Philadelphia Trad

Do You Know Latin? Rigid Bishop Refuses to Grant Holy Mass

I used to travel to Hungary a couple times a year for business. Hungarian is one unique language: there’s nothing else like it in Europe. I was able to find a Church there that offered the TLM and there, I understood everything except the homily.
Philadelphia Trad

Very Interesting Beatification Process

There’s a common mis-perception that the Ukrainian Catholic Church is a “conservative” alternative to the liberal, novus ordo church. I have been to some (American) Ukrainian Divine Liturgies that were beautiful and reverent. I’ve also been to others that were very offensive with pro-Zelensky, anti-Putin, NWO screeds during the homilies.
Philadelphia Trad to Cease Operations In April

Good riddance. I hope all the people involved with that operation will prayerfully not come back in any new, lay-Catholic “ministry.” Voris and Niles especially should live the rest of their days in non-public prayer and penance in reparation for all the lives they’ve slandered and destroyed.
Philadelphia Trad

Racist message found written in bathroom of Philadelphia Catholic girls school

More than likely, it was intentionally put there to successfully bait the media and make the Church look bad.
Philadelphia Trad

FSSP Issued Press Release on Audience with Francis

What the FSSP didn’t include in their press release that was immediately leaked out on Twitter, was antipope bergoglio’s request that they take part in concelebration at the Chrism Mass. The FSSPs constitution acknowledges and supports Vatican II and that’s how bergoglio is ultimately going to destroy them. Pray for the FSSP that they recognize and resist this wicked antipope.
Philadelphia Trad

Lord Jacob Rothschild dies aged 87

Good riddance
Philadelphia Trad

Any Catholic okay with that?

Is this the Basilica shrine in Washington DC or another place. It’s disgraceful wherever it is but doubly so if it’s happening in the so-called mother church of the U.S.
Philadelphia Trad

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone leading San Francisco 40 Days for Life group in praying the Rosary …

God reward them for their witness in such a God-less part of the country.
Philadelphia Trad

Rest In Peace Fr. Jason Kulczynski 🙏 🙏 🙏

This is a terrible loss for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let Perptual Light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Philadelphia Trad

A mural in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

Looks like one of those “great leader” propaganda murals one sees in countries run by brutal dictators.
Philadelphia Trad

Bp. Schneider told PCh24pl Fiducia Supplicans “undermines” Catholic doctrine & “in practice even …

Well duh Bishop Schneider. Ever thought that maybe a true holy father would never be permitted by the Divine Providence to issue such a middle finger to Holy Mother Church?
Philadelphia Trad

Franciscan University professor calls for Pope Francis to resign following homosexual 'blessings' text …

He can't resign from a job he doesn't have or has never had.
Philadelphia Trad

Judge set to reveal claims about Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

Pray that this judge doesn’t “commit suicide.”
Philadelphia Trad

The priest is even wearing a rainbow stole to celebrate the spontanious blessing

I really hope that’s a lutheran or episcopal church
Philadelphia Trad

How would you describe Pope Francis in one word?

Philadelphia Trad

Ferndale Calling…

I sincerely hope that no one is giving them any money. Not one red cent. Let what’s left of that vile tabloid trash organization decompose like garbage in the landfill.
Philadelphia Trad

Boring: Italian Priest Comes Up with Homosex Crib

Add this one to my long list of evidence that an antichurch is quickly manifesting under the shadow of the wicked antipope squatting on the Chair of St. Peter. Stay confessed and stay rigid.
Philadelphia Trad

Money has taken over our societies and their architecture

So true. Modernist art, music and architecture is de-humanizing and does not age well. You can’t say the same about the four classical examples. There’s a reason why the communists built poured concrete boxes for thousands of people to live on top of each other.
Philadelphia Trad

Bishop Robert Barron's statement regarding ”Fiducia Supplicans” [what a coward this Barron is]

I don’t know if Barron is a sodomite or not. What I do know by his actions is that he’s a weak, effeminate politician and the same can be said for 99+ percent of the worlds cardinals and bishops! The martyred saints and doctors of the Church in Heaven would never have run around, kissing the rear end of a satantic antipope like Jorge bergoglio in the public square like these guys.