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Filtered by: Vandalism (form of hate crime)

Church in Faubourg-Bonnefoy severely vandalised

May 30, 2024, France

On 30th May, the Immaculate Conception church in Toulouse was heavily vandalised by unknown perpetrators. Several objects, boards and furniture were broken and overturned, causing severe damage. Although the altar is located in a protected area behind bars, it was also overturned and severely damaged. The head of the statue of Virgin Mary was covered with a blue cloth.

Chapel defaced with Islamic graffiti

May 29, 2024, Slovenia

On May 29, a chapel at the crossroads of Zagrad and Leše, in the municipality of Prevalje, Slovenia, was found defaced with graffiti. Unknown perpetrators wrote the word "Allah" in big letters with red paint on the walls of the chapel.

Vandalism in St. Anna Chapel in Altshausen

May 24, 2024, Germany

On Friday evening, May 24, an intoxicated man committed an act of vandalism and damaged the St. Anna Chapel in Altshausen. According to the police, the man went on a rampage in the chapel "like a madman". The man smashed objects, flower decorations and destroyed plaster angels. He also tore down a crucifix and ripped off the hand of a statue of a saint. The police arrested a 32-year-old suspect. According to the initial estimate, the damage amounts to 10,000 euros.

Vandalism of statues in Szydłowo

May 24, 2024, Poland

Unknown perpetrators have painted defaced statues of Mary and Jesus in a roadside chapel in Szydłowo. In red colour they painted the eyes, nails and mouths. "This is a shameful and blasphemous act. It appears to have been done consciously and boldly during the day.", the local parish priest, Fr. Maruszewski said.

Vandalism in the church of Sant'Angelo Magno

May 20, 2024, Italy

On May 20, it was discovered that unknown vandals had broken inside the Church of Sant'Angelo Magno and destroyed candelabras, a crucifix, a statue, sacred vestments, and the 17th-century organ.

Vandals set fire to altar in Dannevoux church

May 19, 2024, France

On Pentecost, Sunday, May 19, between 9 am and 7.30 pm, in the church of Saint-Hippolyte in Dannevoux (Meuse), an act of vandalism was recorded and caused over €1,500 worth of material damage. According to a news report, fire was set to the altar. Fortunately, it was quickly extinguished with water from the holy water font, thus avoiding potentially dramatic consequences. The fire did, however, cause some damage to the altar. The tablecloth, base and column were partially burnt.

"Allah" graffiti on Christ Church in Philippsburg

May 17, 2024, Germany

Unknown perpetrators daubed the facade of the Protestant Christ Church with the word "Allah" in Arabic language. The words were written with neon pink spray paint on the door and the wall. The town's inhabitants are shocked about the incidents, local media says.

Church of the Holy Trinity near Peć vandalised with Islamist graffiti

May 15, 2024, Kosovo

Unknown individuals broke into the Church of the Holy Trinity a village near Peć and vandalised it with graffiti. The messages included “Allah Akbar,” as well as Albanian phrases such as “Remove this church from here,” “Only Muslims are here,” “We don’t want churches, we want mosques,” and “Islam is the only true religion!”

Attempted petrol bomb arson attack on Glasgow Baptist Church

May 15, 2024, United Kingdom

On Wednesday, May 15, an unknown perpetrator tried to set fire to Dennistoun Baptist Church in Glasgow with a petrol bomb which exploded in front of the entrance door of the church. Images show the charred pavement in front of the church. Police received reports of attempts to damage Dennistoun Baptist Church on Finlay Drive at around 10:50 a.m., and an investigation has been launched.

Catholic cemetery in Smorgon vandalised

May 15, 2024, Belarus

On Wednesday, May 15, unknown perpetrators set fire to a 19th century large brick chapel on the catholic cemetery in the town of Smorgon in Belarus. An image of Jesus and the roof of the chapel was burned. Parishioners are convinced that there was an act of profanation.

Arson and Vandalism in Sainte-Thérèse de Poitiers

May 14, 2024, France

On May 14, benches were gathered in heaps and set on fire in front of the choir in the church of Sainte-Thérèse in Poitiers. Furthermore, a statue of Mary was beheaded by the vandals.

Islamic graffiti on church wall in Vienna

May 12, 2024, Austria

Next to the entrance to the church of St. Anthony of Padua slogans written in black pen appeared on the wall. "Islam will win, with you or without," and "Deen over Dunya" ("Religion over worldly life") are just some of the numerous slogans on the wall. Some of the words have been crossed out or replaced, but the graffiti has not been removed.

Vandalism in Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives

May 9, 2024, France

On the night of Wednesday, May 8 to Thursday, May 9, Ascension Day, the abbey church of Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives was the victim of acts of vandalism. The tabernacle, where the consecrated hosts are kept, was forcefully opened, although nothing was stolen. Mass vestments were also vandalised. The parish priest, Father Donat, immediately lodged a complaint with the gendarmerie. The gendarmerie is investigating the accident.

Minors commit Arson and Vandalism at Church

May 8, 2024, Italy

Wednesday May 8, minors set fire to the Catheral of Casalmaggiore and vandalised it. The boys broke into the nave on the right side of the church where they broke the stoup into pieces and started a fire with candles. They then entered from the opposite side and went into a storeroom where the electrical panel that operates the lift and installations is located. The perpetrators could be identified thanks to surveillance cameras.

Lutheran church in Plettenberg "devastated" by vandals

May 5, 2024, Germany

On Saturday evening, May 5, the police were called to the Lutheran Böhler church in Plettenberg, because a witness had found "people rioting" there. Upon arrival the police found that the door had been smashed in and the wooden panelling was broken. The interior was "a picture of devastation", according to reports. The baptismal font was knocked over, a candelabra was torn down and a window was damaged. The organ on the upper floor was also demolished, as were parts of the roof truss. The damage is estimated by the presbytery to be at least 50,000 euros.

Fourteen Helpers Church tagged with swastikas

April 30, 2024, Germany

Unknown persons have scratched two swastikas and a runic symbol on the façade of Fourteen Helpers Church in Zeitzer Straße in Gera. According to the police, the offence is now being investigated not only for damage to property, but also for the use of anti-constitutional symbols.

Protestant church vandalised with graffiti referring to massacre of Protestants

April 30, 2024, France

A protestant church in France was vandalised with a graffiti reading “Long live Saint-Barthélemy”. Saint Barthélemy Day refers to the mass massacre of Protestants following 24 August 1572, in which between 15,000 and 30,000 Protestants were murdered in Paris and the provinces because of their faith. In this light, the graffiti is a particularly troubling display of anti-Protestant hatred.

Arson on St Theresa Church Grounds

April 29, 2024, United Kingdom

On 29 April a fire was discovered inside the garages on the grounds of St Theresa’s of the Child of Jesus Church in St Helens. A window of the church was also found to have been smashed. The Detective Police Inspector, Jimmy Rotheram, commented: "It’s truly shocking that a church, which is such a valued resource and focal point for the community, has been targeted in this way."

Right-wing slogans and swastika daubed on church doors

April 27, 2024, Germany

In the village of Hesborn, the parish church and the cemetery chapel were smeared with right-wing slogans and symbols. Early on Saturday morning, April 27, a large swastika was found emblazoned on the church door and "Foreigners out" was written on the door to the cemetery chapel. Police and state security are investigating.

Arson in Haren Church

April 27, 2024, Germany

Unknown persons set a fire in a church in Haren between April 26 and 27. According to the police, the fire was set in the porch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (Herz-Jesu-Kirche). Floor tiles were damaged as a result. The fire went out on its own.