
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014

Unworthy: As a catholic, I am supporter of the Pope, not as a human being or not for what he says or do. I have cheerlead JPII and Benedict XVI.
In my ordinary live I already live the effects of people who send out 'alerts' against me. 'AUTISM' is the alert (that is why my nick reads'no to autism'. People are very sure of their judgemnt and support each other. I respect your individual views and …More
Unworthy: As a catholic, I am supporter of the Pope, not as a human being or not for what he says or do. I have cheerlead JPII and Benedict XVI.
In my ordinary live I already live the effects of people who send out 'alerts' against me. 'AUTISM' is the alert (that is why my nick reads'no to autism'. People are very sure of their judgemnt and support each other. I respect your individual views and had given mine, presuming I have freedom of speech.
Do not alert against me
Do not alert catholics against their Pope!

Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014

With my respects to Bishop Athanasios, the document that has nothing against the Doctrine, and to adjudicate a 'political' intention to it and judge it to the public is like a parent turning to his children to critisise their spouse in the middle of a discussion between them. Everybody understands the difficult moment the Church is in but we should trust in God

Two Clowns meet each other: "Concitta Wurst" and Ban Ki-moon

Conchita..If you look for the applause (praise) of the world you already have it...are you happy with it?

One of the most important questions of our time. A Catholic asks the question

There are not many things in the world more catholic than the Pope, the sweet Christ on Earth

Plotting Revolution. Michael Voris

Mrs Boris , I would like to point out that in this explanation you missed a crucial point. When you use the example of pedophilia in relationship to 'graduallity' , and rightly point out that it can not be 'gradually' explained to a pedophile that molesting children is wrong. I would say that 'graduallity' would mean to gradually explain to a child who has been molested that molesting children is …More
Mrs Boris , I would like to point out that in this explanation you missed a crucial point. When you use the example of pedophilia in relationship to 'graduallity' , and rightly point out that it can not be 'gradually' explained to a pedophile that molesting children is wrong. I would say that 'graduallity' would mean to gradually explain to a child who has been molested that molesting children is wrong BEFORE the child-who might already be promiscuous because of abuse suffered develops into more promiscuity leading to becoming a pedophile/ abuser. It is very well documented that a percentage of pedophiles and all sort of abusers have suffered abuse themselves in childhood.

I understand 'graduallty' as a form of defeating implicit attitudes (plese see research on Implicit attitudes ) by priming stereoptypical exemplars (a child who has had homosexual abuse is a victim but has develop a n implicit bias about homosexuality)

Programa para Autismo. Programa para Autismo

Cada especialista cuenta una clasificacion distinta...una historia diferente

El laberinto autista. Cuando se dice de una persona que padece autismo, lo habitual es que se asocie …

Soy esceptica en este tema. Creo que hay todavia opción en muchos casos y que se encasillan demasiados otros, demasiado temprano, que hemos creado cierto mito con el hay casos tan dispares y que muchas veces se educa a estas personas y a los demas a creer a rajatabla estas descripciones de si mismos y a autoidentificarse con ellas. Un dia en el futuro miraremos esto con incredulidad, …More
Soy esceptica en este tema. Creo que hay todavia opción en muchos casos y que se encasillan demasiados otros, demasiado temprano, que hemos creado cierto mito con el hay casos tan dispares y que muchas veces se educa a estas personas y a los demas a creer a rajatabla estas descripciones de si mismos y a autoidentificarse con ellas. Un dia en el futuro miraremos esto con incredulidad, de que pueda pasar. Respeto la labor de los medicos y otros profesionales entregados a sus hijos lo cual harian de todas formas sin determinarlos a pasar por el aro de la 'cultura autista' y educarlos en ella. Hay alternativas . Gracias