
Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians: Government Too Involved

Fr Frank keeps his focus sharp and is doing his best against a very profound hellish evil. Deliver us from evil

Pope John Paul II Meets Holocaust Survivors At Yad Vashem

Jerzy Kluger, his boyhood Jewish friend wrote a wonderful bio, "The Hidden Pope: The Untold Story of a Lifelong Friendship That Is Changing the Relationship Between Catholics and Jews - The Personal Journey of John Paul II"

Pope John Paul II Meets Holocaust Survivors At Yad Vashem

This was a deeply moving moment. John Paul II as a youth often visited the local synagogue in his town for cultural events. He lived in a home with his father that was owned by a Jewish Family who lived in the same dwelling. One of his closest friends was Jewish. He would refer to the Jews as "Our Older brothers in faith."

"Ruslan & Ludmila" M.Glinka. Ensemble "Concertino" Moldova

Though this is not a liturgical performance it helps explain why Pius XII approved the accordion for use in the liturgy.

"Ruslan & Ludmila" M.Glinka. Ensemble "Concertino" Moldova

Great musicianship!

Having a Friendship with God this Lent

The Shack is a good novel but lacks any grasp for the role of the Church in fostering and nourishing the friendship with Christ and God. It is in the context of learning about be friends with the friends of God that we can have the friendship we need with God. Thanks for posting.

Carissimi: Jephte (1/3) Le Parlement de Musique

Beautiful. I just wish there was a translation.

Campaign Leaders Speak in front of Supreme Court

These testimonies by women are very powerful and moving. I pray for "Operation Rachel" May women who have had an abortion know that God loves them, go to confession, and do what they can to affirm and protect life.

Astor Piazzolla - "Oblivion" Ensemble "Concertino" Moldova

That was really different. It is refreshing to see that the accordion can be used to play something besides Lady in Spain. Piazzolla was noted for tango music and played the bandoneon. I never heard this piece. It sounds like "Oblivion" to me. 🙂 The musicians are first rate!

Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians: Practicing Medicine

Fr. Frank is dedicated, knowledgeable, and effective in promoting protection for the unborn. Keep up the good work.

What is a Religious Brother? Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, explains the meaning of religious brotherhood

Thank you for your life of dedication Brother. I pray for the ongoing success of your congregation. All viewers should pray for this brother and others who are serving God and people around the world. May St. Joseph protect, inform and continue to inspire you.

Pope Benedict 2009 visits to Israel, Cameroon,Angola

The Pope's respect for other religions and especially Judaism is obvious. John Paul II who grew up in a home owned by and occupied by a Jewish family was even closer. The future of the Church seems bright when we look at the faith in Africa and the Orient.

Rhema Marvanne - Amazing Grace. Rhema Marvanne - Amazing Grace

Let us pray that this little girl will always use her talent to give glory to God who gave her such talent. The grace she is too young to truly understand will have to be her protection in a world determined to destroy her innocenc and steal her talent. 🙂

Santa Maria Maggiore: Feast of Our Lady of Snows August 5

Gives a feel for this marvelous Church. thanks for posting!

A defense of an imperfect Church

Another winning video offered by A seeping view on the faith and the Church and its positive impact on humanity. 😊

Angelus Domini. Angelus Domini

Nicely produced

Bishop Morlino at Madison, Wisconsin Rally July 28, 2010

The rage against the truth of faith is captured in this counter demonstration that tries to shout down the truth. Only the truth will set people free. It is so sad that saying God bless all here present would be considered hate speech by the demonstrators.

Almsgiving and Joy with Fr. James Martin, SJ

Thank you for your priesthood and may you spread joy through your generosity and help continue to help others do so.

Abi speaks about her abortion. Abi gives her testimony about the pain of her abortion and how she …

These tesitmonies always deeply move me.

Sinners Come on Home. Catholic priest preaches on the Godly life vs the dissipated life. Using the …

What does communion in the hand have to do with this homily? I believe that this homily is important because it gives a look at the faithful son. I know people who have done thier duty throughout lives and wonder if the preachers will ever acknowledge them. Well here is a homily that does.