
5 Day Workshop in Iconography, Lewes, Delaware

Good morning,

There has been an increased interest in icon painting around the world. We encourage all faiths and denominations to participate in the second year called Windows to Stillness.

We are promoting a workshop being hosted by St Peter's Church, Lewes, Delaware, November 7th to 11th 2022.

This 5 day workshop introduces the practice and theory of traditional icon painting/writing, conceived as a meditation as well as a painting class. Mary Jane Miller has 20 years of experience as a master iconographer and teacher of ancient iconography using the medium of egg tempera.

The activity of painting an image potentially reveals our thoughts about God and ourselves in the world. The main goal of the study is to cultivate a clear and conscious image that becomes a lasting window to the divine. No artistic experience is necessary for the workshop.

Iconography offers an encouraging new dimension through study and a new experience of faith. Peace be with you, Mary Jane Miller

READ more on the Blog

10 Great Reasons to take an icon Class

Why Icons?

Announcement to post November 7th to 11th 2022.

Iconography Workshop

Contact info: Natalie Ker 302- 329-9657
or email

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Iconography workshop Lewes Delaware, 2022