Catch the lap of Our Lady. The adult of this world is not able to do many things necessary for the …

Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. I never heard this taught so beautifully. Usually the focus is on being trusting of Providence. Change and growth do seem harder as one ages. I'm grateful to have been re-verted in my mid-30s and it's been 10 years now. I still recall one particular heart expanding experience early on when learning more about the mercy of God for all, particularly those …More
Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. I never heard this taught so beautifully. Usually the focus is on being trusting of Providence. Change and growth do seem harder as one ages. I'm grateful to have been re-verted in my mid-30s and it's been 10 years now. I still recall one particular heart expanding experience early on when learning more about the mercy of God for all, particularly those who due to mental illness commit suicide. Truly felt like my heart grew larger on hearing that - like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas :-). Peace!

Keep watching. Read the Gospel, and you will find out that man has no chance. Fr Reto Nay June 12th …

+Thank God for your preaching. Opened wide that passage for me. Explains a bit what I've been experiencing in prayer too. Seems like the Spirit is bringing Scriptures to mind that are not part of the usual lectio on the daily readings but often far in advance of readings. Not that I know the Scriptures as fully as I should. Lord have mercy. It's startling to be given a piece of the Lord's mind like …More
+Thank God for your preaching. Opened wide that passage for me. Explains a bit what I've been experiencing in prayer too. Seems like the Spirit is bringing Scriptures to mind that are not part of the usual lectio on the daily readings but often far in advance of readings. Not that I know the Scriptures as fully as I should. Lord have mercy. It's startling to be given a piece of the Lord's mind like that but figure I'll get used to it and best to do whatever He tells me. May God reward you. Our Lady, pray for us.