
Gloria TV News on the 10th of May

Well, the 4th Commandment is honor thy father and mother. So, this is also out.

Gloria TV News on the 10th of May

And here we come, the Holy Crusaders for our Lord. Defending His Name and Honor and Justice against traitors who cowardly hide and take the spirit of judas. The faithful Bishops are not alone, we stand behind them as long as they defend the Truth of our God. Where there is a faithful bishop, we gather around them.

Gloria TV News on the 10th of May

I wonder if this judge has something up his sleeve. Maybe he said this just to be sarcastic. who knows. This could make a point. Perhaps he is trying to show us that the opposition is directed towards our Lord and God, the Ruler of Justice. This is a war against evil taking over people's souls. We are really in a battle for our souls. St Paul says, "Those who remain faithful til to the end, will be …More
I wonder if this judge has something up his sleeve. Maybe he said this just to be sarcastic. who knows. This could make a point. Perhaps he is trying to show us that the opposition is directed towards our Lord and God, the Ruler of Justice. This is a war against evil taking over people's souls. We are really in a battle for our souls. St Paul says, "Those who remain faithful til to the end, will be saved." This is great test of time to our Faith.

Gloria TV News on the 10th of May

I challenge the national Catholic to tell me the difference. It is better to have your thoughts controled and be sensored by the Catholic Church than to be controlled by evil doers who are also controlled by demonic forces of this world.

Gloria TV News on the 8th of May

And the wolves keep showing up. Now we can know who they are. As we know them, we can abandon them and follow the true Shepards.

Gloria TV News on the 2nd of May

May God protect the real families in our time. They are under heavy attack by those who not being a family at all, wants to have a place among the families designated by God.

Gloria TV News on the 27th of April

Since when protestants are referred to as Christian right?

Gloria TV News on the 27th of April

It seems that the USCCB needs a make over. They continueously subsidized the left to work against the Church. I say this based on what I understood of this news. They themselves seem to be disoriented.

Gloria TV News on the 25th of April

Vegan, that was a very nasty comment. Jesus left men to safeguard the Truth. Just because few messed up, it does not mean we should simply criticze the whole hierarquie of the Church. Your comment is hurtfull to those who are faithful to the Church. Uncalled for.

Gloria TV News on the 24th of April

Amen! Patrick Madrid. Stand by what you said, no matter the atacks that will come on the way.

Gloria TV News on the 18th of April

Amen Bishop Jenky but should it also be pointed out that it is this Catholic woman who designed the mandate? Why not criticze her instead of Obama. How about pay attention to what is going on the inside?

Gloria TV News on the 17th of April

Where are the authorities in the Church to stop this Cardinal from causing such a scandal and leading the flock into believing falsehoods about God?

The Case for Gay Acceptance in the Catholic Church

The Teachings of Jesus and the Apostles were a Command on itself. There is no dialogue between Good and evil. But today, that is what has been happened. dialogue and no longer a Command into obedience. Disobedience brings punishment. That is no way around that if God is the same today, and yesterday, and forever. We can be sure that are suffering punishment from God for our disobedience to His …More
The Teachings of Jesus and the Apostles were a Command on itself. There is no dialogue between Good and evil. But today, that is what has been happened. dialogue and no longer a Command into obedience. Disobedience brings punishment. That is no way around that if God is the same today, and yesterday, and forever. We can be sure that are suffering punishment from God for our disobedience to His Commands.

The Case for Gay Acceptance in the Catholic Church

Our biggest problem today is that we have believed that we are much smarter than the devil. We are not. That is why we need our God to lead and teach us what is true. for the last 40 yrs, the dialogue has taken forefront in the minds of Catholics. I want someone to tell me where Jesus told the Apostles to go and dialogue. He didn't. He said go and teach all men all I have I commanded thee. If they …More
Our biggest problem today is that we have believed that we are much smarter than the devil. We are not. That is why we need our God to lead and teach us what is true. for the last 40 yrs, the dialogue has taken forefront in the minds of Catholics. I want someone to tell me where Jesus told the Apostles to go and dialogue. He didn't. He said go and teach all men all I have I commanded thee. If they reject you, they reject me and the One Who sent Me. But today, it is all about dialogue causing confusion and given legs to the devil to have a voice and with that deceiving many. If we follow the model of Jesus, we see no dialogue but what He said is what stood. Dialogue is a good way for one to be trapped by the devils who is much clever.

Vandals Deface Seattle Church on Easter Morning

That is right, the Catholic Church was not borne in the USA. Thanks be to God. She was borne in Israel, 2000 yrs ago. Gloria Deos.

Rev. Jesse Jackson: Jesus Was Killed Because He ‘Occupied’ the Corrupt Temple

Why bother? He is not the only one wrong about Sacred Scriptures. Think of millions of those out there using the Bible to teach the Word of God. These men are not responsible for what they do. They were not sent to preach the Word of God, only the Catholic Church has this authority.

Gloria TV News on the 26th of March

SSPX returns is the Mercy of God shown to us. Come ye Children to the Father's House. Amen.

Gloria TV News on the 26th of March

Amen!!!!!Amen!!!!Gloria to God!!!!

Gloria TV News on the 23rd of March 2012

My mother used to say. The worst kind of blindness are in those who refuse to see. And the darkness reigns among these people by their own will.

Gloria TV News on the 22nd of March 2012

Oh no. The SSPX is really being difficult here. Please stop and come back. We need you within. 👍