I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.

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Devotion to The Sacred Heart-Father John Croiset(BOOK)- 2nd PART-Chapter3(Part IV)

CHAPTER III. The means of overcoming the obstacles, that hinder us from gathering the fruit we ought, from the devotion …

Daily mass readings from 24/10 to 30/10

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Liturgical Calendar (From 24/10/2022 to 30/10/2022)

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St. Peter of Alcantara, Confessor

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St. Luke Evangelist

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Daily mass readings from 17/10 to 23/10

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Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine

Pular para o conteúdo Promoting the Devotion to the Sacred Heart Home Sacred Heart of Jesus Daily Mass Readings Prayers Devotions Holy Rosary Liturgical Calendar Liturgy…
Daily mass readings from 17/10/2022 to 23/10/2022, according to the 1962 calendar. Visit our blog: Cor Jesu SacratissimumMore
Daily mass readings from 17/10/2022 to 23/10/2022, according to the
1962 calendar.
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Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
26 pages

XIX Sunday after Pentecost

Pular para o conteúdo Home Sacred Heart of Jesus Daily Mass Readings Prayers Devotions Holy Rosary Liturgical Calendar Liturgy Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/…

Liturgical Calendar (From 17/10/2022 to 23/10/2022)

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St. Teresa of Avila

Pular para o conteúdo Home Sacred Heart of Jesus Daily Mass Readings Prayers Devotions Holy Rosary Liturgical Calendar Liturgy Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022)

The prayers of the Holy Rosary explained

Pular para o conteúdo THESE ARTICLES ARE PART OF Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022). You can read it here for free. Click on the image …

The prayers of the Holy Rosary explained(Part IV)

PART IV: THE FIFTEEN MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY THIS ARTICLE IS PART OF Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022). You can read it here …

The prayers of the Holy Rosary explained(Part III)

PART III: HAIL MARY THIS ARTICLE IS PART OF Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022). You can read it here for free. Click on the …
DAILY MASS READINGS – Friday, October 14, 2022 III class-Red St. Callistus Pope and Martyr Visit our blog: Cor Jesu SacratissimumMore
DAILY MASS READINGS – Friday, October 14, 2022
III class-Red
St. Callistus Pope and Martyr
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St. Callistus Pope and Martyr

Pular para o conteúdo Home Sacred Heart of Jesus Daily Mass Readings Prayers Devotions Holy Rosary Liturgical Calendar Liturgy Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2…

The prayers of the Holy Rosary explained(Part II)

PART II: THE OUR FATHER THIS ARTICLE IS PART OF Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022). You can read it here for free. Click on the …

The prayers of the Holy Rosary explained(Part I)

PART I: THE CREED THIS ARTICLE IS PART OF Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Magazine’s ( Issue 2/October 2022). You can read it here for free. Click on the image …

St. Edward the Confessor

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