3. Pray for Pope 4. Meditate on Rosary 15 minutes 5. Intention of Reparation How many of us fulfilled this simple request perfectly? So She told us of 5 things the Church hierarchy must do: 1. Consecrate 2. Russia 3. To Her Immaculate Heart, 4. By the Pope 5. In union with all the bishops In spite of all the fluff and politically expedient extra prayers, it looks like these 5 specific requests are being done at 6:30 pm Rome time (1:30 EST USA) Friday 25th March 2022, for the first time.
Cath intruth shares this
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Quo Primum
Addicted to sin? Sometimes the priest must delay or refuse absolution after 3 or 4 confessions show no real repentance, reform of life. Sad but true. Jesus tells His first Catholic priests in St. John …More
Addicted to sin?
Sometimes the priest must delay or refuse absolution after 3 or 4 confessions show no real repentance, reform of life.
Sad but true.
Jesus tells His first Catholic priests in St. John 20:23 Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.
Moral Theology by
McHugh and Callan....
2760. Penitents to Whom Absolution Should Be Denied.
There are three classes of penitents especially to whom absolution should be frequently denied on account of their lack of repentance: (a) those who refuse to abandon a proximate and voluntary occasion of grave sin, for these are impenitent and unworthy of absolution. But absolution may be given those who promise to abandon a proximate and voluntary occasion, or to use the proper means of safety if they are in a proximate and necessary occasion of sin (see 263 sqq.); (b) those who have contracted the habit of some grave sin, if they are unwilling to use the proper means to overcome it;…More
4 pages
Quo Primum
Quo Primum
Statement of Religious Objection to mandatory vaccination March 1st 2022 To whom it may concern: I am writing to request an exemption from all vaccine requirements for the bearer of this letter, with …More
Statement of Religious Objection to mandatory vaccination
March 1st 2022
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to request an exemption from all vaccine requirements for the bearer of this letter, with whom I share sincerely held religious beliefs in the statement below. Our objections come on the fact that all the currently available Covid-19 injections make use of aborted fetal stem cells in their production.
Plus the fact that a moral and religious person may not commit self-harm or even risk self-harm disproportionately. The mandates are an immoral overreaching of individual bodily autonomy, and they are proving to be causing serious and even deadly effects.
The Catholic Church has consistently and emphatically upheld the right to life from conception until natural death and therefore considers induced abortion, for whatever reason, to be gravely sinful. Thus, taking these novel injections which make use of fetal stem cells in any way whatsoever, would make one at least a material …More
2 pages
Quo Primum
Taking Recourse EXDirector
www.takingrecourse.com More exemption letters. Full pdf chart of all childhood & Covid vaccines & relevant information.More
More exemption letters.
Full pdf chart of all childhood & Covid vaccines & relevant information.
Quo Primum
Simple. Do not comply. Indict, try, fry.More
Do not comply.
Indict, try, fry.

HISTORY IS MADE: Top 6 Covid Corruption Whistleblowers of 2021 and 2022

(Natural News) Soon, everyone will realize that these top 6 Covid corruption whistleblowers were not conspiracy theorists at all,…
the truth
Quo Primum
9 pages
Quo Primum
Charity and the vaccine. For priests especially. Download here: dropbox.com/…f1nm1izd5/Ambrosiaster_3_Charity_Final_Version.pdfMore
Charity and the vaccine. For priests especially.
Download here:
8 pages
Tony Smith
An easier to read version can be view online at: catholicapologetics.info/morality/medicalethics/charityvax.htm
Darice Henriques
Thanks. I downloaded it to share with the few Catholic friends of mine who still have the faith (I can count only six).
Quo Primum
Advent meditation on the prophecies of Christ
5 pages
Quo Primum
Marcel Lefebvre: why I intrude into your diocese
One page
St. Athanasius of the 20th century when almost everyone around enjoyed "jolly, good" demolition.
May God have mercy upon his soul. A good man whose intentions, though greatly misguided, were not rooted in evil. But he died in disobedience outside …More
May God have mercy upon his soul. A good man whose intentions, though greatly misguided, were not rooted in evil. But he died in disobedience outside the communion of the Faithful, an outcast from Holy Mother Church by Apostolic censure.
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Quo Primum
Keep out of hospital

Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 - AAPS | Association of …

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D. – www.truthforhealth.org/ Upon admission to a once …
Jeffrey Ade
@aderito You said it!
There are a lot of people that have sold their lives to evil for money in this pandemic they should repent if its not too late or suffer the consequences …More
There are a lot of people that have sold their lives to evil for money in this pandemic they should repent if its not too late or suffer the consequences .All the money and power is futile and a farse ,you will not live for ever ,why risk damnation ?Jesus our Lord is The way The Truth and Life .Viva Cristo Rei
Quo Primum
Archbishop Lefebvre warned about medical and computer dictatorship, at 12 minutes. Confronting Evil by Romanus on Audius audius.co/cperspective/confronting-evilMore
Archbishop Lefebvre warned about medical and computer dictatorship, at 12 minutes.
Confronting Evil by Romanus on Audius audius.co/cperspective/confronting-evil

Confronting Evil • Romanus

Confronting the Present evil of our times with Fr. Raymond Taouk
Quo Primum
Prudence and Vaccines
8 pages
Quo Primum
Both letters and more can be downloaded at this vaccine file: dropbox.com/sh/d92bo3w8kioa0ib/AAAir989fcMlLzogIgo35MJEaMore
Both letters and more can be downloaded at this vaccine file:
Quo Primum
Priests are not immune

Lauren Witzke on Gab: ''

Lauren Witzke on Gab: 'Recently vaccinated priest keels over and dies during the Church’s livestream.'
9 more comments
Quo Primum
Reply to Fr Selegny's article on SSPX and vaccine by medical doctorMore
Reply to Fr
Selegny's article on SSPX and vaccine by medical doctor
23 pages
Sir Percy shares this
Thank you soooo much, Father R!
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Quo Primum
Proof the pandemic is a criminal plan
35 pages