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Пробуждение (1990) HD «Пробужде́ние» (англ. Awakenings «Пробужде́ния») — кинофильм режиссёра Пенни Маршалл, драма по книге мемуаров Оливера Сакса. …More
Пробуждение (1990) HD
«Пробужде́ние» (англ. Awakenings «Пробужде́ния») — кинофильм режиссёра Пенни Маршалл, драма по книге мемуаров Оливера Сакса. Три номинации на премию «Оскар»: лучший фильм года, лучший сценарий, лучший актёр в главной роли (Де Ниро).
Фильм основан на реальных событиях, произошедших в 1969—1970 годах с невропатологом Оливером Саксом, написавшим позднее мемуары об этом. По этой книге Гарольдом Пинтером также была написана пьеса «A Kind of Alaska». Эпидемия летаргического энцефалита, вызывающего акинетический мутизм, действительно имела место в 1917—1928 годах; препарат «L-Dopa» также реален.
Скромный и застенчивый немолодой медик-исследователь доктор Сэйер (Робин Уильямс) волею судьбы вынужден поступить на работу в настоящую больницу и лечить пациентов. В его распоряжение попадает дюжина пациентов, выживших после эпидемии летаргического энцефалита 1917—1928 годов, которые уже много десятилетий находятся в подобии кататонического ступора, не разговаривают и не двигаются …More
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Little Sister [HD] (2016) MD Bluray 1080p
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Мать Иоанна от ангелов - Matka Joanna od aniolów (720x576p)[1960, Польша, ужасы, драма, DVDRip-AVC] Dub (1.81Gb) Mother Joan of the Angels with English subtitles is a 1961 drama film …More
Мать Иоанна от ангелов - Matka Joanna od aniolów (720x576p)[1960, Польша, ужасы, драма, DVDRip-AVC] Dub (1.81Gb)
Mother Joan of the Angels with English subtitles is a 1961 drama film on demonic possession, directed by Jerzy Kawalerowicz, based on a novella of the same title by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. The film won the Special Jury Prize at the 1961 Cannes Film Festival.
A priest is sent to a small parish in the Polish countryside which is believed to be under demonic possession and there he finds his own temptations awaiting.
Watch online Mother Joan of the Angels with English subtitles…rama/mother-joan-of-the-angels
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Merveilleux Film, une référence ! Les Visiteurs du soir est un film médiéval et fantastique français réalisé par Marcel Carné, sorti en 1942. Synopsis Nous sommes en mai 1485, en France, à la fin …More
Merveilleux Film, une référence ! Les Visiteurs du soir est un film médiéval et fantastique français réalisé par Marcel Carné, sorti en 1942.
Synopsis Nous sommes en mai 1485, en France, à la fin du Moyen Âge. Veuf depuis plusieurs années, le baron Hugues organise une fête à l'occasion des fiançailles de sa fille Anne avec le baron Renaud, lequel manifestement s’intéresse plus à la guerre et à la chasse qu’à sa future épouse. Pour divertir les invités, on a réuni un certain nombre d’artistes, parmi lesquels deux joueurs de luth appelés Gilles et Dominique. Personne ne se doute de ce que cache leur déguisement – en réalité il s’agit de deux envoyés du diable qui les a chargés de désespérer le monde. À peine entrés au château, ils utilisent leur pouvoir de séduction pour introduire la discorde entre les futurs époux. Grâce aux mélodies qu’il chante, il ne faut pas longtemps à Gilles pour captiver la mariée : elle écoute sa voix, complètement ensorcelée. De leur côté Hugues et Renaud …More
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Le.Courage.De.Lassie.1946 Le Courage de Lassie (Courage of Lassie) est un film américain réalisé par Fred M. Wilcox, sorti en 1946. L'un des fils de Lassie, Bill, s'est perdu dans les bois où il a …More
Le Courage de Lassie (Courage of Lassie) est un film américain réalisé par Fred M. Wilcox, sorti en 1946.
L'un des fils de Lassie, Bill, s'est perdu dans les bois où il a grandi. La jeune Katie Merrick le recueille et Harry MacBain lui apprend à garder les moutons. Un camion renverse un jour le chien. Il est conduit dans une clinique vétérinaire mais personne ne sait son nom. Smitty, un militaire devient son maitre...
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Everybody's Fine 2009
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Шесть демонов Эмили Роуз. 2005. (Ужасы, триллер, драма, рейтинг-7,2)
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María Trujillo Hueso shares from jamacor
The Devil At 4 O'Clock 1961 - Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra, Gregoire Aslan, Bernie Hamilton
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Гуд бай, Ленин! (Германия 2003 HD) Драма, Мелодрама, Комедия ツ
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María Trujillo Hueso shares from jamacor
The Apartment (1960) BluRay 720p DUAL-DCRG en
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María Trujillo Hueso shares from jamacor
Películas familiares
Посвященный / The Giver (2014) смотрите в HD Шестнадцатилетний Джонас живет в, казалось бы, идеальном обществе, где нет воин, боли, страданий, различий …More
Посвященный / The Giver (2014) смотрите в HD
Шестнадцатилетний Джонас живет в, казалось бы, идеальном обществе, где нет воин, боли, страданий, различий или выбора, где каждый человек играет определенную роль. Когда Джонаса избирают Хранителем памяти этого общества, он узнает от своего наставника о страданиях и удовольствиях реального мира… Фильм снят по мотивам книги Лоис Лоури The Giver (1993).
María Trujillo Hueso shares from jamacor
Che gioia vivere! 1961 (film completo ITA) TRAMA CHE GIOIA VIVERE: Roma 1921. Dopo la naja, Ulisse e Turiddu non se la sentono di tornare al loro paesello e decidono di rimanere nella grande città. …More
Che gioia vivere! 1961 (film completo ITA)
TRAMA CHE GIOIA VIVERE: Roma 1921. Dopo la naja, Ulisse e Turiddu non se la sentono di tornare al loro paesello e decidono di rimanere nella grande città. Allettati da un premio di ingaggio, s'iscrivono ai fasci di combattimento e vengono incaricati di svolgere un'inchiesta fra le tipografie cittadine per scoprire dove sono stati stampati certi volantini di propaganda antifascista. Saputo che i manifestini sono usciti dalla tipografia Olinto & Figli, Ulisse capisce che i tipografi sono una simpatica famiglia e che la figlia più giovane di Olinto è una bella e brava ragazza. Per questo motivo decide di farsi assumere come apprendista tipografo. Frequentando i Fossati viene a scoprire che sono in rapporto con un gruppo di anarchici, ma a lui, in fondo, la politica non interessa, quindi fa finta di niente. Più tardi, però, è costretto a farsi passare per anarchico col nomignolo di "El camposanto", e viene incaricato di compiere un attentato durante …More
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Departures 2008 (Yōjirō Takita) (Sub. Eng) Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) loses his job as a cellist when his orchestra is disbanded. He and his wife Mika (Ryōko Hirosue) move from Tokyo to his …More
Departures 2008 (Yōjirō Takita) (Sub. Eng)
Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) loses his job as a cellist when his orchestra is disbanded. He and his wife Mika (Ryōko Hirosue) move from Tokyo to his hometown in Yamagata, where they live in his childhood home that was left to him when his mother died two years earlier. It is fronted by a coffee shop that Daigo's father had operated before he ran off with a waitress when Daigo was six; since then the two have had no contact. Daigo feels hatred towards his father and guilt for not taking better care of his mother. He still keeps a "stone-letter"—a stone which is said to convey meaning through its texture—which his father had given him many years before.
Daigo finds an advertisement for a job "assisting departures". Assuming it to be a job in a travel agency, he goes to the interview at the NK Agent office and learns from the secretary, Yuriko Kamimura (Kimiko Yo), that he will be preparing bodies for cremation in a ceremony known as encoffinment …More
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Breaker Morant (1980) In Pretoria, South Africa, in 1902, Major Charles Bolton (Rod Mullinar) is summoned to a meeting with Lord Kitchener (Alan Cassell). He is told that three officers of the Bushveldt …More
Breaker Morant (1980)
In Pretoria, South Africa, in 1902, Major Charles Bolton (Rod Mullinar) is summoned to a meeting with Lord Kitchener (Alan Cassell). He is told that three officers of the Bushveldt Carbineers—lieutenants Harry Morant (Edward Woodward), Peter Handcock (Bryan Brown) and George Witton (Lewis Fitz-Gerald)—have been arrested and charged with the murder of captured Boers and a German missionary. Explaining ominously that the German Emperor—Wilhelm II—has protested diplomatically about the latter killing, Kitchener asks Major Bolton to appear for the prosecution. To the Major's visible dismay, he is told that witnesses which would help the defence have been sent to India and that the defence counsel is expected to give him no trouble.
The defence counsel, Major James Francis Thomas (Jack Thompson) meets Morant, Handcock and Witton the day before he is to represent them in court. He tells them that he knows only the basic facts, which look bad. A small town solicitor from …More
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Departures 2008 (Yōjirō Takita) (Sub. Eng) Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) loses his job as a cellist when his orchestra is disbanded. He and his wife Mika (Ryōko Hirosue) move from Tokyo to his …More
Departures 2008 (Yōjirō Takita) (Sub. Eng)
Daigo Kobayashi (Masahiro Motoki) loses his job as a cellist when his orchestra is disbanded. He and his wife Mika (Ryōko Hirosue) move from Tokyo to his hometown in Yamagata, where they live in his childhood home that was left to him when his mother died two years earlier. It is fronted by a coffee shop that Daigo's father had operated before he ran off with a waitress when Daigo was six; since then the two have had no contact. Daigo feels hatred towards his father and guilt for not taking better care of his mother. He still keeps a "stone-letter"—a stone which is said to convey meaning through its texture—which his father had given him many years before.
Daigo finds an advertisement for a job "assisting departures". Assuming it to be a job in a travel agency, he goes to the interview at the NK Agent office and learns from the secretary, Yuriko Kamimura (Kimiko Yo), that he will be preparing bodies for cremation in a ceremony known as encoffinment …More
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El Cuaderno de Tomy 2020 Basada en una historia real, la producción cuenta los últimos días de María Vásquez, una argentina que tiene un cáncer que progresa hasta el punto de que ya no es posible …More
El Cuaderno de Tomy 2020
Basada en una historia real, la producción cuenta los últimos días de María Vásquez, una argentina que tiene un cáncer que progresa hasta el punto de que ya no es posible ofrecerle tratamientos distintos a los cuidados paliativos.
Es internada en una clínica por empeoramiento de sus síntomas y cada vez está más debilitada. Cuenta su día a día en Twitter, haciendo que su historia sea famosa.
Y mientras pasa sus últimos días en la habitación de una clínica, va escribiendo además un cuaderno que quiere dejar como legado a su hijo Tomy, de cuatro años.
Hay un momento importante en el cual María manifiesta el deseo de no sufrir más, se siente preparada para morir. Entonces plantea la posibilidad de que se le practique una sedación terminal programada.
La idea abre un debate importante entre su esposo y el personal médico, poniendo en consideración la mejor opción para aliviar su sufrimiento, pero también llevando a la reflexión desde los aspectos médicos.
En este …More
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Los niños de Winder Tras el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno británico acogió a centenares de niños huérfanos, la mayoría judíos, supervivientes de los campos de exterminio nazis. …More
Los niños de Winder
Tras el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno británico acogió a centenares de niños huérfanos, la mayoría judíos, supervivientes de los campos de exterminio nazis. Muchos de ellos vivieron en cabañas cerca del lago de Winder. Esta es la historia cruda y redentora de los lazos que estos niños forjaron entre sí, y de cómo las amistades surgidas allí se convirtieron a veces en un salvavidas para su futuro.