Hound of Heaven

‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing’: California diocese warns about imposter priests

One impostor at the top is already one too many.
Hound of Heaven

Slovenian Jesuit accomplice of Rupnik incardinated in Italian diocese

But, given Bergoglio's perverse nature, predictable. Pray for the women who were abused. Pray for the Church.
Hound of Heaven

Fighting the Battle of Ideas with Comic Books - Catholic Stand

Please send comic books back to a time when they had no pretensions and merely provided a straight-forward reassurance to every reader that good triumphs over evil and to every problem there is an answer. Fortified with those lessons, I was ready to take on almost everything life threw at a kid. Every child should be so blessed. By the way, I fondly remember reading Treasure Chest comics in the …More
Please send comic books back to a time when they had no pretensions and merely provided a straight-forward reassurance to every reader that good triumphs over evil and to every problem there is an answer. Fortified with those lessons, I was ready to take on almost everything life threw at a kid. Every child should be so blessed. By the way, I fondly remember reading Treasure Chest comics in the sacristy in between masses, at which we altar boys were on hand, ready to serve. Happy times.
Hound of Heaven

Archbishop Aguer: The Church must return to the traditional exercise of episcopal authority - LifeSite

But only with episcopal authorities worthy of being in Christ's service.
Hound of Heaven

Benedictine Brother Murdered

May God welcome him into His Kingdom. RIP
Hound of Heaven

This scandal will hit back on Francis

Unfortunately, 'livid' doesn't do much good in such a repugnant instance as this. While it is never too late to speak out, O'Malley's silence is nothing short of complicity since it has always been the silence which has protected the abusers. Our Lord had eleven followers who deeply regretted not speaking out in His defense when He needed them to do so. Those in authority who do not vociferously …More
Unfortunately, 'livid' doesn't do much good in such a repugnant instance as this. While it is never too late to speak out, O'Malley's silence is nothing short of complicity since it has always been the silence which has protected the abusers. Our Lord had eleven followers who deeply regretted not speaking out in His defense when He needed them to do so. Those in authority who do not vociferously challenge what is wrong, by not doing so, permit what is wrong.
Hound of Heaven

Should You "Accept" Vatican II?

Many of the writings from Vatican II, and post Vatican II, are filled with 'weasel words' which, upon first glance, can 'sound good' but, when astutely analyzed, do not stand up to theological or doctrinal scrutiny. The majority of Catholics are not aware of the content of these documents, nor are they equipped to analyze them as well as they should be analyzed (I do not completely exclude myself …More
Many of the writings from Vatican II, and post Vatican II, are filled with 'weasel words' which, upon first glance, can 'sound good' but, when astutely analyzed, do not stand up to theological or doctrinal scrutiny. The majority of Catholics are not aware of the content of these documents, nor are they equipped to analyze them as well as they should be analyzed (I do not completely exclude myself from these shortcomings). The malignant branches which have sprouted from these bad roots, however, are too pervasive and evident not to be challenged and severely pruned to make the Faith tree of Catholicism a healthy one again.
Hound of Heaven

Journalists are shameless liars: Piers Morgan (video)

Liar, or Alzheimer's - which is it Piers?
Hound of Heaven

👱‍♀ THE 👱‍♀ AMAZING 👱‍♀ POLLY 👱‍♀ .. 🇨🇦 🐇 ...OCTOBER....25/2023

Polly is correct to be furious about the subjugation of others as 'subhuman animals'. Our Lord definitively taught us that there is none in the flock who He considers 'subhuman animals' or beyond the reach of mercy and forgiveness; fallen, and lost, but never 'subhuman'.
Hound of Heaven

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Bergoglio is attempting to ‘adulterate the deposit of faith’ under …

Well, let's just say that Bergoglio's 'deposit', and those left by far too many local dogs in the local parks, have a lot in common.
Hound of Heaven

Meet the Aussie Laywoman Pushing for Motherhood — Not Female Priesthood — at the Synod on Synodality

@Tony Smith I think you are largely correct. This woman, no matter how well intentioned, and I thank her for her witness, is being used by the puppeteers on the sidelines to calm and divert the majority of the faithful from storming the barricades before the genuine nefarious ideological and unorthodox reforms are introduced as being 'the voice' of a rather coerced ersatz 'holy spirit' (aka known …More
@Tony Smith I think you are largely correct. This woman, no matter how well intentioned, and I thank her for her witness, is being used by the puppeteers on the sidelines to calm and divert the majority of the faithful from storming the barricades before the genuine nefarious ideological and unorthodox reforms are introduced as being 'the voice' of a rather coerced ersatz 'holy spirit' (aka known as 'the people'). Virtually all of the topics they have raised at this preposterous Ex-Synod were raised before in other papacies with the reassurance every time that they had been dealt with and would no longer need to be raised again. Fat chance.
Hound of Heaven

Francis, Apostle of Change but not of Christ

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matt. 5-17 Next time, cardinals, please elect someone who has actually read and lives the Scriptures.
Hound of Heaven

Progressive priest taints those who uphold the moral teaching of the Church with being "extreme right"

The very notion of a priest being 'progressive', 'left, or 'right' is antithetical to this blessed vocation. He is called to be centered upon Christ, drawing us to be centered upon Christ by his example. This fellow needs to recalibrate whether he is following an ideological idol, or the one, and only, true triune God he promised to serve.
Hound of Heaven

Soon you'll be eating bugs. Like it or not the powers that run the world are making it so that you …

We are just as insane if we let them foist this upon us.
Hound of Heaven

Francis Slammed "West" For Murdering Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein

Was that on the "same page" that Joe Biden just boasted he and Bergoglio were on?
Hound of Heaven

Truth...and funny, too

No doubt to be followed by A-sinine on asininity.
Hound of Heaven

Boycott the products of modern slavery

Another one of the essential and grave issues, like human trafficking, excess deaths, etc., which are being diverted from our attention by the gaslighting of other 'issues' being forced down our gullets.
Hound of Heaven

Myanmar's Cardinal Bo at Synod Mass: 'Our people are on an exodus'

Now everyone is a migrant.
Hound of Heaven

Mitch McConnell addresses his freezing episodes: "I'm in good shape, completely recovered and back on …

Mitch must have the same doctor as Biden and the late Senator Feinstein.
Hound of Heaven

Canada's military adopts the new "religion" of inclusion and diversity

As someone who has studied the topic of World War I and II intensely with respect to the participating nations, this is ideological insanity, and an insult to the memories of the majority of soldiers, both indigenous and non-indigenous, who fought and died and were very much invested in the Christian values upon which their countries were founded. They did not serve for the purpose of seeing those …More
As someone who has studied the topic of World War I and II intensely with respect to the participating nations, this is ideological insanity, and an insult to the memories of the majority of soldiers, both indigenous and non-indigenous, who fought and died and were very much invested in the Christian values upon which their countries were founded. They did not serve for the purpose of seeing those, or any, values be scuttled by those whose inclination to find fault and injury in everything is within the psychotic range. My instincts tell me that it has little to do with the 'feelings' of these 'useful idiots' as it does with erasing a valiant and important part of the West's cultural memory.