
Testimonies of Conversion and Marian apparitions

Please watch the video before writing any comments, thank you very much and God Bless.
God's will is your sanctification
(1Tes 4, 3)More
Please watch the video before writing any comments, thank you very much and God Bless.

God's will is your sanctification
(1Tes 4, 3)

Defense Department classifies Catholics, evangelicals as extremists

Sounds like they will try to persecute Catholics, a priest once said in a conference that people from the military have said to him in confession that they are planning to put people in concentration camps in the USA, that is they will declare martial law, and put Catholics as this article states, as a threat to the government, that was said 2 years ago, and this article comes to no surprise to me …More
Sounds like they will try to persecute Catholics, a priest once said in a conference that people from the military have said to him in confession that they are planning to put people in concentration camps in the USA, that is they will declare martial law, and put Catholics as this article states, as a threat to the government, that was said 2 years ago, and this article comes to no surprise to me, nor will any action of the government to incarcerate in concentration camps Catholics

And we will be put to death according to what the priest said in the conference that year, he said that the military has said in confession that they will either behead, cremate or put into gas chambers; pretty much Nazi-Germany in the USA, and he spoke about being firm on our faith and embrace martyrdom. He said there are over 600 concentration camps in the USA, something we know here as FEMA camps that are all built as prisons, I personally did my research and the priest and other priest*s) are right.

What I heard in that conference I had already heard somewhere else form other priest, not in conferences but this conference was very shocking and very revealing. I would encourage you to do your own research and find out. God Bless us all.

Catholic Church's celibacy rule 'can change' according to Pope Francis

With all due respect, we can not fall into absurdities nor into mediocrity, but whoever wrote this article I have to ask, have you stopped to think for a moment how ridiculous this article sounds?, many apostles were married men by the time our Lord Jesus called them, but our Lord Jesus …More

With all due respect, we can not fall into absurdities nor into mediocrity, but whoever wrote this article I have to ask, have you stopped to think for a moment how ridiculous this article sounds?, many apostles were married men by the time our Lord Jesus called them, but our Lord Jesus and St. Paul were not. Our Blessed Lord states celibacy in his word in Matthew (as I will refer to it at the end of this writing) and St. Paul re-declares it in 1 Cor 7:6-7 where he says

"I say this by way of concession, not of command. I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own special gift from God, one of one kind and one of another"

Just like Irenaeus below pointed out.

Let me remind you a couple of facts among MANY. Let's start with THE WORD CELIBACY WHICH CAN NOT BE CHANGED, MODIFIED OR REDEFINED AS THE WORD ITSELF SAYS IN ITS MEANING WHAT CELIBACY IS ALL ABOUT which is "unmarried", so let me see if I read correctly the article, the "celibacy rule can change", is it about changing it or making it NULL? we need more clearness in that title, and more truth..

St. Paul states that

"Are you free from a wife? Do not seek marriage. . . those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. . . . The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried woman or girl is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit; but the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please her husband" (1 Cor 7:27-34).

St. Paul’s conclusion is that

"He who marries "does well; and he who refrains from marriage will do better" (1 Cor 7:38).

Now there's people who like to argue so some of them may cite Timothy's epistle (1 timothy 3:2) where he states that

"an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded ..."

or they cite from Mark 1:30 that Peter had a mother-in-law?

or even St. Paul in 1 Cor. 7:2 where Paul says that

"each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband"

and disregard the verses that follow in 1 Cor 7:6-7

People who even dare to go as far as citing biblical passages have fallen into protestant fundamentalism, or have fallen into following the rebel modernists and liberals. As marriage IS NOT CATHOLIC DOCTRINE. We can not imply nor cite personal preferences, nor biblical references, as the first one is something personal but not a doctrine nor a discipline stated by the teachings of the church, and the second one is rooted in the accounts of facts that many of the apostles were already married men when they were called by our Lord Jesus. Our Blessed Lord Jesus knew best that they had more control over their sexual drives, and our Lord is wise for choosing them.

So it will be of no use to cite what THE POPE SAID WHEN HE WAS A CARDINAL, as I'm sure that if he reflects and meditates on Paul's verses, and Catholic history he will come to the same conclusion regarding celibacy,and what Timothy stated at the beginning would be nice to use IF A PERSON IS A LUTHERAN OR AN EPISCOPALIAN CONVERT.

We can also see what our Lord Jesus says regarding divorce; and I include this because even when priests were married that was not enough to stop their promiscuity, and thus the church declared celibacy as a "must" so that the heart of the priest was not divided between God and the world, and between the world and the service due to God in the ministry of priesthood

1Cor 7:35

"I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord".

Priesthood is not a profession is a vocation, marriage is not a contract is a vocation, so what is it going to be? what vocation do you choose to sanctify yourself?

Priesthood is a Divine gift not a career, IT IS A DIVINE GIFT, and a priest renounces to marriage voluntarily (Matt. 19:12).

In a way this article is annoying, and decetful when we end up writing things the way protestant fundamentalists do regarding the tradition of the Catholic Church, its doctrine, discipline, rules and dogmas; or on the other hand we can end up as modernists or liberals, so what's next? Women priests?
Women can probably apply for that ☕ 👏 😀 😉 , and then you can all come receive holy communion from women, and listen to women "in persona Christi" 😀 😀 😀 consecrating the Host and the wine, after all it is the 21st century right?, let us dump all the tradition from the Chruch.

I could consider this article as being aimed to destroy centuries of tradition, teachings and rules, I have to say respectfully in the words of Cardinal Raymond Burke "where there are problems of chastity there are problems with obedience", the church has said and stated that "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine wellspring, come together in fashion to form one thing and move towards the same goal(no. 80)"

In conclusion:


But DO not come around putting articles that are aimed to change the church, its rules, its traditions

"If such is the case between a man and his wife, it is better not to marry" (Matt 19:10). This remark prompted Jesus’ teaching on the value of celibacy "for the sake of the kingdom": "Not all can accept this word, but only those to whom it is granted. Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of God. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it" (Matt. 19:11–12).

For more references we can state that:

The truth is, it is precisely those who are uniquely "concerned about the affairs of the Lord" (1 Cor. 7:32), those to whom it has been given to "renounce marriage for the sake of the kingdom" (Matt. 19:12), who are ideally suited to follow in the footsteps of those who have "left everything" to follow Christ (cf. Matt. 19:27)—the calling of the clergy and consecrated religious.

Thus Paul warned Timothy, a young bishop, that those called to be "soldiers" of Christ must avoid "civilian pursuits": "Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier on service gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to satisfy the one who enlisted him" (2 Tim. 2:3–4). In light of Paul’s remarks in 1 Corinthians 7 about the advantages of celibacy, marriage and family clearly stand out in connection with these "civilian pursuits."

God Bless

Pope Benedict XVI to resign, citing age and waning energy

Personally, this is something big and important for all catholics to have a Pope to resign, especially Pope Benedict who is in my opinion a very Holy man.
Priests are born priests, and I do not believe that as a Pope he can resign, and I actually do not believe this thing that has been said by some Vatican news if the devil himself has infiltrated the Catholic church , the Pope has made a statement …More
Personally, this is something big and important for all catholics to have a Pope to resign, especially Pope Benedict who is in my opinion a very Holy man.

Priests are born priests, and I do not believe that as a Pope he can resign, and I actually do not believe this thing that has been said by some Vatican news if the devil himself has infiltrated the Catholic church , the Pope has made a statement himself in the past regarding this, I do not think he would blur out statements disregarding all Catholics. I do hope that this article (from the Vatican) is entirely false, or a hear/say thing.

It annoys me that so many lies are said nowadays in the same church since the 1960's to confuse Catholics. I personally do not believe anything until I hear it directly from the Pope himself, and I do not care how Holy the person may look, Satan is working with so much audacity today. Let us keep praying for our Pope and strive fervently to sanctify ourselves. God bless.

Pontifical council’s conference opens with rock performance

The answer to the question of the Cardinal is in my opinion,
Because they do not see Jesus in you, and because Jesus is not in you to tell you how to and what to do. First we must sanctify ourselves to convey the message of the Gospel (1 Tes 4, 3).
It is ironic that a high rank person of the Church would ask such a question in thin air where people can give their opinion instead on keeping it close …More
The answer to the question of the Cardinal is in my opinion,

Because they do not see Jesus in you, and because Jesus is not in you to tell you how to and what to do. First we must sanctify ourselves to convey the message of the Gospel (1 Tes 4, 3).

It is ironic that a high rank person of the Church would ask such a question in thin air where people can give their opinion instead on keeping it close doors for the church and the POPE to deliver an answer and decide .

Jesus was in the world and never ever gave in to the world to follow fads, fashions, innovations and alike, he was The Lord, the same yesterday, today and forever, we need to pray more for our Cardinals the boat is going down with all f us in it.

Ripping of freedeom and persecution coming to America and soon to the World

Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist
Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the AntichristMore
Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

The Church, the world and the Final Battle 2

Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist
Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the AntichristMore
Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

The Church, the world and the Final Battle 1

Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist
Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the AntichristMore
Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 1

Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist
Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the AntichristMore
Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 2

Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist
Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the AntichristMore
Homunculus: Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

Dr. Rabbi M. Antelman about the forces behind the coming of the Antichrist

French Catholic bishops endorsing homosexual unions

I agree with the comments referring to the Freemasons who have infiltrated the Catholic Church and thus they have climbed up the highest places in the Catholic Church, they were never Catholics.
The illuminati consipracy - Infiltration in the Catholic Church
The illuminati consipracy - Infiltration in the Catholic Church
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 1
Apparitions of …More
I agree with the comments referring to the Freemasons who have infiltrated the Catholic Church and thus they have climbed up the highest places in the Catholic Church, they were never Catholics.

The illuminati consipracy - Infiltration in the Catholic Church
The illuminati consipracy - Infiltration in the Catholic Church

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 1
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 1

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 2
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Garabandal, Fatima, Akita p 2

People are looking at the person dressed with the attires but not at the reality of this infiltration in the Catholic Church. In the USA we have the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) who arranged synods to pass their own quotas as to how things should be run in America, not all Bishops are apostates but most of them have either fallen into the hands of freemasonry or are Freemasons themselves along with prebysterians. Along with these there are a couple of Cardinals, and this cancer is running as well in Canada, and down to the Americas, from head to toe.

We must become knowledgeable of the crisis as to what it is the Freemasonry and Illuminati, the ignorance of many are helping the advancement of this evil inside the Holy Catholic Church, you can watch this videos if you want. We must aslo become knowledgeable of the prophecies given at Fatima, La Salette, and others that have been approved by the church, so that we are not taken by surprise. God bless.

What is Happening at Medjugorje?

Exorcists Fr. Gabriel Amorth, and Fr. Leonid comment on Medjugorje:
Fr. Gabriel Amorth
July, 2002 –

“Medjugorje is a fortress against Satan. Satan hates Medjugorje because it is a place of conversion, of prayer, of transformation of life…I always understood Medjugorje as a continuation of Fatima. According to Our Lady’s words in Fatima, if we had prayed and fasted, there would …More

Exorcists Fr. Gabriel Amorth, and Fr. Leonid comment on Medjugorje:

Fr. Gabriel Amorth
July, 2002 –

“Medjugorje is a fortress against Satan. Satan hates Medjugorje because it is a place of conversion, of prayer, of transformation of life…I always understood Medjugorje as a continuation of Fatima. According to Our Lady’s words in Fatima, if we had prayed and fasted, there would not have been World War II. We have not listed to her and therefore there was a war. Also here in Medjugorje, Our Lady often calls to prayer for peace. In her apparitions, Our Lady always presents herself under another name to show the goal of her apparitions. At Lourdes, she presented herself as the Immaculate Conception, in Fatima as the Queen of the Holy Rosary. Here in Medjugorje, Our Lady presented herself as the Queen of Peace. We all remember the (her) words “Mir, Mir, Mir” (peace, peace, peace) that were written in the sky at the very beginning of the apparitions. We see clearly that humanity is running the risk of war, and Our Lady insists on prayer and on Christian life to attain peace.”……

Fr. Leonid
Jan, 2011

Priest Leonid, redemptorist from Ukraine province, participated in the 15th International seminar for priest in Medjugorje and gave the testimony, first to the other participants and then to Radio Station Mir Medjugorje. We publish the testimony as it was given:
My first pilgrimage to Medjugorje was related to my obligations and to my occupation in the priest vocation. Namely, in 2005 local Church entrusted me with huge responsibility and gave me heavy burden to carry and that was service of exorcist. The first months and the very first year were filled with God’s love and grace, but also with great difficulties and tempations. One of the major difficulties took place during one session of exorcism over one possessed person. That person spoke to me in very rough voice, full of horror in these words: “I am horrible, I am powerful, and I will destroy you. I will destroy your priesthood and all of your life.” Although that was quite bad, I did not take that seriously at all. After all, I believed in God completely and I did not have any reasons to doubt that. I also knew that if I had fear in front of the Satan that would be as if I already lost something. But God allowed this situation to take place, and I am going to share with you how great and how mighty his Mother is, and how Medjugorje is sacred ground.
When I was in great pain, when I suffered and when I was tempted daily, I was not able to pray at all. I would go to confession every single day, but Satan tempted me all the times. The temptations were so strong that I lost peace in my soul completely. And not only that, I also felt that I lost my priesthood and my vocation. I felt that was complete and total destruction of my life. In that difficult reality, while I was still unable to figure out what was happening to me, somebody offered me to come to Medjugorje. And I came. I was with a group of priests. I was just not able to pray, not even when they prayed. During that pilgrimage I met one other priest, father Ambrosias from Slovakia. He completely sacrificed his life and his vocation working with people from Ukraine in the region of Carpatho – Ukraine. He travelled soon after heart attack, and he also had diabetes. He was a Franciscan priest who came to Medjugorje five times before that. He absolutely thrilled me with his life and humbleness. He became my friend, I would help him around, take him by the hand, as he was older man. It appeared as I was helping to him, but the truth was that it was the other way round. We were once climbing up the Hill of Apparitions and it was to be the apparition to one of the visionaries. Everything was packed with people, priests. I sat next to Fr. Ambrosias and I turned my back to the apparition site. I felt myself not worthy of being there at all. But during the time of the Rosary, I felt desire to look towards that direction, to see what was happening there. At the same time, as I felt that desire, other inner voice was saying to me not to look there. You are failure and you will end up in hell, I heard. It was horrible. Those first, positive feelings directed my look towards the apparition site. I started to look and I was searching for a sign. Maybe I was to see something at the end. Hope was being born in me slowly, but also more new arguments about how my humiliation was not to be changed. But, I believed in crucial moment. Just for a moment. And in that very moment, as the answer to all of the questions ever rose, I was able to feel how Our Lady was coming down, from Heaven to this world. It was horrible in that moment. Such a powerful perception, scent of the other world I used to feel up to that point. And then, I was appeased by certain gentleness, light touch, like a gentle breeze of Our Lady’s presence. She was coming closer to me. And as She was closer to me, the power of evil was disappearing. In my heart I experienced new revelation. I was able to experience how powerful Her presence is, how she was humble. Then I realised that She does not cast away evil spirits, but they ran themselves. The are not able to bear Her purity and beauty of Her presence. She does not humiliate them nor She sends them away. She simply loves them and they can not stand that! And then, change of spirits within me took place. Spirit of Satan, spirit that destroys, disappeared with all of his depressions and fears. Instead of that spirit, Our Lady’s spirit took place. In my heart, I heard the voice: “Do not be afraid, I am your mother! I am your guarantee that you will not be destroyed, that you will not fail.” Everything was changed. That experience of presence of Our Blessed Mother became miracle of love that saves me, my vocation and my life! I started to feel Our Lady’s presence in every exorcism I perform.

I will just share one little example, since there are many similar ones. Our priests were dealing with one possessed girl who came to confess in front of one young priest who just returned after his studies in Rome. And as he was saying the absolution words, that person, Satan in that person hit that priest so hard that he felt down immediately. Then, the same person started calling other priest in some strange voice. That priest was scared and he called me. After few moments that girl was in front of me and I started to pray over her. As I began exorcism, I knew the diagnosis straight away, the girl was severely possessed and I invited five devoted faithful to pray as well. As I recited traditional prayers of exorcism, Satan just laughed. It spoke to me in English language, humiliated me and constantly laughed at me. Then, I began to pray to Our Lady. I was totally exhausted. I began to be nervous as well. I felt that I need to finish my prayer, but the evil spirit was not going away. It was the spirit of suicide. I began to call Our Lady with all of my heart. In the same way as the child calls his mom. And real screaming began at those moments: “ I can not stay here any longer, Our Lady is here, I need to go away.” And the spirit was gone. This was just one situation and there are so many similar ones. During these five years, as I have been entrusted the service of exorcism, I experience many temptations and trials. I had those before; I know I will have those in the future as well. But, Our Lady keeps me in Her heart. I CAN NO LONGER LIVE WITHOUT MEDJUGORJE AND JERUSALEM. I need to be in Medjugorje and Jerusalem every year. That is what faith is for me. Here I have faith, blessing and grace. I am grateful to dear God that I am able to witness Our Lady’s grace in this way. I would like each one of us to want to love more our Blessed Mother, Mother of God. She is our Mother. She loves Her children. She is prepared to do anything Her children ask of Her. I feel that if it wasn’t for Her presence, we would all be destroyed. That is why we should try to live every second of our lives with Her. I feel personal invitation to help other people to come to Medjugorje. To bring here all of those people who experience tremendous spiritual suffering.”
At the end, priest Leonid blessed all of the listeners of Radio Mir.


Ohio teacher says she was fired over pregnancy, files suit against Catholic archdiocese

I entirely agree with the posting below, I feel simpathetic towards her in the fact that she is a woman with children, but I think we ought to stand for what we believe in and follow God's commandments and the church's teachings.
I do hope and pray that she desists when she already knew the terms for employment and it was entirely fair as she broke those terms.
She could have gotten married, not …More
I entirely agree with the posting below, I feel simpathetic towards her in the fact that she is a woman with children, but I think we ought to stand for what we believe in and follow God's commandments and the church's teachings.

I do hope and pray that she desists when she already knew the terms for employment and it was entirely fair as she broke those terms.

She could have gotten married, not just have a party with her body. May God bless her, and give her some light so that she deists and so that she does not talk bad about the Catholic Church or the Archdiocese. God Bless.

To see or not to see

Wow, impressive We have a Pope here judging and criticizing the apparitions, the visionaries were persecuted, threatened, among other things.
If these apparitions ARE true let us hope the foolish pride of many crumbles and ask God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for forgiveness.
As to the contradictions said or mentioned here, all are born from slander, defamation and rumors take your pick.
I'm glad …More
Wow, impressive We have a Pope here judging and criticizing the apparitions, the visionaries were persecuted, threatened, among other things.

If these apparitions ARE true let us hope the foolish pride of many crumbles and ask God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for forgiveness.

As to the contradictions said or mentioned here, all are born from slander, defamation and rumors take your pick.

I'm glad I am not a visionary because the stakes made out of a personal business and reinvestment could be considered as making myself rich out of people's faith. Simply ridiculous, I wonder what kind of "reporter" this persona is, he/she is certainly not doing his/her job right, we got an infiltrated slanderer. God Bless.

Fraud and the USCCB

It's about time the truth starts making news, especially when there's many Catholics who do not believe this is happening, the USCCB is working against the Catholic Roman Church, it is the American church vs the Roman Catholic and Apostolic church,
I do wish the hand of hand falls upon our nation to cleanse it, even if I die because it is way too much. I pray for those few Bishops, priests and lay …More
It's about time the truth starts making news, especially when there's many Catholics who do not believe this is happening, the USCCB is working against the Catholic Roman Church, it is the American church vs the Roman Catholic and Apostolic church,

I do wish the hand of hand falls upon our nation to cleanse it, even if I die because it is way too much. I pray for those few Bishops, priests and lay people who are faithful to the Roman Catholic Church, The Pope and to God.

It is time to speak up people, we can not be lukewarm or "look worm", we must defend the truth, and stick together to counteract the forces of Satan. God Bless.

'Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner': Not Scriptural, Not Catholic Doctrine

So when did we stop being sinners? or when did a saint stop being a sinner in this life?
The Lord says if we claim to love God but hate our brethren we are liars, so how are each one of us living out our faith?
We are not to interpret the Bible, nor the teachings of the Church; I find it a bit arrogant to try to interpret in a deceiving way, what a Doctor of the Church has said in the past, we can …More
So when did we stop being sinners? or when did a saint stop being a sinner in this life?

The Lord says if we claim to love God but hate our brethren we are liars, so how are each one of us living out our faith?

We are not to interpret the Bible, nor the teachings of the Church; I find it a bit arrogant to try to interpret in a deceiving way, what a Doctor of the Church has said in the past, we can understand things and approach them differently, and I do understand what that phrase says based on the teachings of the Church and the Gospel.

Now, I can sense some sort of rejection from this article although it may attempt to clarify a paraphrase, which I think in no way gives any light or helps in any way a Catholic, there is so much tension between following the teachings of our Lord Jesus and his Church, and dealing with worldwide issues, and personal spiritual warfare (if it is taking place in a person).

I think most of us are adults to understand the difference in that phrase or paraphrase, we do not need more hatred, I thank God I've helped people who have vices to come out of them through what the Church and the Gospel teaches us.

We are not called to give our opinion on "why we will not help other people, and justify our rejection, and anger towards them", in Mat 6 the Lord reminds us to get rid of the splinter we have in our eye before we even try to help someone else, It hink that we are not justifying sin, nor the sinner; but we are to correct them with love, and walk the miles needed to show them we are not another hypocritical pharisee who always puts the finger on specific lines f the law without looking at our personal arrogance (pride). God Bless.

President Obama: An Opponent Of Catholicism?

Anyone who is in favor of any sin such as abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, etc., is against God and against the teachings of God.
They demonize the catholic church yet ironically we have bishops supporting these evils as well as priests and nuns, "you shall know them by their fruits" says the lord, so it is not difficult to discern who is with God or against God (says also our Lord Jesus, "he …More
Anyone who is in favor of any sin such as abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage, etc., is against God and against the teachings of God.

They demonize the catholic church yet ironically we have bishops supporting these evils as well as priests and nuns, "you shall know them by their fruits" says the lord, so it is not difficult to discern who is with God or against God (says also our Lord Jesus, "he who is not with me is against me").

Then he has a picture taken with our Pope to make ignorant catholics believe he is a man of God or at least a believer of the faith when he himself has made many declarations against Christianity in general.


The creator of the Sympsons does not only bring all of the illuminati in the cartoon but has made fun of the Catholic church and used sarcasm to criticize it.
I personally speak against all these evils, and I feel sorry that many Catholics out of their ignorance have come to accept cartoons like this just because they are entertaining but degrading as it brings the worst of human nature or portrays …More
The creator of the Sympsons does not only bring all of the illuminati in the cartoon but has made fun of the Catholic church and used sarcasm to criticize it.

I personally speak against all these evils, and I feel sorry that many Catholics out of their ignorance have come to accept cartoons like this just because they are entertaining but degrading as it brings the worst of human nature or portrays a fallen human nature.

Obama's Catholic Army. Obama is winning Catholic voters, again because of the lackluster efforts of …

People are not able to see all the tyranny of this government, if you watch the movie "for greater glory" you will see how the power was centralized on the federal government that started the persecution of all Catholics in Mexico.
Today, the same thing is happening here in the USA, unfortunately with the help of religious leaders who will bring the same persecution soon to this country as I recently …More
People are not able to see all the tyranny of this government, if you watch the movie "for greater glory" you will see how the power was centralized on the federal government that started the persecution of all Catholics in Mexico.

Today, the same thing is happening here in the USA, unfortunately with the help of religious leaders who will bring the same persecution soon to this country as I recently read that a person was put in jail because he uploaded a video that spoke against the Islam.

So Obama gets to speak against the Church, allow cartoons from planned parenthood that demonize the Catholic church or all religious people who are opposed to abortion, he opposes Christ and moral values and none of them are being arrested, but a person who uploads a video that speaks about the islam is not OK and must be put into jail, a person who opposes gay marriage or planned parenthood can be arrested as well.

I think our decisions are digging our own grave, the law that gives the president the power to exercise martial law was already passed, and all the things we see today in the USA are exactly the same that happened in Germany before Hitler became powerful, but he certainly knew how to work his way up to control people, and to centralize all the power of the country in him. 🤬

People will wake up when an open persecution starts for all religious people or faithful just as it happened in Mexico in the time of the Cristeros.

'Wild Applause' as Muslim Cleric Burns Bible

1 Jn 4, 20
20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

We might not be brothers in faith, but we are still brothers, there's only one creator and segregation comes form the devil, not from God, so we are called to recognize our battle as St. Paul pointed out (Eph 6), the saints …More
1 Jn 4, 20

20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

We might not be brothers in faith, but we are still brothers, there's only one creator and segregation comes form the devil, not from God, so we are called to recognize our battle as St. Paul pointed out (Eph 6), the saints understood this, and thus they battled with love. So is the case of those who are not yet recognized as saints but that I'm sure they will be eventually (Mother Therese of Calcutta), who did not care for Christians only but for all, and she was a peacemaker in the name o Jesus Christ; to understand Jesus and the last two Popes we must understand Jesus' commandments that people Always tend to forget giving more importance to the things pharisees gave in Jesus' time, so Saint Paul remind us that fiath without charity is worthless, is vain (1 Cor 13), St. James reminds us what true religion is (Jam 1, 27)

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

and St. John gives us more insight in God's will (1Thes 4, 6) that can only be accomplished through love (1 Jn 4; 1Jn 5). Furthermore the Pope recently mentioned that there will be people who will make it to heaven due to Faith but will be cast out of it because of the lack of their wedding garment which is love. Catholics, we must understand Jesus' Gospel and his two commandments, God is love and if we do not love we are far away from doing God's will, or getting close to God (1 Jn 4, 8), so we must, Must love our enemies (Matt 5, 44), and avoid scandalizing others with a bad example of Christianity making them receive twice the punishment that we will receive if we do not fulfill Jesus commandments in ourselves (Matt 23, 15).

We will never understand the Gospel or get close to truly live it, if we put our flesh before our spirit (Gal 5, 19-23)

God Bless.