
Amazon Synod Started with Four-Step-Enthronement of a Demon (Video)

No more who became the next pope, the Church has lost its way. The enemy is within and without and remains the majority. All we can do is Pray.

Communism is Jewish and made to contain Islam to go too far

According to the Jews’ holy book.. the Talmud....they certainly made known their hatred and demise of Christians. The evil words used toward Jesus, His mother, who were Jews. The Jesuits, for decades have also contributed in the attempt of destroying Christ’s Church. Let’s hope for the Jews sake, they convert to the true faith.

Priests in Rome Pray Exorcism Against Vatican

Flee All You Sodomites! St. Peter Damien, Pray for us!

Top “Gay” Organization Comes Clean: “HIV is a gay disease.” | News

One of the main contributors to this Plague of Sodomy, which has Infected the modern world is the claim that sexual union is allowed before marriage. Once you say that you open the door for everything. Not only is Sodomy contrary to Christian morality, it opens the door to the claim that two people can have mutual sexual experiences independent of the purpose for which God created the Two genders …More
One of the main contributors to this Plague of Sodomy, which has Infected the modern world is the claim that sexual union is allowed before marriage. Once you say that you open the door for everything. Not only is Sodomy contrary to Christian morality, it opens the door to the claim that two people can have mutual sexual experiences independent of the purpose for which God created the Two genders of Men and Women.

German Bishop In Full Liturgical Vestment On Roller Coaster

‘Very Catholic’ prelates don’t go roller- coastering.

They laughed several times. They laughed several times

St Peter Damian (Doctor of The Church) wrote extensively on the unnatural SINFUL depravity of sodomites. Hopefully, for Martin’s sake he repents before its too late.

Mumbo-Jumbo in Vatican Gardens: Gullible Francis Participates (Video)

Satan has taken over them.

THE MAN WHO BROKE the STORY: Viganò Journalist Interviewed

People need to call out these heretical clergy... get in their faces if needed and STOP putting Money in the basket‼

Papa Francis by Emily Clarke. Papa Francis

Is this some form of punishment?

40 second clip shows authenticity of Mirjana in Medjugorje

Mirjana said that a a supernatural vision of a Franciscan appeared to her in her home and later discovered it wasn’t from above. Then you have Vicka saying that Our Lady told her that her (BVM) real birthday was Aug. 5th. That’s a lie. And Our Lady would Never say that because its not true!

Why Pope Francis does not kneel or genuflect during Mass

How was Frances able to kneel to the floor to kiss the feet of the So. Sudan leaders on April 11, 2019? With no help mind you.