
"I Do Not Wish To belong to Idolatrous Pachamama Church" - ICEL Director

It’s shorthand for “the Divine revelation bestowed by God on the Israelites and Jews, and then, in continuity with that, and through Christ, upon the Apostolic Church”.

German Bishops: Adultery "No Sin"; Homosexuality "Normal", "Unchangeable"

By any normal measure, these men are no more Catholic bishops than a teaspoon is. A teaspoon would probably be much better qualified. Adultery is not only a sin, and a mortal sin at that - unrepented adultery leads to everlasting damnation. These men are going to have to answer for the damnation of others.

New Saints in the Old Rite

Trust Rome to try to pollute the Old Missal 😡

Francis’ Commissioners Just Killed Another Nunnery

This is the same kind of garbage as Rome used against Abp. Lefebvre in 1974 🥵😡🥵😡😳😡😳

Will Humanae Vitae be the next victim?

This cannot possibly happen. The Pope has no authority to deny the teaching of the Popes. If he tries to, hre will be destroying the teaching authority that he exercises. God forbid that this rumour should be true !

Cardinal Dissolves the Sacrament of Orders

If the Mass is offered using cheese and lemonade, it is invalid. If it is offered in the name of the Sustainer, the Nurturer, and the Goddess, it is invalid. If it is offered using a formula like "This is our body, which we give for each other", it is invalid. If the Church cannot accurately discern and judge that a rite used in Christian worship is invalid and void and non-sacramental, then she …More
If the Mass is offered using cheese and lemonade, it is invalid. If it is offered in the name of the Sustainer, the Nurturer, and the Goddess, it is invalid. If it is offered using a formula like "This is our body, which we give for each other", it is invalid. If the Church cannot accurately discern and judge that a rite used in Christian worship is invalid and void and non-sacramental, then she has no right to judge anything else. Her ability to judge is indivisible and one.

The Cardinal is trashing the Church's past practice, in order to shore up the novelties of the present. Why ? And if the past can be trashed, why should not future generations in their turn trash the Church of 1965 to 2017 ? He is reducing Catholicism to Anglicanism, and liberal, emasculated, faithless Anglicanism at that.

The Cardinal is confusing sacramental grace with the wholly different question of whether grace other than that of the sacraments is conferred despite the invalidity of a sacramental rite. The Bull of 1896 is concerned solely with whether Anglican Orders are invalid or not - there is no hint that because they are indeed invalid, therefore, no grace of any kind is conferred.