Treatise on the Souls in Purgatory - Chapter 1
Treatise on the Souls in Purgatory - Preface By Saint Catherine of GenoaMore
Treatise on the Souls in Purgatory - Preface
By Saint Catherine of Genoa
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Christopher+Maria shares from Christopher+Maria
Mark 12:29-31 (Catena Aurea) Excerpts from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas being a Commentary on the 4 Gospels. Music: Trio Sonata for Flutes and Piano in A minor - I. Largo Georg Philipp Telemann …More
Mark 12:29-31 (Catena Aurea)
Excerpts from the Catena Aurea of St Thomas Aquinas
being a Commentary on the 4 Gospels.
Music: Trio Sonata for Flutes and Piano in A minor - I. Largo
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 -- 1767)
The Beatific Vision and Freedom of Choice. Excerpt from Chapter 13 of Frank J. Sheed's book "Theology & Sanity" (1947) For angels and men the only purpose could be the most perfect possible relation …More
The Beatific Vision and Freedom of Choice.
Excerpt from Chapter 13 of Frank J. Sheed's book "Theology & Sanity" (1947)
For angels and men the only purpose could be the most perfect possible relation with God.
Had we no revelation from God Himself as to the purpose for which He made them, we might at least hazard a guess;
that as the highest powers of their nature are knowledge and love,
it must be their destiny to come to know God and love God to the very limit of their power,
using no element of energy upon anything that would distract them from this knowing and loving.
Again considering their nature, we might hazard the further guess that this knowing of God would be by way of a richer and richer concept of Him, and that their love of God would bear a proportion to their growing knowledge. Such a natural destiny would be a thing of unrealizable splendour; yet that is not their destiny, but something more splendid still. No examination of the nature of angels and men would tell us what …More
Of God, Angels and Men. Excerpt from Chapter 6 of "Essays on catholicism, liberalism and socialism" by Juan Donoso Cortés (1874) Before the creation of man, and in times removed beyond human investigations …More
Of God, Angels and Men.
Excerpt from Chapter 6 of "Essays on catholicism, liberalism and socialism" by Juan Donoso Cortés (1874)
Before the creation of man, and in times removed beyond human investigations, God had created the angels, happy and perfect creatures, whom He permitted to gaze attentively on the brightest splendours of His face, bathed in a sea of unutterable delights, and perpetually absorbed in contemplation of Him. The angels were pure spirits, and the excellence of their nature was greater than that of the nature of man, composed of an immortal soul and of the slime of the earth. By its simple nature the angel was connected with God, whilst by its intelligence, by its liberty, and by its limited wisdom, it had been formed to be connected with man; as man by his spiritual portion had intercourse with the angel, and by his corporeal matter with the physical world, which was at the service of his will, and under the obedience of his word. And all creatures came into being …More
3 Hail Marys. "One of the greatest means of salvation, and one of the surest signs of predestination, is, unquestionably, the devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin. All the holy doctors of the Church …More
3 Hail Marys.
"One of the greatest means of salvation, and one of the surest signs of predestination, is, unquestionably, the devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin. All the holy doctors of the Church are unanimous in saying with St. Alphonsus of Liguori: "A devout servant of Mary shall never perish." The chief thing is to persevere faithfully till death in this devotion.
Can there be an easier or a more adaptable practice for all than the recitation each day of three Hail Marys in honor of the privileges conferred by the Adorable Trinity on the Blessed Virgin?"
(Quoted from:…/3hailmaryleaf.a…)
Christmas Madonna. Poem written by Albert Joseph Herbert, S.M.More
Christmas Madonna.
Poem written by Albert Joseph Herbert, S.M.
Saint Christopher. According to the Traditional Catholic Calendar, the Feast to St Christopher is still kept on July 25th, alongside the Feast of St James the Greater. He is known as the patron saint …More
Saint Christopher.
According to the Traditional Catholic Calendar, the Feast to St Christopher is still kept on July 25th, alongside the Feast of St James the Greater. He is known as the patron saint of travelers (especially mariners), and to offer protection against sudden death.
Thank you Barbara! I wish I could say that I composed this wonderful poem, but that credit belongs to one Mr Silas Mitchell, although that is my voice …More
Thank you Barbara! I wish I could say that I composed this wonderful poem, but that credit belongs to one Mr Silas Mitchell, although that is my voice reciting the poem (pardon my South-Boston accent). I do hope to continue working on more videos as time permits. 🙂
holyrope 3
👍 🤗 Cristopher, are you going to continue making more of these beautiful videos? I sure hope so!
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5th Glorious Mystery - The Coronation. The 5th Glorious Mystery (The Coronation), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Also included is the poem from "The Children's Ballad Rosary", …More
5th Glorious Mystery - The Coronation.
The 5th Glorious Mystery (The Coronation), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D.
Also included is the poem from "The Children's Ballad Rosary", composed by the Irish lawyer and writer John O'
2nd Glorious Mystery - The Ascension. The 2nd Glorious Mystery (The Ascension), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D. Also included is the poem from "The Children's Ballad Rosary", composed …More
2nd Glorious Mystery - The Ascension.
The 2nd Glorious Mystery (The Ascension), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D.
Also included is the poem from "The Children's Ballad Rosary", composed by the Irish lawyer and writer John O'
4th Glorious Mystery - The Assumption. The 4th Glorious Mystery (The Assumption), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, along with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"More
4th Glorious Mystery - The Assumption.
The 4th Glorious Mystery (The Assumption), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, along with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"
3rd Glorious Mystery - The Descent of the Holy Spirit. The 3rd Glorious Mystery (The Descent of the Holy Spirit), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, along with verses from "The Children's …More
3rd Glorious Mystery - The Descent of the Holy Spirit.
The 3rd Glorious Mystery (The Descent of the Holy Spirit), as recited to the music of Pachelbel's Canon in D, along with verses from "The Children's Ballad Rosary"
An Act of Contrition (Revised) Compiled from the writings of Fr Francis Xavier Lasance as a means of reflection and exciting sorrow for one's past sins.More
An Act of Contrition (Revised)
Compiled from the writings of Fr Francis Xavier Lasance as a means of reflection and exciting sorrow for one's past sins.
😇 Hi Christopher, you always do a first class job. 👏 Truly spiritually inspiring and loved filled for our Lord and souls. God bless you and keep up …More
😇 Hi Christopher, you always do a first class job. 👏 Truly spiritually inspiring and loved filled for our Lord and souls. God bless you and keep up the Good work! My prayers are always with you. Sr. Carol Raffaela 🙏
holyrope 3
Christopher, a very nice choice of music. I hope to see more like these! Thank you! 😌More
Christopher, a very nice choice of music. I hope to see more like these!
Thank you! 😌
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Jam Lucis. An ancient hymn that is still sung in the morning at the canonical hour of Prime in certain traditional religious orders. Performed by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of our Savior, in Round …More
Jam Lucis.
An ancient hymn that is still sung in the morning at the canonical hour of Prime in certain traditional religious orders. Performed by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of our Savior, in Round Top, NY.
Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart. Prayer composed by Pope Pius XIIMore
Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart.
Prayer composed by Pope Pius XII
holyrope 3
Very nice, Christopher! Thank you!
O Holy Night (Revised) Traditional Christmas CarolPerformed by the Daughters of MaryMore
O Holy Night (Revised)
Traditional Christmas CarolPerformed by the Daughters of Mary
Tribute to St Mary Magdalene. Tribute to St Mary MagdaleneMusical Credits: Tears of an Angel by RyanDanMore
Tribute to St Mary Magdalene.
Tribute to St Mary MagdaleneMusical Credits: Tears of an Angel by RyanDan
Hello Christopher+Maria, here my Maria Magdalena, she is in my prayer-room 🤗 Maria Magdalena - "Apostelin der Apostel" Good bless you 😇More
Hello Christopher+Maria,
here my Maria Magdalena, she is in my prayer-room 🤗
Maria Magdalena - "Apostelin der Apostel"
Good bless you 😇
Evangelium nach Johannes 12,1-11. Sechs Tage vor dem Paschafest kam Jesus nach Betanien, wo Lazarus war, den er von den Toten auferweckt hatte. Dort …More
Evangelium nach Johannes 12,1-11.
Sechs Tage vor dem Paschafest kam Jesus nach Betanien, wo Lazarus war, den er von den Toten auferweckt hatte.
Dort bereiteten sie ihm ein Mahl; Marta bediente, und Lazarus war unter denen, die mit Jesus bei Tisch waren.
Da nahm Maria ein Pfund echtes, kostbares Nardenöl, salbte Jesus die Füße und trocknete sie mit ihrem Haar. Das Haus wurde vom Duft des Öls erfüllt.
Doch einer von seinen Jüngern, Judas Iskariot, der ihn später verriet, sagte:
Warum hat man dieses Öl nicht für dreihundert Denare verkauft und den Erlös den Armen gegeben?
Das sagte er aber nicht, weil er ein Herz für die Armen gehabt hätte, sondern weil er ein Dieb war; er hatte nämlich die Kasse und veruntreute die Einkünfte.
Jesus erwiderte: Laß sie, damit sie es für den Tag meines Begräbnisses tue. Die Armen habt ihr immer bei euch, mich aber habt ihr nicht immer bei euch. Viele Juden hatten erfahren, daß Jesus dort war, und sie kamen, jedoch nicht nur um Jesu willen, sondern auch um …More
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Our Mother of Good Counsel. Traditional Prayer to Our Mother of Good Counsel Musical Credit: Chris Spheeris: Adagio: Invisible HandsMore
Our Mother of Good Counsel.
Traditional Prayer to Our Mother of Good Counsel
Musical Credit: Chris Spheeris: Adagio: Invisible Hands
Act of Reparation to the Holy Name of Jesus. Traditional PrayerMore
Act of Reparation to the Holy Name of Jesus.
Traditional Prayer
O Merciful Lord, You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you. Have mercy on us. 👍 😌More
O Merciful Lord, You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you. Have mercy on us.
👍 😌
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Indulgenced Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual HelpMore
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Indulgenced Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Jesús, sálvanos
🙏 🤗 🙏