El Vagabundo con la voz de oro. Historias de Éxito - Ted Williams. 100 millones de vagabundos en el mundo.More
El Vagabundo con la voz de oro.
Historias de Éxito - Ted Williams. 100 millones de vagabundos en el mundo.
Lucecita Ángel
Though he acknowledged that he will always struggle with addiction and has a strained relationship with his nine children, Williams remains a successful voice over artist. He told the NBC talk show that even though he will always live in a fragile state because of his issues with substance addiction, he is still appreciative of the spotlight and is dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of …More
Though he acknowledged that he will always struggle with addiction and has a strained relationship with his nine children, Williams remains a successful voice over artist. He told the NBC talk show that even though he will always live in a fragile state because of his issues with substance addiction, he is still appreciative of the spotlight and is dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of the homeless …
Read more at www.relevantmagazine.com/slices/whatever-happen…
Flor María
‘Golden voice’ Ted Williams reveals new gig
Two years after Ted Williams was discovered on a street corner, the formerly homeless “man with the golden voice” is living in an apartment and doing commercial voice-overs for Kraft macaroni and cheese. He tells NBC’s Stephanie Gosk he still takes life one day at a time.
Flor María
‘Golden voice’ Ted Williams pops up on the plaza
TODAY’s Matt Lauer spots the formerly homeless Ted Williams, known as the “man with the golden voice,” rushing through the plaza, and calls out a quick hello.
Ted Williams, a homeless US man with a deep, refined voice has become an overnight online sensation after being "discovered" by a local reporter on a street corner in Columbus, Ohio. The 53 year-old has now been offered a job by the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers and is being pursued by NFL Films for possible work. Williams said the team had offered him a two-year contract and said they would pay his …More
Ted Williams, a homeless US man with a deep, refined voice has become an overnight online sensation after being "discovered" by a local reporter on a street corner in Columbus, Ohio. The 53 year-old has now been offered a job by the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers and is being pursued by NFL Films for possible work. Williams said the team had offered him a two-year contract and said they would pay his living expenses. Williams was recently living in a tent and whose past includes a lengthy list of arrests. He has served time in prison for theft and forgery and has been cited with numerous misdemeanours, including drug abuse. In New York, Williams' mother Julia was thrilled her only child was turning his life around.
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Esperanza Matinal
Catching up with Ted 'Golden Voice' Williams
March 14, 2014 LOS ANGELES – Ted Williams went from a homeless man struggling with alcoholism on the streets of Columbus, Ohio to instant Internet fame when a video of him using his radio voice went viral.
Esperanza Matinal
The former radio personality and military veteran was placed in a rehab facility courtesy of Dr. Drew (he left after 12 days), penned his biography, and was hired by Kraft Foods’ to voice its new TV campaign. Despite the pressures of his surge to fame, which at one point prompted a relapse, Williams remains steadily employed by Kraft, and tells FOX411 he's committed to his recovery.
7 more comments from Esperanza Matinal
Esperanza Matinal
“I’m still with Kraft Mac and Cheese, doing a great deal with them. I’ve also done the Rosslyn Independence Living Center and I did narration for the Military Channel that I’m looking forward to listening to one day,” Williams said. “I’m trying to audition for quite a few things within the voice-over community; they have a number of opportunities that I’m looking forward to fielding when I get …More
“I’m still with Kraft Mac and Cheese, doing a great deal with them. I’ve also done the Rosslyn Independence Living Center and I did narration for the Military Channel that I’m looking forward to listening to one day,” Williams said. “I’m trying to audition for quite a few things within the voice-over community; they have a number of opportunities that I’m looking forward to fielding when I get out to California.”
Esperanza Matinal
Williams is also on the lecture circuit, sharing his story and experience with different groups and organizations around the country, raising awareness about what it means to be homeless, and debunking some myths about the people sleeping under the bridges and in the parks.
Esperanza Matinal
“I’ve met some very, very influential people in my years of being homeless. Their backgrounds include some very prestigious positions. I’ve met bankers, and I met a pilot once. He was homeless because he lost his wife of 30 years and turned to the bottle,” Williams explained. “Homelessness can hit any area, any person at any time. With the housing market the way it is, I am sure there is a lot …More
“I’ve met some very, very influential people in my years of being homeless. Their backgrounds include some very prestigious positions. I’ve met bankers, and I met a pilot once. He was homeless because he lost his wife of 30 years and turned to the bottle,” Williams explained. “Homelessness can hit any area, any person at any time. With the housing market the way it is, I am sure there is a lot of people who are just one paycheck away from being homeless themselves.”
Esperanza Matinal
Williams is on a mission to eradicate homelessness in his hometown of Columbus through his not-for-profit organization “The Ted Williams Project.”
Esperanza Matinal
“I’m very much committed to giving back,” hesaid, adding that his current objective is supplying socks to those without a roof over their heads. “A lot of times homeless people don’t have enough socks to last them through any situation. Socks really help motivate someone to keep them moving out of that shelter as opposed to just moping about feeling sorry for themselves. So I’m taking socks to …More
“I’m very much committed to giving back,” hesaid, adding that his current objective is supplying socks to those without a roof over their heads. “A lot of times homeless people don’t have enough socks to last them through any situation. Socks really help motivate someone to keep them moving out of that shelter as opposed to just moping about feeling sorry for themselves. So I’m taking socks to the street. God gave me this blessing and I’m going to pay it forward and give back… Even when I didn’t have anything, I still (tried) to give. Even if it was just a smile, like in that original video.”
Esperanza Matinal
Last year, the father of nine narrated the documentary “Houseless,” released by Moto Entertainment, a film production company founded by former Marine Corps drill instructor Michael Nichols. And while Williams admitted that his substance abuse demons still lurk, he remains fully devoted to his faith and using his skills for good.
Esperanza Matinal
“I’m still in recovery. But it has been three years since this divine blessing. I am looking forward to taking God’s message and the message of redemption, hope and of second chances, addiction, mental health and homelessness,” Williams added. “I have even had much love from my fellow veterans of the United States Armed Forces, so now it is time that I make use of this. The final transition of …More
“I’m still in recovery. But it has been three years since this divine blessing. I am looking forward to taking God’s message and the message of redemption, hope and of second chances, addiction, mental health and homelessness,” Williams added. “I have even had much love from my fellow veterans of the United States Armed Forces, so now it is time that I make use of this. The final transition of Ted Williams, the man with the God-given golden voice, I’m ready to spread the message that true redemption is all that he grants. When Christ fed the multitude, he only had five fish and three loaves, and he fed the multitude of people.”
Emily Sissell contributed to this report.
Leticia María
"Yo soy un locutor de radio que ha caído en tiempos difíciles ¡Por favor! Cualquier ayuda será bien apreciada", se leía en el cartel que Ted Williams mostraba en la calle para pedir dinero.
A cambio de unas monedas, el indigente hacía gala de su poderosa voz radiofónica.

"Yo soy un locutor de radio que ha caído en tiempos difíciles ¡Por favor! Cualquier ayuda será bien apreciada", se leía en el cartel que Ted Williams mostraba en la calle para pedir dinero.

A cambio de unas monedas, el indigente hacía gala de su poderosa voz radiofónica.
Leticia María
Cuando un reportero lo descubrió recientemente, lo grabó y puso su video en YouTube, Williams se convirtió en sensación (con 11 millones de vistas en dos días) y, de un día para otro, comenzaron a lloverle ofertas de trabajo. Se le conoce ya como "la Voz de Oro". Williams, de 53 años, desde su salto a la fama, ha recibido suculentas ofertas de trabajo, entre ellas protagonizar una película junto …More
Cuando un reportero lo descubrió recientemente, lo grabó y puso su video en YouTube, Williams se convirtió en sensación (con 11 millones de vistas en dos días) y, de un día para otro, comenzaron a lloverle ofertas de trabajo. Se le conoce ya como "la Voz de Oro". Williams, de 53 años, desde su salto a la fama, ha recibido suculentas ofertas de trabajo, entre ellas protagonizar una película junto a Jack Nicholson, y se convirtió en la voz de la nueva campaña de publicidad de la cadena de televisión MSNBC, y también de la empresa Kraft.
One more comment from Leticia María
Leticia María
Williams, que da gracias a Dios por esta nueva situación, estudia también una oferta del equipo de baloncesto Cleveland Cavaliers para convertirse en su voz oficial, además de otra para irse a trabajar a Hawai, un empleo en la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Americano (NFL) y otro en emisoras de radio de Columbus (Ohio), ciudad en la que fue descubierto..
Clara Inocencia
Ted Williams, un antiguo anunciante radiofónico de 53 años, vivía hasta hace poco en las calles de Columbus, la capital del estado de Ohio.
“Tengo un don de dios en mi voz, soy un ex anunciante de la radio caído en tiempos difíciles. Por favor, cualquier ayuda será gratamente apreciada. Gracias y que dios te bendiga”. Así rezaba el cartel con el que Williams pedía limosna a los conductores en …More
Ted Williams, un antiguo anunciante radiofónico de 53 años, vivía hasta hace poco en las calles de Columbus, la capital del estado de Ohio.
“Tengo un don de dios en mi voz, soy un ex anunciante de la radio caído en tiempos difíciles. Por favor, cualquier ayuda será gratamente apreciada. Gracias y que dios te bendiga”. Así rezaba el cartel con el que Williams pedía limosna a los conductores en una de las avenidas de la ciudad.
Clara Inocencia
El mensaje de Williams llamó la atención de Doral Chenoweth III, fotógrafo del diario The Columbus Dispatch, que decidió grabarle y colgar el vídeo en la web de la publicación. De la noche a la mañana, la grabación se convirtió en un éxito gracias la irresistible poder viral de las redes sociales y de YouTube, donde acumula casi 400.000 visitas, informa Público.
One more comment from Clara Inocencia
Clara Inocencia
Gracias un simple vídeo, la vida de Williams ha dado un giro de 180 grados y ha asegura haber recibido numerosas ofertas de programas de radio, de televisiones, y también de anunciantes.
De hecho, Williams ya ha firmado su primer contrato. Kraft Foods ha fichado al ex vagabundo como voz de la nueva campaña publicitaria de su línea de productos “Macaroni & Cheese”.