
Denver priest...says Mass on the street outside clinic

Great....we need to bring Christ to the forefront of this battle. Abortion is an unholy sacrifice to Satan.....we need the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to overcome this evil 👏

Ukraine abortion ban proposal sparks topless feminist protest at cathedral

These topless protestors are always looking for attention.....and never give too much thought to anything. Ignore them and may God help Ukraine slay the evil dragon of Abortion. Immaculate Heart of Mary....pray for Ukraine and defeat the promotors of child-sacrifice. Amen.
These topless protestors are always looking for attention.....and never give too much thought to anything. Ignore them and may God help Ukraine slay the evil dragon of Abortion. Immaculate Heart of Mary....pray for Ukraine and defeat the promotors of child-sacrifice. Amen.


Dump Starbucks

It's strange how businesses and corporations are now promoting ideologies. Why's that?! Are any businesses supporting traditional marriages and Catholicism?! Maybe it's time they were ☕

Gloria TV News on the 21st of March

Christians should move to Lebanon and make it a beacon of Christianity in the Middle East.
And when are our politicians and Bishops going to speak out against mass Islamic immigration into Europe?! This will destroy Christianity here forever. Doesn't that deserve comment from the Vatican. And we Catholics must live by the rules of our faith.....and never ever take contraception. 🤫More
Christians should move to Lebanon and make it a beacon of Christianity in the Middle East.

And when are our politicians and Bishops going to speak out against mass Islamic immigration into Europe?! This will destroy Christianity here forever. Doesn't that deserve comment from the Vatican. And we Catholics must live by the rules of our faith.....and never ever take contraception. 🤫

Notre Dame offers pro-abortion “internship opportunities” to students

Now is the time to shut these places down.....and start all over again 🤨

Hundreds of thousands of Christians ordered to leave Sudan

Christians are the salt of the earth. Sudan is going to regress now without Christians.
Funny.....not a word about this in ethnic cleansing in the Western press that I have seen anyhow. I guess only some types of ethnic cleansing are wrong...not the ethnic cleansing of Christians. Disgusting.More
Christians are the salt of the earth. Sudan is going to regress now without Christians.

Funny.....not a word about this in ethnic cleansing in the Western press that I have seen anyhow. I guess only some types of ethnic cleansing are wrong...not the ethnic cleansing of Christians. Disgusting.

Conservative Author David Barton Says Obama Is Most Biblically Hostile US President

Thank you Gloria TV for the information. Seems like creeping Sharia to me. Though of course they won't call it that to your face. But maybe behind your back 🚬

Santorum clarifies prenatal testing, theology statements

The right man at the right time. God Bless and Protect you Santorum 🙏

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of February

Well done to Putin. Former Communist Eastern bloc nations have a growing appreciation of Christianity....not apparent in the pampered secular West. The sufferings of Christians in the Eastern bloc appears to be now bearing fruit. God willing.
It is scandalous that Pelosi and others have not been denied Holy Communion or excommunicated yet. It is an total affront to Christ and the least of His little …More
Well done to Putin. Former Communist Eastern bloc nations have a growing appreciation of Christianity....not apparent in the pampered secular West. The sufferings of Christians in the Eastern bloc appears to be now bearing fruit. God willing.

It is scandalous that Pelosi and others have not been denied Holy Communion or excommunicated yet. It is an total affront to Christ and the least of His little ones that they receive. Haven't the bishops heard....those who eat and drink unworthily, eat and drink judgment unto themselves 🤫

Under Siege? Spain Resists Islamic 'Invasion'

When the Church is weak......Islam becomes strong. Careful what you wish for. Secularism brings you Islamisation served to you on a plate. 😡

Under Siege? Spain Resists Islamic 'Invasion'

And everyone turns a blind eye. Soon we will be living under the boot of Islam. And it is our own fault 😡

Obama Prays with Muslims White House He Cancels National Day of Prayer

Well....it seems Barack really is a Muslim. And the question is.....has he ever really been Baptised?! Does he have a Baptisimal Certificate? ☕

Muslims Converting Empty European Churches into Mosques

Secular democracy = Gateway for Islam = Destruction of Christendom

Heard the One About the Austrian Blonde?

They will do anything to control the masses....(and all under the pretext of concern for minorities). Nothing has changed in Austria it seems. As someone said.....it should be exorcised. 👍

‘We Don’t Pray on Sidelines’ - Raven's Player

Tebow is a true knight of Christendom. Pity more men aren't like him. This should be normal behaviour. Let's hope is will gradually become so 😇

Islam’s War on Christmas

Nigeria should split into the North and the South as Sudan did. And while Christians should never seek revenge or retalitation, self defence must be a priority. Christians must not expect much from the EU or UN. Both these have shown themselves to be pro-Islamic and are sluggish regarding the protection of Christians and Christianity.
Self reliance...and a coalition of Christians as of old, is the …More
Nigeria should split into the North and the South as Sudan did. And while Christians should never seek revenge or retalitation, self defence must be a priority. Christians must not expect much from the EU or UN. Both these have shown themselves to be pro-Islamic and are sluggish regarding the protection of Christians and Christianity.

Self reliance...and a coalition of Christians as of old, is the best way forward. 😡

Diplomatic Supping With Jihadist Devils

The time has come to stop relying on secular politicians and secular organisations such as the EU and UN. The truth is they have no real interest in the fate of Christians. We must begin to rely on ourselves and withold support from those subtle pro-Islamic subtle anti-Christian politicians and international organisations. To leave the fate of Chritians in their hands is like leaving a mouse in the …More
The time has come to stop relying on secular politicians and secular organisations such as the EU and UN. The truth is they have no real interest in the fate of Christians. We must begin to rely on ourselves and withold support from those subtle pro-Islamic subtle anti-Christian politicians and international organisations. To leave the fate of Chritians in their hands is like leaving a mouse in the hands of a cat.

An international Christian coalition and alliance of Christian friendly nations is badly needed. 😇

Islam to be Majority in Europe by the End of the Century

Thank you for posting this. It is about time this was publicised. Europeans....both secular and Christian like to pretend this is not happening.....and some Europeans are very glad that Christianity is dying in Europe.
Roll on the New Evangelisation by the Grace of God. Now we need the monks again. Secular politicians and secularism are paving the way for an Islamic takeover 😇 ✍️More
Thank you for posting this. It is about time this was publicised. Europeans....both secular and Christian like to pretend this is not happening.....and some Europeans are very glad that Christianity is dying in Europe.

Roll on the New Evangelisation by the Grace of God. Now we need the monks again. Secular politicians and secularism are paving the way for an Islamic takeover 😇 ✍️

Pope Benedict Looks ‘Older and Weaker’ Than Ever Before

God Bless and Protect our beloved Holy Father. I pray that God will grant him strenght and health for a long time to come 🙏

Bishop: The Christmas Tree Is Not a Trivial Thing'

It's Christ's name.....some people can't bear even to say it. You know there is a name for such people!! (anti-Christs) ☕