Manoppello's Face of Christ. CNA on May 14, 2014 The sanctuary, linked to the Eternal City, is located 160 kilometers from the East of Rome. This invaluable treasure and master piece is neither painted …More
Manoppello's Face of Christ.

CNA on May 14, 2014
The sanctuary, linked to the Eternal City, is located 160 kilometers from the East of Rome. This invaluable treasure and master piece is neither painted nor designed, and it's not a photo. No one knows how it's done, there is no explanation for it. We only know that it's the fabric that covered the face Christ. www.ewtn.com
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Manoppello's Face of Christ
dvdenise 👍 ✍️ Ma Visite à Tours: l'oratoire de la Sainte Face du V. Dupont:
Holy Face Devotion in Tours, France 👏
19 mai : Sœur Marie de Saint-Pierre et la Sainte Face
Acte de louange pour la réparation des blasphèmes du saint Nom de Dieu
Qu'à jamais soit loué, béni, aimé, adoré, glorifié, le très Saint, très Sacré, très Suradorable,
très Inconnu, très Inexprimable Nom de Dieu,
au Ciel, sur Terre et dans les Enfers,
par toutes les créatures sorties des mains de Dieu,
et par le Sacré-Coeur de notre …
19 mai : Sœur Marie de Saint-Pierre et la Sainte Face
Acte de louange pour la réparation des blasphèmes du saint Nom de Dieu

Qu'à jamais soit loué, béni, aimé, adoré, glorifié, le très Saint, très Sacré, très Suradorable,
très Inconnu, très Inexprimable Nom de Dieu,
au Ciel, sur Terre et dans les Enfers,
par toutes les créatures sorties des mains de Dieu,
et par le Sacré-Coeur de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ,
au très Saint Sacrement de l'Autel. Amen

- voiemystique.free.fr/marie_saint_pierre_tab.htm
- lavoieduciel.canalblog.com/…/29898903.html
✍️ When I was there in 2011, (for the third time 👍 ), Paul Badde shone a flashlight on this Relic, and 👏
the wounds of Our Lord miraculously "disappeared"!
17-18-19 Maggio/May 2014 Feast of the Holy Face, Manoppello
The sanctuary, linked to the Eternal City, is located 160 kilometers from the East of Rome. This invaluable treasure and master piece is neither painted nor designed, and it's not a photo. No one knows how it's done, there is no explanation for it. We only know that it's the fabric that covered the face ChristMore
17-18-19 Maggio/May 2014 Feast of the Holy Face, Manoppello

The sanctuary, linked to the Eternal City, is located 160 kilometers from the East of Rome. This invaluable treasure and master piece is neither painted nor designed, and it's not a photo. No one knows how it's done, there is no explanation for it. We only know that it's the fabric that covered the face Christ