
Three Kazakhstan Bishops, Francis Interpretation of Amoris Laetitia “alien” to Faith

Just think, Our Lord revealed himself the first time through the intercession of his mom at a wedding. Don't you think marriage is important to him?

Deaf Girl finds Out that Mum is Pregnant

make me cry

Does Pope Francis Want to End Like the Anglicans?

exactly, contraception is contracepting the faith out of the souls of Catholics just like it did from anglican church and will acquire all the protestant churches. What do you think God created marriage for? Pleasure? Not primarily, He wants kids, He's like an old grandpa who wants more grandkids.

Child Prodigy on the piano. Amazing

How can anyone believe there's not a God after seeing her.

Crisis In The Church. Michale Voris: (1-14-13) pub'd: Is there a Crisis in the Church? If there is, …

Eternal Father guard this man and bless him and his ministry.