May 2 Saint Athanasius. breski1 Saint Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, towards the end of the third century, and from his youth was pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings. …Más
May 2 Saint Athanasius.

Saint Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, towards the end of the third century, and from his youth was pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings. He left the paternal home to be raised by the bishop of Alexandria like a new Samuel in the Lord's temple, as befitted one whom God had chosen to be the champion and defender of His Church against the Arian heresy, which denied the Divinity of Christ.
While still a deacon, he was chosen by Saint Alexander, his bishop, to go with him to the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325. There he attracted the attention of all the prelates by the learning and ability with which he defended the Faith. Five months later, as Saint Alexander was dying, he recommended Athanasius for his successor as Patriarch of Alexandria, and in that office for forty-six years the new Patriarch bore the whole brunt of the Arian assault, often virtually alone and undefended.
When the invincible Athanasius refused to restore Arius to Catholic communion, he was exiled to Treves in France, and the Emperor ordered the Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople to receive the heresiarch. The end of that man of error is very instructive. He took an oath that he had always believed as the Church believes, though he taught that there was a time when the Word of God WAS NOT. Thereupon the Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople, with Saint James of Nisibe, who was in Constantinople at that time, Saint Athanasius in France and the Catholics everywhere, had recourse to fasting and prayer, that God would avert from the Church the frightful sacrilege. The day came for the solemn entrance of Arius into the great church of Saint Sophia. The heresiarch and his party set out, elated, in triumph. But before he reached the church, death smote him in an exemplary, swift and terrible way, and the dreaded sacrilege was averted.
Saint Athanasius stood unmoved against four Roman emperors, was banished five times, was the butt of every insult, calumny and wrong the Arians could devise, and lived in constant peril of death. Though strong as diamond in defense of the Faith, he was meek and humble, pleasant and winning in conversation, beloved by his flock, unwearied in labors, prayer and mortifications, eloquent in speech, and unsurpassed in zeal for souls. From his places of exile he wrote many great works for the instruction and strengthening of his flock, writings rich in thought and learning, clear, keen and stately in expression. He is honored as one of the greatest of the Doctors of the Church.
His admirers told the story of his response to a search party pursuing him downstream, as he retreated by boat. Knowing of their approach, he ordered the captain to change direction and return. When he crossed the search party on the river, they hailed him and asked whether he had seen the bishop of Alexandria pass by. He replied, Continue; he is not far from here. Restored to his see by the emperor Valens for fear of a popular uprising, the stormy life of the Saint closed in peace on May 2nd of the year 373.
Reflection. The Catholic Faith, says Saint Augustine, is far more precious than all the riches and treasures of earth; more glorious and greater than all its honors, all its possessions. This it is which saves sinners, gives light to the blind, restores penitents, perfects the just, and is the crown of martyrs.
Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints and other sources by John Gilmary Shea (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894); Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, by Abbé L. Jaud (Mame: Tours, 1950).
How we desperately need a leader in the Church like St Athanasius! Fearless defender of tradition who crushed heresy. The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church because Christ is the head. Blessed Lord send us another St Athanasius.
Friday of the Second week of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 5:34-42.

A Pharisee in the Sanhedrin named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, respected by all the people, stood up, ordered the Apostles to be put outside for a short time,
and said to them, "Fellow Israelites, be careful what you are about to do to these men.
Some time ago, Theudas appeared, claiming to be someone important, and about four …Más
Friday of the Second week of Easter

Acts of the Apostles 5:34-42.

A Pharisee in the Sanhedrin named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, respected by all the people, stood up, ordered the Apostles to be put outside for a short time,
and said to them, "Fellow Israelites, be careful what you are about to do to these men.
Some time ago, Theudas appeared, claiming to be someone important, and about four hundred men joined him, but he was killed, and all those who were loyal to him were disbanded and came to nothing.
After him came Judas the Galilean at the time of the census. He also drew people after him, but he too perished and all who were loyal to him were scattered.
So now I tell you, have nothing to do with these men, and let them go. For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them; you may even find yourselves fighting against God." They were persuaded by him.
After recalling the apostles, they had them flogged, ordered them to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, and dismissed them.
So they left the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.
And all day long, both at the temple and in their homes, they did not stop teaching and proclaiming the Messiah, Jesus.

Psalms 27(26):1.4.13-14.
The LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom should I fear?
The LORD is my life's refuge;
of whom should I be afraid?

One thing I ask of the LORD
this I seek:
To dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
That I may gaze on the loveliness of the LORD
and contemplate his temple.

I believe that I shall see the bounty of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD with courage;
be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD.

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 6:1-15.
Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee.
A large crowd followed him, because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick.
Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples.
The Jewish feast of Passover was near.
When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?"
He said this to test him, because he himself knew what he was going to do.
Philip answered him, "Two hundred days' wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little (bit)."
One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him,
There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?
Jesus said, "Have the people recline." Now there was a great deal of grass in that place. So the men reclined, about five thousand in number.
Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted.
When they had had their fill, he said to his disciples, "Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted."
So they collected them, and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves that had been more than they could eat.
When the people saw the sign he had done, they said, "This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world."
Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him off to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain alone.

Commentary of the day : Pope Francis
« He broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples who, in turn, gave them to the crowds» (Mt 14,19)

4 más comentarios de Irapuato
Athanasios von Alexandria, der Große
Gedenktag katholisch: 2. Mai
gebotener Gedenktag

Patriarch von Alexandria, Kirchenvater
* um 300 in Alexandria in Ägypten
† 2. Mai 373 daselbst
Athanasios wurde in einer christlichen Familie groß. Als Kind erlebte er noch Christenverfolgungen, die ihn hart und unnachgiebig werden ließen. Er studierte, hatte Kontakt zu den asketischen Mönchen in der thebäischenMás
Athanasios von Alexandria, der Große
Gedenktag katholisch: 2. Mai
gebotener Gedenktag

Patriarch von Alexandria, Kirchenvater
* um 300 in Alexandria in Ägypten
† 2. Mai 373 daselbst

Athanasios wurde in einer christlichen Familie groß. Als Kind erlebte er noch Christenverfolgungen, die ihn hart und unnachgiebig werden ließen. Er studierte, hatte Kontakt zu den asketischen Mönchen in der thebäischen Wüste, wurde 318 Diakon und begleitete 325 seinen Patriarchen Alexander von Alexandria zum 1. Konzil in Nicäa. Hier erlebte er die Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Arianismus, der Kampf gegen diese Lehre wurde zu einem bestimmenden Moment seines Lebens, hierfür trägt er den ihm von Gregor von Nazianz beigelegten Ehrennamen Säule der Kirche und wurde er in der Orthodoxen Kirche zum Kirchenvater ernannt. Seine Gedanken waren wesentlich für die Ausformung der Lehre von der Inkarnation - der Menschwerdung Gottes in Jesus Christus - und bildeten die Grundlage zur Ausformulierung des Athanasianischen Glaubensbekenntnisses.
Bereits im Alter von 33 Jahren wurde Athanasios 328 Patriarch von Alexandria, stieß dabei aber wegen seiner entschiedenen Gegnerschaft zum Arianismus auf viele Widerstände. Die Wahl war umstritten, Anhänger des Arianismus warfen ihm vor, er herrsche absolut; zudem habe er Bischof Arsenius, welcher der von Meletios gegründeten Kirche der Märtyrer angehörte, die sich vom Patriarchat Alexandria abgespaltet hatte, umgebracht und dessen Hand abgeschnitten, um sie für magische Rituale zu verwenden. Athanasios reiste zunächst viel und versicherte sich der Treue der Einsiedler und Mönchsgemeinschaften, die meist mit Meletios' Kirche der Märtyrer sympathisierten. Athanasios nahm auch keine Rücksicht auf die politischen Interessen von Kaiser Konstantin, der die Wiedereinsetzung des nach seiner Verurteilung beim 1. Konzil in Nicäa abgesetzten Arius förderte. Bei der vom Kaiser einberufenen SynodeSynode (altgriech. für Zusammenkunft) bezeichnet eine Versammlung in kirchlichen Angelegenheiten. In der alten Kirche wurden "Konzil" und "Synode" synonym gebraucht. In der römisch-katholischen Kirche sind Synoden Bischofsversammlungen zu bestimmten Themen, aber mit geringerem Rang als Konzile. In evangelischen Kirchen werden nur die altkirchlichen Versammlungen als Konzile, die neuzeitlichen Versammlungen als Synode bezeichnet. in Tyrus - dem heutigen Sur - 335 sollte Athansios deshalb verurteilt und seines Amtes enthoben werden; als Beweis seiner Untat gegen Meletios wurde eine vertrocknete Menschenhand gezeigt, Athanasios konnte aber den angeblich Ermordeten lebendig und mit beiden Händen auf der Synode zeigen.
Dennoch musste Athanasios nun nach Konstantinopel - dem heutigen Ístanbul fliehen; von dort wurde er bis 337 nach Trier verbannt. Nach Konstantins Tod konnte er zurückkehren und zog wieder - der Überlieferung nach unter großem Jubel der Bevölkerung - in Alexandria ein. 339 wurde er abermals für abgesetzt erklärt und floh nach Rom, wo er die Unterstützung des römischen Bischofs Julius I. und zugleich die des im Westen regierenden Kaisers Constans gewann. Eine SynodeSynode (altgriech. für Zusammenkunft) bezeichnet eine Versammlung in kirchlichen Angelegenheiten. In der alten Kirche wurden "Konzil" und "Synode" synonym gebraucht. In der römisch-katholischen Kirche sind Synoden Bischofsversammlungen zu bestimmten Themen, aber mit geringerem Rang als Konzile. In evangelischen Kirchen werden nur die altkirchlichen Versammlungen als Konzile, die neuzeitlichen Versammlungen als Synode bezeichnet. in Alexandria anerkannte ihn ausdrücklich als rechtmäßigen Patriarchen; eine Synode in Sardica - dem heutigen Sofia sollte eine Einigung der zerstrittenen Parteien herbeiführen, was aber misslang. 340 war Gregor von Kappadokien zum Patriarchen von Alexandria gewählt worden; nachdem der 346 starb, nötigte Kaiser Constans seinen im Osten regierenden Bruder Constantius II., der Rückkehr von Athanasios zuzustimmen, die im Oktober dieses Jahres erfolgte.
Nachdem Constantius 351 faktisch Gesamtherrscher im römischen Reich wurde, versuchte er umgehend, die Absetzung Athanasios' zu erreichen. Bei SynodenSynode (altgriech. für „Zusammenkunft”) bezeichnet eine Versammlung in kirchlichen Angelegenheiten. In der alten Kirche wurden „Konzil” und „Synode” synonym gebraucht. In der römisch-katholischen Kirche sind Synoden Bischofsversammlungen zu bestimmten Themen, aber mit geringerem Rang als Konzile. In evangelischen Kirchen werden nur die altkirchlichen Versammlungen als Konzile, die neuzeitlichen Versammlungen als Synode bezeichnet. in Arles 353 und Mailand 355 entzogen tatsächlich auch die westlichen Bschöfe Athansios ihr Vertrauen; zudem wurde er in Alexandria von der Staatsmacht unter Druck gesetzt. Als er im Februar 356 die Messe in der Theonaskirche feierte, wurde diese gestürmt; Athansios wurde für abgesetzt erklärt und entzog sich weiterer Verfolgung durch die Flucht zu den Mönchen in der Wüste von Ägypten.
Unter Kaiser Julian Apostata konnte Athanasios wie die anderen von Constantius vertriebenen Bischöfe 361 zurückkehren. Im Frühsommer 362 berief er eine SynodeSynode (altgriech. für „Zusammenkunft”) bezeichnet eine Versammlung in kirchlichen Angelegenheiten. In der alten Kirche wurden „Konzil” und „Synode” synonym gebraucht. In der römisch-katholischen Kirche sind Synoden Bischofsversammlungen zu bestimmten Themen, aber mit geringerem Rang als Konzile. In evangelischen Kirchen werden nur die altkirchlichen Versammlungen als Konzile, die neuzeitlichen Versammlungen als Synode bezeichnet. nach Alexandria ein, um eine Einigung aller gegen den Arianismus gerichteten Parteien zu erreichen, deshalb wurde er auch von Julian vertrieben, konnte aber nach dessen Tod schon 363 zurückkehren. Aber schon im Winter 365 vertrieb ihn auch der wieder arianisch gesinnte neue Kaiser Valens, der die Verbannung nach Protesten aus der Bevölkerung aufheben musste. Von 366 bis 373 konnte Athanasios ungehindert in seinem Patriarchat wirken, insgesamt verbrachte er 17 Jahre seiner Amtszeit im Exil.
Athanasios verfasste eine Fülle von Schriften, zahlreiche Briefe und exegetische Werke. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind seine Reden gegen die Arianer, Die Geschichte der Arianer, Die Apologie gegen die Arianer sowie Über die Dekrete der SynodeSynode (altgriech. für „Zusammenkunft”) bezeichnet eine Versammlung in kirchlichen Angelegenheiten. In der alten Kirche wurden „Konzil” und „Synode” synonym gebraucht. In der römisch-katholischen Kirche sind Synoden Bischofsversammlungen zu bestimmten Themen, aber mit geringerem Rang als Konzile. In evangelischen Kirchen werden nur die altkirchlichen Versammlungen als Konzile, die neuzeitlichen Versammlungen als Synode bezeichnet. von Nicäa. Seine um 370 geschriebene Biographie über Das Leben des Heiligen Antonius gilt als programmatischer Entwurf des Mönchtums und trug wesentlich zu dessen Verbreitung bei. Sein Schicksal und seine Standhaftigkeit gegen kaiserliche Eingriffe und Irrlehrer machten ihn zum Helden der katholischen Welt seiner Zeit, sein großer Einfluss auch auf die spätere Theologie drückt sich aus in Prädikaten wie Säule der Kirche und Vater der Orthodoxie.
Durch sein Festhalten an den Beschlüssen des 1. Konzils in Nicäa über die Natur Christi prägte Athanasios die Dogmatik auch für die spätere Zeit; die Einheit und Gleichheit von Vater und Sohn wurde von ihm theologisch auf der Grundlage der Lehren des Origenes, zugleich volkstümlich und allgemeinverständlich zum Audruck gebracht. Auch für die Lehre von der Gottheit des Heiligen Geistes, wie sie dann 381 beim 1. Konzil von Konstantinopel beschlossen wurde, war durch Athansios vorbereitet worden.
In der Kirche Sankt Michael in Hambach, einem Ortsteil von Heppenheim, wird seit 2008 eine Reliquie verwahrt.
Kanonisation: Die katholische Kirche ernannte Athansios 1568 durch Papst Pius V.zum Kirchenlehrer.
Patron gegen Kopfschmerzen
Athanasianisches Glaubensbekennntnis
Stadlers Vollständiges Heiligenlexikon
Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic Encyclopedia: Athanasianisches Glaubensbekennntnis
Werke von Athanasios auf Deutsch gibt es in der Bibliothek der Kirchenväter der Université Fribourg.
Schriften von Athanasios gibt es online zu lesen in den Documenta Catholica Omnia.
Sant' Atanasio Vescovo e dottore della Chiesa
2 maggio
Questo Padre e Dottore della Chiesa è il più celebre dei vescovi alessandrini e il più intrepido difensore della fede nicena contro l'eresia di Ario. Costui, siccome faceva del Verbo un essere di una sostanza diversa da quella del Padre e un semplice intermediario tra Dio e il mondo, praticamente negava il mistero della SS. Trinità.
S. Atanasio …Más
Sant' Atanasio Vescovo e dottore della Chiesa
2 maggio
Questo Padre e Dottore della Chiesa è il più celebre dei vescovi alessandrini e il più intrepido difensore della fede nicena contro l'eresia di Ario. Costui, siccome faceva del Verbo un essere di una sostanza diversa da quella del Padre e un semplice intermediario tra Dio e il mondo, praticamente negava il mistero della SS. Trinità.
S. Atanasio nacque verso il 295 ad Alessandria d'Egitto da genitori cristiani i quali gli fecero impartire un'educazione classica. Discepolo di S. Antonio abate nella gioventù, si consacrò per tempo al servizio della Chiesa, Nel 325 accompagnò come diacono e segretario il suo vescovo Alessandro al Concilio di Nicea radunato dall'imperatore Costantino, nel quale fu solennemente definita la consostanzialità del Figlio con il Padre. S. Atanasio nel 328 fu acclamato dagli alessandrini loro pastore. Di lui dicevano: "E un uomo probo, virtuoso, buon cristiano, un asceta, un vero vescovo".
La chiesa di Alessandria si trovava divisa dallo scisma non solo di Ario, ma anche di Melezio di Licopoli. Durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano (305-306), costui, approfittando dell'assenza del vescovo Pietro di Alessandria, si era arrogato il diritto di ordinare e scomunicare secondo il suo arbitrio. Nonostante fosse stato deposto da un sinodo, buona parte del clero lo aveva seguito nello scisma. In mezzo a tante divisioni il compito del giovane Atanasio si presentava quanto mai difficile.
Ben presto cominciarono difatti gli intrighi contro di lui dei vescovi di corte ariani, capeggiati da Eusebio di Cesarea, per indurlo a ricevere nella sua comunione i vescovi amici di Ario. Atanasio vi si oppose energicamente. I meleziani a loro volta l'accusarono presso Costantino di aver imposto agli egiziani un tributo di pezze di lino e di aver fatto rompere il calice di un loro vescovo. Citato al tribunale dell'imperatore a Nicomedia, non fu difficile al santo discolparsi. Accusato ancora di aver fatto assassinare Arsente, vescovo meleziano di Ipsele, non fu difficile al medesimo accrescere lo scorno dei suoi nemici facendoglielo comparire davanti vivo.
L'accusato fu di nuovo riabilitato, ma gli ariani non si diedero per vinti. Essi persuasero Ario a sottoscrivere una formula di fede equivoca. Costantino se ne accontentò e intimò a tutti i vescovi di riceverlo nella loro comunione. Essendosi Atanasio ancora una volta rifiutato, fu deposto dal concilio di Tiro (335) e relegato a Treviri, nelle Gallie, dove rimase fino alla morte dell'imperatore (337). Gli eusebiani non potendo per allora sperare nulla dal potere civile, portarono davanti al papa Giulio I l'affare di Atanasio. Furono citate le due parti ad un concilio plenario, ma gli ariani, sicuri dell'appoggio di Costanzo II, imperatore d'Oriente, invece di presentarsi, posero sulla sede di Alessandria Gregorio di Cappadocia. Il secondo esilio di Atanasio durò sei anni. A Roma (341) e a Sardica (343) fu riconosciuta la sua innocenza. Durante il soggiorno romano egli viaggiò molto, e iniziò la chiesa latina alla vita monastica quale si praticava in Egitto. Nella Pasqua del 345 si recò ad Aquileia presso Costante, imperatore d'occidente, che gli ottenne dal fratello Costanzo il permesso di tornare alla sua sede dopo la morte del vescovo intruso (345).
Seguirono per il santo dieci anni di pace relativa, di cui approfittò non solo per comporre opere dogmatiche, o di apologia personale, ma per proseguire una politica di vigile controllo e di prudente conciliazione, i cui effetti furono disastrosi per il partito ariano. Difatti, due o tre anni dopo, egli era in comunione con più di 400 vescovi, e seguito dalla massa dei fedeli. In questo periodo egli consacrò vescovo di Etiopia S. Frumenzio, vero fondatore della chiesa cristiana in quel paese.
Alla morte del suo protettore Costante (350) e del papa Giulio I (352), i nemici di Atanasio tanto brigarono da riuscire a sollevargli contro anche l'episcopato d'Occidente nel Concilio di Arles (354) e in quello di Milano (355).
L'intrepido vescovo, ripieno di amarezza, fuggì allora nel deserto, dove i monaci per otto anni lo sottrassero con cura a tutte le ricerche. Dalla solitudine egli continuò a governare la sua chiesa e scrisse i Discorsi contro gli Ariani e le 4 Lettere a Serapione che formano la sua gloria come dottore della SS. Trinità. Poté ritornare in sede nel 362 dopo la morte di Costanzo, il massacro del vescovo intruso Giorgio dì Cappadocia e la salita al trono di Giuliano, il cui primo atto fu di richiamare i vescovi esiliati dal suo predecessore.
Fu cura di Atanasio ristabilire l'ortodossia nicena e combattere l'arianesimo ufficiale che aveva trionfato nei concili di Seleucia e di Rimini (359). Riunito un concilio, prese decisioni improntate a misericordia verso coloro che si erano dati all'eresia per ignoranza, e anche sul terreno dogmatico fu largo e tollerante per quello che potevano sembrare quisquiglie o pura terminologia. Tanta attività diretta a consolidare l'unità cattolica non tornò gradita a Giuliano, intento solo a ristabilire il paganesimo. Nel 363 S. Atanasio per la quarta volta lasciò la sua sede, ma solo per pochi mesi perché, morto l'imperatore nella spedizione contro i persiani, gli successe il cristiano Gioviano, che lo richiamò. Nel 365 il Santo dovette eclissarsi alla periferia della città per la sesta volta, perseguitato dall'imperatore d'Oriente, Valente, amico degli ariani. Dopo soli quattro mesi però fu richiamato perché gli egiziani minacciavano rivolte. Non lasciò più la sua fede fino alla morte avvenuta il 2-5-373 dopo 45 anni di governo forte e alle volte anche duro contro i suoi avversari.
Egli meritò a buon diritto il titolo di "grande" per l'indomabile fermezza di carattere dimostrata contro gli ariani e la potenza imperiale, sovente ad essi eccessivamente ligia. A ragione fu detto che in lui, "padre dell'ortodossia", combatteva tutta la Chiesa.
Finché visse sostenne ovunque con un'attività traboccante i propugnatori della vera fede. Così impedì che i vescovi dell'Africa latina sostituissero il simbolo compilato a Nicea con quello di Rimini; spinse papa Damaso ad agire contro Ausenzio, vescovo ariano di Milano, e incoraggiò S. Basilio, che cercava un appoggio per la pacificazione religiosa dell'oriente.
Della produzione letteraria di Atanasio non esiste ancora un'edizione critica. Nelle sue opere si nota limpidezza e acutezza di pensiero, ma la materia trattata manca di ordine ed è resa pesante dalle frequenti ripetizioni e dalla prolissità.

Autore: Guido Pettinati
le 2 mai Saint Athanase
Docteur de l'Église

Saint Athanase naquit à Alexandrie, métropole de l'Égypte. Sa première éducation fut excellente; il ne quitta le foyer paternel que pour être élevé, nouveau Samuel, dans le temple du Seigneur, par l'évêque d'Alexandrie.
Athanase était simple diacre, quand son évêque le mena au concile de Nicée, dont il fut à la fois la force et la lumière …Más
le 2 mai Saint Athanase
Docteur de l'Église

Saint Athanase naquit à Alexandrie, métropole de l'Égypte. Sa première éducation fut excellente; il ne quitta le foyer paternel que pour être élevé, nouveau Samuel, dans le temple du Seigneur, par l'évêque d'Alexandrie.
Athanase était simple diacre, quand son évêque le mena au concile de Nicée, dont il fut à la fois la force et la lumière. Cinq mois après, le patriarche d'Alexandrie mourut, et Athanase, malgré sa fuite, se vit obligé d'accepter le lourd fardeau de ce grand siège. Dès lors, ce fut une guerre acharnée contre lui. Les accusations succèdent aux accusations, les perfidies aux perfidies; Athanase, inébranlable, invincible dans la défense de la foi, fait à lui seul trembler tous ses ennemis.
La malice des hérétiques ne servit qu'à faire ressortir l'énergie de cette volonté de fer, la sainteté de ce grand coeur, les ressources de cet esprit fécond, la splendeur de ce fier génie. Exilé par l'empereur Constantin, il lui fit cette réponse:
"Puisque vous cédez à mes calomniateurs, le Seigneur jugera entre vous et moi."
Avant de mourir, Constantin le rappela, et Athanase fut reçu en triomphe dans sa ville épiscopale. Le vaillant champion de la foi eut à subir bientôt un nouvel exil, et deux conciles ariens ne craignirent pas de pousser la mauvaise foi et l'audace jusqu'à le déposer de son siège.
Toujours persécuté et toujours vainqueur, voilà la vie d'Athanase; il vit périr l'infâme Arius d'une mort honteuse et effrayante et tous ses ennemis disparaître les uns après les autres. Jamais les adversaires de ce grand homme ne purent le mettre en défaut, il déjoua toutes leurs ruses avec une admirable pénétration d'esprit. En voici quelques traits.
En plein concile, on le fit accuser d'infamie par une courtisane; mais il trouve le moyen de montrer que cette femme ne le connaissait même pas de vue, puisqu'elle prit un de ses prêtres pour lui.
Au même concile, on l'accusa d'avoir mis à mort un évêque nommé Arsène, et coupé sa main droite; comme preuve on montrait la main desséchée de la victime; mais voici qu'à l'appel d'Athanase, Arsène paraît vivant et montre ses deux mains.
Une autre fois, Athanase, poursuivi, s'enfuit sur un bateau; puis bientôt il rebrousse chemin, croise ses ennemis, qui lui demandent s'il a vu passer l'évêque d'Alexandrie: "Poursuivez, leur dit-il, il n'est pas très éloigné d'ici."
Ses dernières années furent les seules paisibles de sa vie. Enfin, après avoir gouverné pendant quarante-six ans l'Église d'Alexandrie, après avoir soutenu tant de combats, il alla recevoir au Ciel la récompense de "ceux qui souffrent persécution pour la justice".
Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950
May 2 Saint Athanasius
Bishop, Doctor of the Church

Saint Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, towards the end of the third century, and from his youth was pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings. He left the paternal home to be raised by the bishop of Alexandria like a new Samuel in the Lord's temple, as befitted one whom God had chosen to be the champion and defender …Más
May 2 Saint Athanasius
Bishop, Doctor of the Church

Saint Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, towards the end of the third century, and from his youth was pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings. He left the paternal home to be raised by the bishop of Alexandria like a new Samuel in the Lord's temple, as befitted one whom God had chosen to be the champion and defender of His Church against the Arian heresy, which denied the Divinity of Christ.
While still a deacon, he was chosen by Saint Alexander, his bishop, to go with him to the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325. There he attracted the attention of all the prelates by the learning and ability with which he defended the Faith. Five months later, as Saint Alexander was dying, he recommended Athanasius for his successor as Patriarch of Alexandria, and in that office for forty-six years the new Patriarch bore the whole brunt of the Arian assault, often virtually alone and undefended.
When the invincible Athanasius refused to restore Arius to Catholic communion, he was exiled to Treves in France, and the Emperor ordered the Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople to receive the heresiarch. The end of that man of error is very instructive. He took an oath that he had always believed as the Church believes, though he taught that there was a time when the Word of God WAS NOT. Thereupon the Catholic Patriarch of Constantinople, with Saint James of Nisibe, who was in Constantinople at that time, Saint Athanasius in France and the Catholics everywhere, had recourse to fasting and prayer, that God would avert from the Church the frightful sacrilege. The day came for the solemn entrance of Arius into the great church of Saint Sophia. The heresiarch and his party set out, elated, in triumph. But before he reached the church, death smote him in an exemplary, swift and terrible way, and the dreaded sacrilege was averted.
Saint Athanasius stood unmoved against four Roman emperors, was banished five times, was the butt of every insult, calumny and wrong the Arians could devise, and lived in constant peril of death. Though strong as diamond in defense of the Faith, he was meek and humble, pleasant and winning in conversation, beloved by his flock, unwearied in labors, prayer and mortifications, eloquent in speech, and unsurpassed in zeal for souls. From his places of exile he wrote many great works for the instruction and strengthening of his flock, writings rich in thought and learning, clear, keen and stately in expression. He is honored as one of the greatest of the Doctors of the Church.
His admirers told the story of his response to a search party pursuing him downstream, as he retreated by boat. Knowing of their approach, he ordered the captain to change direction and return. When he crossed the search party on the river, they hailed him and asked whether he had seen the bishop of Alexandria pass by. He replied, Continue; he is not far from here. Restored to his see by the emperor Valens for fear of a popular uprising, the stormy life of the Saint closed in peace on May 2nd of the year 373.
Reflection. The Catholic Faith, says Saint Augustine, is far more precious than all the riches and treasures of earth; more glorious and greater than all its honors, all its possessions. This it is which saves sinners, gives light to the blind, restores penitents, perfects the just, and is the crown of martyrs.
Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints and other sources by John Gilmary Shea (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894); Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, by Abbé L. Jaud (Mame: Tours, 1950).