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O Antiphons. AdventMore
O Antiphons.
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas First O Antiphon - O SapientiaMore
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
First O Antiphon - O Sapientia
harbor star shares from Irapuato
Sacred Music & Chant. Contemplative prayer resources.More
Sacred Music & Chant.
Contemplative prayer resources.
Singing Monks of Norcia. Religionandethicsnewsweekly on Aug 3, 2015 In the Italian town where Saint Benedict was born, Benedictine monks led by Father Cassian Folsom, an American, gather nine times …More
Singing Monks of Norcia.
Religionandethicsnewsweekly on Aug 3, 2015 In the Italian town where Saint Benedict was born, Benedictine monks led by Father Cassian Folsom, an American, gather nine times daily to worship God with Gregorian chants and prayer. Their singing has been recorded and is now a chart-topping album, allowing others outside the walls of the monastery to experience the music and devotions of monastic life.
harbor star shares from Elisha9821
Sacred Music & Chant. Contemplative prayer resources.More
Sacred Music & Chant.
Contemplative prayer resources.
Sanctus et Benedictus. SANCTUS, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. BENEDICTUS qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. Holy, holy …More
Sanctus et Benedictus.
SANCTUS, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.
BENEDICTUS qui venit in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. BLESSED is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. SANTO, Santo, Santo es el Señor, Dios de los ejércitos. Llenos están, el cielo y la tierra, De tu gloria. ¡Hossanna! en las alturas, BENDITO el que viene en nombre del Señor, ¡Hossanna! en las alturas.
harbor star shares from apvs
Sacred Music & Chant. Contemplative prayer resources.More
Sacred Music & Chant.
Contemplative prayer resources.
Canto gregoriano - Salmo 109 Dixit Dominus Domino meo "Sede a dextris meis donec ponam inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorum" Virgam potentiae tuae emittet Dominus ex Sion dominare in medio inimicorum …More
Canto gregoriano - Salmo 109
Dixit Dominus Domino meo
"Sede a dextris meis
donec ponam inimicos tuos
scabellum pedum tuorum"
Virgam potentiae tuae emittet Dominus ex Sion
dominare in medio inimicorum tuorum
Tecum principatus in die virtutis tuae in splendoribus sanctis ex utero ante luciferum genui te Iuravit Dominus et non paenitebit eum "Tu es sacerdos in aeternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech" Dominus a dextris tuis conquassabit in die irae suae reges Iudicabit in nationibus :cumularunt cadavera conquassabit capita in terra spatiosa De torrente in via bibet propterea exaltabit caput Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper in saecula saeculorum . AMEN ! Dice el Señor a mi Señor: "Siéntate a mi derecha y haré de tus enemigos el estrado de tu trono " Sión, el Señor se presenta a usted el cetro de tu poder: "Domine al corazón del enemigo!" El día parece que su poder Usted es príncipe santo esplendor: "Como el rocío que viene del amanecer Yo te …More
harbor star shares from liguori
Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Prayer resources, history, devotion.More
Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Prayer resources, history, devotion.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The latest issue of Hope magazine, from the Redemptorists of the Denver Province, explores the history and the sacred mysteries behind this most beloved icon, given to …More
Our Mother of Perpetual Help.
The latest issue of Hope magazine, from the Redemptorists of the Denver Province, explores the history and the sacred mysteries behind this most beloved icon, given to the Redemptorists in 1866 by Pope Pius IX with the stipulation that "we make her known throughout the world."
Please feel free to download your own copy and to share it with someone in need...
God bless...
The Redemptorist Fathers & Brothers of the Denver Province
16 pages
harbor star shares from Sensus Fidelium
Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Prayer resources, history, devotion.More
Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Prayer resources, history, devotion.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Feast 27-June) Sermon on the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Our Lady of Perpetual help is said to never refuse a request for help, great or trivial. Despite their …More
Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Feast 27-June)
Sermon on the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Our Lady of Perpetual help is said to never refuse a request for help, great or trivial. Despite their reticence to invoke her aid, many have reported hearing Mary's calm voice saying "Why don't you just ask?" Please visit www.audiosancto.org/sermon/20090627-Our-Mo… for more. Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
papastronsay.blogspot.com Redemptorist site for Novena prayer intentions for Our Lady of Perpetual Help
harbor star shares from Irapuato
Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Prayer resources, history, devotion.More
Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
Prayer resources, history, devotion.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-What the Picture Means. What the Picture Means Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon and History St. Alphonsus Parish is staffed by the Redemptorists, who have a great devotion to …More
Our Lady of Perpetual Help-What the Picture Means.
What the Picture Means
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Icon and History
St. Alphonsus Parish is staffed by the Redemptorists, who have a great devotion to Our Lady under the title of Perpetual Help. The weekly novena prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual are prayed every Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. You will find a beautiful shrine to Our Lady in St. Alphonsus Church.
The "Our Lady of Perpetual Help" icon is popular among both Catholics and non-Catholics. In 2001, Pope John Paul II presented an icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to a Muslim cleric on the first visit of a Pope to a mosque.
harbor star shares from SilentNoMore
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
Amélie - Silent No More, France. www.silentnomoreawareness.org Amélie shares her story of her abortion. (Dubbed from French to English).More
Amélie - Silent No More, France.
www.silentnomoreawareness.org Amélie shares her story of her abortion. (Dubbed from French to English).
harbor star shares from Gloria.tv
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
We will die within a short time. Dr. Imre Teglasy, HLI Hungary, talks about the crucial situation in hungary.More
We will die within a short time.
Dr. Imre Teglasy, HLI Hungary, talks about the crucial situation in hungary.
harbor star shares from HLI
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
Abortion Survivor Dr. Imre Téglásy Fights for Life in Hungary. Learn more: www.hliworldwatch.org Dr. Imre Téglásy, Director of Human Life International's (HLI) affiliate in Hungary, is an abortion …More
Abortion Survivor Dr. Imre Téglásy Fights for Life in Hungary.
Learn more: www.hliworldwatch.org
Dr. Imre Téglásy, Director of Human Life International's (HLI) affiliate in Hungary, is an abortion survivor who has dedicated his life to saving the unborn from abortion, and to spreading the Gospel of Life. Learn more about Imre's work and the struggle to protect life in Central in Eastern Europe by ordering Part II of Human Life International's 'True Stories' documentary series 'Central and Eastern Europe: A Return to Life' - www.hli.org/CEEurope.
harbor star shares from jamacor
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
Supermodel Kathy Ireland uses Science and Reason to tell Mike Huckabee why she became pro-life. She does talk about being a Christian but makes her point using science not blind faith as a basis. She …More
Supermodel Kathy Ireland uses Science and Reason to tell Mike Huckabee why she became pro-life.
She does talk about being a Christian but makes her point using science not blind faith as a basis. She correctly tackles the fundamental questions: What is the issue? What is the unborn? and What is the value of human life? After all you can't have a position that is either pro-life or pro-choice unless you can answer the question - What is the unborn? If it were not a life then you would not have to abort it. If the unborn is not a human being then no justification is necessary. If it is a human being then no justification is adequate. There is after all no difference on your DNA when you are an adult, child or just a few cells not yet fully developed but still fully human in nature. Body size does not determine value. The former Presidential candidate Huckabee learned something and maybe you will as well.
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE

Abortions Fall 5%, Biggest Drop in a Decade

Chart ~ As of 2012, it is estimated there have been over 54 million babies murdered by abortion in the United States since 1973.[2] Abortion is a billion-dollar industry in the United States. Although …More
Chart ~ As of 2012, it is estimated there have been over 54 million babies murdered by abortion in the United States since 1973.[2] Abortion is a billion-dollar industry in the United States. Although Planned Parenthood likes to claim abortion accounts for just 3% of its services, according to its 2007-08 budget, it received $1.038 billion of revenue, and half to two-thirds relates to its abortion services.
Abortions Fall 5%, Biggest Drop in a Decade

U.S. abortions fell 5 percent during the Great Recession in the biggest one-year decrease in at least a decade, according to government figures released Wednesday.
The reason for the decline wasn't clear, but some experts said it may be due to better use of birth control during tough economic times. Their theory is that some women believe they can't afford to get pregnant.
The new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that both the number and rate of abortions fell 5 percent in 2009, the most recent statistics …More
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE

Romney: I Will Be a Pro-Life President

Romney: I Will Be a Pro-Life President, De-Fund Planned Parenthood Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made his pro-life views clear today in response to a question from a reporter on the …More
Romney: I Will Be a Pro-Life President, De-Fund Planned Parenthood
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made his pro-life views clear today in response to a question from a reporter on the campaign trail in Ohio.
Romney said he would govern as a pro-life president, de-fund the nation’s largest abortion company, and reinstate a policy preventing taxpayer funding of international abortion promotion efforts on the part of Planned Parenthood.
“I think I’ve said time and again that I’m a pro-life candidate and I’ll be a pro-life president.
The actions I’ll take immediately is to remove funding for Planned Parenthood. It will not be part of my budget.
And also I’ve indicated that I will reverse the Mexico City position of the president. I will reinstate the Mexico City policy which keeps us from using foreign aid for abortions overseas,” he said, according to Politico.
harbor star shares from priestsforlife.org
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
"Safe & Legal" Project Highlights Abortions Danger to Women. Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, talks about the new Safe & Legal project.More
"Safe & Legal" Project Highlights Abortions Danger to Women.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, talks about the new Safe & Legal project.
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE

Obama Admin Sues to Force Arizona Fund Planned Parenthood

Photo ~ Barack Hussein Obama Obama Admin Sues to Force Arizona Fund Planned Parenthood The Obama administration is using the state of Arizona and claiming that its new law revoking taxpayer funding …More
Photo ~ Barack Hussein Obama
Obama Admin Sues to Force Arizona Fund Planned Parenthood
The Obama administration is using the state of Arizona and claiming that its new law revoking taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business runs afoul of federal laws.
The Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act of Arizona (HB 2800) de-funded abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood of state family planning money.
The measure prohibits the state or any local government from using public money to contract with an organization that includes abortions.
In new filings in court, representatives of the Justice Department tell U.S. District Court Judge Neil Wake that a law approved earlier this year aimed specifically at cutting off taxpayer funding to the abortion business via the state’s funding of family planning programs is against the law.
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE

Obama Ad Panders to Catholics, Ignores His Abortion Record

Picture ~ The Pro-Abortion Megalomaniac Obama Ad Panders to Catholics, Ignores His Abortion Record The campaign to coverup President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record in his campaign’s outreach to …More
Picture ~ The Pro-Abortion Megalomaniac
Obama Ad Panders to Catholics, Ignores His Abortion Record
The campaign to coverup President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion record in his campaign’s outreach to Catholic voters has begun in earnest.
Already, a Catholic University of America professor is under fire for claiming Obama is pro-life and saying he deserves re-election. Now, the Obama re-election campaign has released a new vide that one leading pro-life Catholic activist calls “laughably lame” in its attempt to “gin up support for his “Catholics for Obama” group.”
The ad contains no mention of Obama’s promotion of abortion, abortion funding, funding Planned Parenthood or the HHS mandate that has drawn strong opposition from Catholics and the Catholic bishops.
The full article can be read Here.
harbor star shares from priestsforlife.org
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
Elements of Prolife Prayer - Thanking God for Life. www.priestsforlife.org Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, continues in our reflections on praying to end abortion. In this …More
Elements of Prolife Prayer - Thanking God for Life.
www.priestsforlife.org Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, continues in our reflections on praying to end abortion. In this installment, Fr. Pavone outlines the elements of prolife prayer, all of which are captured so beautifully in the acronym, 'ACTS': 'A' for adoration, 'C' for contrition, 'T' for thanksgiving, and 'S' for supplication. Of all of these, Fr. Pavone focuses in particular on the element of thanksgiving and gratitude for God's gifts in our prayer life. For prayer resources, join us at www.priestsforlife.org/Prayers.
harbor star shares from Irapuato
LIFE. Selections about LIFEMore
Selections about LIFE
Melissa Ohden - Story - melissaohden.com. on melissaohden on May 31, 2009More
Melissa Ohden - Story - melissaohden.com.
on melissaohden on May 31, 2009
harbor star shares from Father Reto Preaches
Advent Retreat 2012 Advent Retreat 2012More
Advent Retreat 2012
Advent Retreat 2012
Fifth O Antiphon - O Oriens. Advent 2012 Father Reto Nay Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas Fifth O Antiphon - O Morning StarMore
Fifth O Antiphon - O Oriens.
Advent 2012
Father Reto Nay
Gloria Retreat in preparation for Christmas
Fifth O Antiphon - O Morning Star
harbor star shares from Father Reto Preaches
Advent Retreat 2012 Advent Retreat 2012More
Advent Retreat 2012
Advent Retreat 2012
Seventh O Antiphon - O Emmanuel. O Emmánuel, rex et légifer noster, exspectátio géntium et salvátor eárum: veni ad salvándum nos, Dómine Deus noster.More
Seventh O Antiphon - O Emmanuel.
O Emmánuel, rex et légifer noster, exspectátio géntium et salvátor eárum: veni ad salvándum nos, Dómine Deus noster.