
1.6 Million Christians Will Write in ‘Jesus Christ’ for President

Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. As long as that cycle continues evil will always prevail in the voting booths. That mindset is how we got into the situation we are in now; by voting for the lesser of two evils for so long. On that note, by your logic you make it appear as though the lesser evil automatically makes him the greater good... tell me, who is the greater …More

Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. As long as that cycle continues evil will always prevail in the voting booths. That mindset is how we got into the situation we are in now; by voting for the lesser of two evils for so long. On that note, by your logic you make it appear as though the lesser evil automatically makes him the greater good... tell me, who is the greater good between Beelzebul and Baal?

Romney wouldn't have been any better; he's pro-abortion and even holds stock in major embryonic stem cell research facilities; his real track record is out there for anybody to google. If it is a grave matter to vote for a candidate who holds an intrinsic evil while both of the major party candidates hold such evils, then who do you vote for? I'd say "Jesus Christ" is a better vote than either of the two in line to win the election as a protest to the horrible selections we were stuck with.


Catholics defy bishops to pray for gay marriage

Really? Bishops who write and speak about the vileness of such sins are touted as having brought "anguish, division and sadness" to the faithful??? Is this "opposite day"? I would've bet my life that to be faithful to your religion meant to adhere to all the doctrines that have been established and commanded to believe.
I've run into people who claim to be faithful Catholics yet they hold such …More
Really? Bishops who write and speak about the vileness of such sins are touted as having brought "anguish, division and sadness" to the faithful??? Is this "opposite day"? I would've bet my life that to be faithful to your religion meant to adhere to all the doctrines that have been established and commanded to believe.

I've run into people who claim to be faithful Catholics yet they hold such serious heresies publicly and through private conversation. They are not faithful Catholics, just like these fools who petition for same-sex marriage. In all other aspects they may hold to Catholic doctrine, but this is purely scandalous. Repent.


Bishop Shomali's disparaging statements on Talmud

Apocalypse of St John 2:9
"I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Apocalypse of St John 2:9

"I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
