May 7, 2024: I Just Love My Dog, You Hater.
May 6, 2024: Make Ze Franziz Face of Chrizt!
May 3, 2024: Finally They Come Around
Mark Robertson
Frank, you are so right about Benedictine President, Stephen Minnis. He has turned it into a true Catholic bastion. It's now what Catholic colleges and …More
Frank, you are so right about Benedictine President, Stephen Minnis. He has turned it into a true Catholic bastion. It's now what Catholic colleges and universities should be, but very few, if any others are.
May 2, 2024: Francis Spews He Frightening New Religion at Chosen PriestsMore
May 2, 2024: Francis Spews He Frightening New Religion at Chosen Priests
Ivan Tomas
God bless you Frank.
May 1, 2024: Nobody Ever Embraced The Modernizing Tide
James Manning
You don't need a majority to embrace any change, even a radical one. You just need a very committed and active minority to push it through and then rely …More
You don't need a majority to embrace any change, even a radical one. You just need a very committed and active minority to push it through and then rely on the apathy of the masses to win the day.
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April 30, 2024: Let's Talk More About Mediocrity Since We Have Infinite Human Dignity
I find this man deeply disturbing. I rush past his face when I'm scrolling. He is consistently way too close to the camera. I don't know what he's saying …More
I find this man deeply disturbing. I rush past his face when I'm scrolling. He is consistently way too close to the camera. I don't know what he's saying because I find him unwatchable. There's something intangibly wrong here. He just gives me the creeps like no other.
April 26, 2024: Let The Blessed Francis Take You Church Shopping!
April 26, 2024: Let The Blessed Francis Take You Church Shopping!
April 25, 2024: OprahChurch Campaigns for Biden
April 24, 2024: Will Kissy Fernandez Appear in Some Bald Gay Vision Someday?
April 23, 2024: It's Campaign Season in FrancisChurch!
The Wandering Recluse
Keeping the climate conducive for humanity---"Didn't God do that already?" What a classic!! Thx Frank!
True Mass
God Bless Frank Walker. Thank you for all you do.
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April 19, 2024: Will God Raise Francis and Joe Biden Up?
April 16, 2024: If I Had a Dollar For Every Catholic Who Used to Live in Baltimore
April 15. 2024: When Are They Going to Poll Actual Catholics About Anything?
April 12, 2024: We Don’t Have to Be Media Targets. We Have The Truth
April 11, 2024: : The RINOs Are In The Pro-Life FrancisEstablishment
April 10, 2024: Free Catholic 'Chest Masculinization' Surgery Because Infinite Dignity!