
Medjugorje- Apparition de la Vierge Marie le 2 October a Mirjana

Deception at work. Medjugorje is a fraud.

Extraordinary Mass in Copenhagen, Denmark

I posted it already (3 times by mistake) A very good video.As a Catholic myself I tend to call it the Traditional Latin Mass or the Old Mass.
All the best. 👏 👏

Jungfru Marias Upptagning i Himmelen 17 aug 2008

Nice to see somebody post this video to youtube. 👏

Ave Maria. Ave Maria, gràtia plena, Dòminus tècum, benedìcta tu in mulièribus, et benedìctus fructus …

Pray for the person who posted this to Youtube.I found it.It is a beautiful,simple presentation.
Let us say daily, Ave Maria!
Hail, to the Mother of God.
Pray the Rosary daily.

Highlights from Roman Catholic Womenpriests' liturgy at Call to Action

We know it is not the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.Stay well clear of such groups. ✍️

Bishop Williamson sspx. Great Words. Great Film

👏 👏 👏 👏

Multicultural Youth Mass at Lourdes

Nice to see this video.

The Rosary of the Youth. For the youth, the prayer of the Rosary is also an essential part of the …

Pray the rosary daily and promote the Message of Fatima.

Funny Vote NO video. Funny vote NO video about the irish vote on the Lisbon Treaty. The vote is in 3…

Great to see this video here also.It is very popular.