
Are the SSPX Confessions Valid?

I think the better question to ask is are the novus ordo confessions valid? Do those priests in novus ordo even believe in mortal sin or any of the sacraments for that matter? What does it even matter to the novus ordo? I mean if the jews and muslims are saved, and if 'elements of sanctification' are found outside the Church according to the delusional post conciliar church and popes - who really …More
I think the better question to ask is are the novus ordo confessions valid? Do those priests in novus ordo even believe in mortal sin or any of the sacraments for that matter? What does it even matter to the novus ordo? I mean if the jews and muslims are saved, and if 'elements of sanctification' are found outside the Church according to the delusional post conciliar church and popes - who really needs confession anyway? Novus Ordo is just mindless contradiction and is catholic in name only.

Orthodox Jew Covers Himself With Plastic Bag On Plane

And the ecumaniacs in the Vatican want to have 'dialogue' with the faithless jews. These poor brainwashed people who are stuck in a false religion should be told the truth, that they must abandon their false religion and believe in Christ. Yet Benedict XVI, John Paul II and now Pope Francis leave these souls mired in their darkness, and lie to them saying the Old Covenant was not revoked, that we …More
And the ecumaniacs in the Vatican want to have 'dialogue' with the faithless jews. These poor brainwashed people who are stuck in a false religion should be told the truth, that they must abandon their false religion and believe in Christ. Yet Benedict XVI, John Paul II and now Pope Francis leave these souls mired in their darkness, and lie to them saying the Old Covenant was not revoked, that we should not seek their conversion when the Scriptures, Dogma, and the ability to use sane logic clearly say otherwise:

Christ to the faithless Jews: "Therefore I said to you, that you shall die in your sins. For if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin."
-Gospel of St. John 8:24

"The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they have become adversaries to all men, to fill up their sin always; for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end."
-I Thess 2:14-16
At the Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV made this ex cathedra pronouncement: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire, which was prepared for the Devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives.” (Cantate Domino, 1441).

Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is Antichrist, who denies the Father, and the Son. (1 Jn 2:22)

Pope Francis: unbreakable unity of Scripture and Tradition

For those following this post and have enough sense to know there is something terribly wrong and protestant with the illicit new mass, please take time to learn the history of what the enemies of the Church did to the mass and how it compares to the new mass (many of them Bishops and Priests who left the Church to form the anglican/lutheran and other heretical sects):
For those following this post and have enough sense to know there is something terribly wrong and protestant with the illicit new mass, please take time to learn the history of what the enemies of the Church did to the mass and how it compares to the new mass (many of them Bishops and Priests who left the Church to form the anglican/lutheran and other heretical sects):

Pope Francis: unbreakable unity of Scripture and Tradition

Pope Pius VI, when he condemned the heretical Council of Pestoia, also condemned the new mass 175 years before it was created:
33. The proposition of the synod by which it shows itself eager to remove the cause through which, inpart, there has been induced a forget-fulness of the principles relating to the order of the liturgy, "byrecalling it (the liturgy) to a greater simplicity of rites, by …More
Pope Pius VI, when he condemned the heretical Council of Pestoia, also condemned the new mass 175 years before it was created:

33. The proposition of the synod by which it shows itself eager to remove the cause through which, inpart, there has been induced a forget-fulness of the principles relating to the order of the liturgy, "byrecalling it (the liturgy) to a greater simplicity of rites, by expressing it in the vernacular language, byuttering it in a loud voice"; as if the present order of the liturgy, received and approved by the Church,had emanated in some part from the forgetfulness of the principles by which it should be regulated,
—rash, offensive to pious ears, insulting to the Church, favorable to the charges of heretics against it.

Pope Francis: unbreakable unity of Scripture and Tradition

Pope St Pius V in keeping wih and defending the Dogma above, infallibly promulgated the true mass, The Traditional Latin Mass.
Pope St. Pius V who forbid any new rites that were less than 200 years old - the new mass is therefore also condemned by this Papal Apostolic Constitution:
"Let all everywhere adopt and observe what has been handed down by the Holy Roman Church, the Mother and Teacher of …More
Pope St Pius V in keeping wih and defending the Dogma above, infallibly promulgated the true mass, The Traditional Latin Mass.

Pope St. Pius V who forbid any new rites that were less than 200 years old - the new mass is therefore also condemned by this Papal Apostolic Constitution:

"Let all everywhere adopt and observe what has been handed down by the Holy Roman Church, the Mother and Teacher of the other churches, and let Masses not be sung or read according to any other formula than that of this Missal published by Us... unless there has prevailed a custom of a similar kind which has been continuously followed for a period of not less than 200 years....This ordinance applies henceforth, now, and forever, throughout all the provinces of the Christian world.....Furthermore, by these presents [this law], in virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely......Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."

-Pope St. Pius

Pope Francis: unbreakable unity of Scripture and Tradition

To bad Pope Francis rejects Tradition and offers an illict protestant new mass that is condemned by the dogmas of the Council of Trent as well as by his predecessors:
Session 7, Canon 13 of the dogmatic Council of Trent which clearly stated that NO NEW 'Rites' of the Sacraments could be created by anyone (this includes the Pope):
CANON XIII.-If any one saith, that the received and approved rites …More
To bad Pope Francis rejects Tradition and offers an illict protestant new mass that is condemned by the dogmas of the Council of Trent as well as by his predecessors:
Session 7, Canon 13 of the dogmatic Council of Trent which clearly stated that NO NEW 'Rites' of the Sacraments could be created by anyone (this includes the Pope):

CANON XIII.-If any one saith, that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned, or without sin be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed, by every pastor of the churches, into other new ones; let him be anathema.

Catholic Twilight Zone (4/8/13) ChurchMilitantTV: It's becoming something of a Catholic Twilight Zone

Beware of the Voris Virus!
Michael Voris vs. "Cardinal" Dolan & Dolanites: A Case of Very Selective Reporting...
Michael pseudo-traditionalist and/or "conservative" Novus Ordo news outlets cannot be relied upon to give you all the relevant facts, while at the same time giving you a great presentation.
Let's be clear: All of Voris' criticism of Timothy "Cardinal" Dolan, seen in the video below, is …More
Beware of the Voris Virus!

Michael Voris vs. "Cardinal" Dolan & Dolanites: A Case of Very Selective Reporting...

Michael pseudo-traditionalist and/or "conservative" Novus Ordo news outlets cannot be relied upon to give you all the relevant facts, while at the same time giving you a great presentation.

Let's be clear: All of Voris' criticism of Timothy "Cardinal" Dolan, seen in the video below, is entirely justified. He exposes how Dolan panders to pro-abortion, pro-homo "Catholic" U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, who attended St. Patrick's Cathedral on Palm Sunday, and not only does not deny him (what Novus Ordoites think is) "Holy Communion" but even gives him a shout-out from the pulpit.

Voris is absolutely right in exposing this scandalous behavior. The problem here is not with what Voris is reporting but with what he is not reporting: That a few days earlier, Biden also received "Communion", but this time at the Vatican's installation "Mass" of Pope Francis -- even if not from the papal hands, because Francis didn't distribute Communion at all.

In addition, for the same occasion, Biden (together with Nancy Pelosi, the "Catholic" U.S. House Minority Leader, who is just as pro-abortion and pro-perversion) walked up to and congratulated Pope Francis, who smiled and returned the handshakes and did not lose one word or gesture against the baby-killer-promoting, gay-marriage-supporting "Catholics" Biden or Pelosi, who also attack the rights of the Catholic Church in the United States by backing the contraception mandate in Obamacare.

Don't Trust Either Party (4/9/13)

Beware of the Voris Virus!
Michael Voris vs. "Cardinal" Dolan & Dolanites: A Case of Very Selective Reporting...
Michael pseudo-traditionalist and/or "conservative" Novus Ordo news outlets cannot be relied upon to give you all the relevant facts, while at the same time giving you a great presentation.
Let's be clear: All of Voris' criticism of Timothy "Cardinal" Dolan, seen in the video below, is …More
Beware of the Voris Virus!

Michael Voris vs. "Cardinal" Dolan & Dolanites: A Case of Very Selective Reporting...

Michael pseudo-traditionalist and/or "conservative" Novus Ordo news outlets cannot be relied upon to give you all the relevant facts, while at the same time giving you a great presentation.

Let's be clear: All of Voris' criticism of Timothy "Cardinal" Dolan, seen in the video below, is entirely justified. He exposes how Dolan panders to pro-abortion, pro-homo "Catholic" U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, who attended St. Patrick's Cathedral on Palm Sunday, and not only does not deny him (what Novus Ordoites think is) "Holy Communion" but even gives him a shout-out from the pulpit.

Voris is absolutely right in exposing this scandalous behavior. The problem here is not with what Voris is reporting but with what he is not reporting: That a few days earlier, Biden also received "Communion", but this time at the Vatican's installation "Mass" of Pope Francis -- even if not from the papal hands, because Francis didn't distribute Communion at all.

In addition, for the same occasion, Biden (together with Nancy Pelosi, the "Catholic" U.S. House Minority Leader, who is just as pro-abortion and pro-perversion) walked up to and congratulated Pope Francis, who smiled and returned the handshakes and did not lose one word or gesture against the baby-killer-promoting, gay-marriage-supporting "Catholics" Biden or Pelosi, who also attack the rights of the Catholic Church in the United States by backing the contraception mandate in Obamacare.

The Great Comparison - The Old Mass V.S. The New

Great Video! People need to see the True Mass vs the horrific protestant and illicit new mass.

Deutschland Über Alles

Pope St. Pius V on homosexual priests:
"Homosexual Priests Must Be Deprived of Their Clerical Dignity and Put to Death"…More
Pope St. Pius V on homosexual priests:

"Homosexual Priests Must Be Deprived of Their Clerical Dignity and Put to Death"…

9 things you need to know about "Maria Divine Mercy"

There are so many insane and lost souls posting her messages on facebook that it is sickening. This woman just steals from already approved messages from Saints and Our Lady and then spins them into her own. She is a complete fraud. Thank for posting this.

Did Pope St. Pius V codify the Traditional Latin Mass Forever?

Thanks, please see my other video on the Traditional Latin Mass - there is even more history spoken of in it...
The Church vs The New Mass:Is the Novus Ordo Missae a Catholic Rite?More
Thanks, please see my other video on the Traditional Latin Mass - there is even more history spoken of in it...

The Church vs The New Mass:Is the Novus Ordo Missae a Catholic Rite?

Dominikaner-Novizen tanzen zu "Lady Gaga"

What a bunch of queers. Sick people. True to the Novus Whoredo.
Is this what is required in the 'doctrinal preamble' the Society of St. Pius X has to sign?
Novus WHoredo = Pedo Homo Cult of ManMore
What a bunch of queers. Sick people. True to the Novus Whoredo.

Is this what is required in the 'doctrinal preamble' the Society of St. Pius X has to sign?

Novus WHoredo = Pedo Homo Cult of Man

Vatican II is a poisounous gateau

Papal infallibility is limited to a very specific circumstance when the pope defines a teaching of the Church that must be believed by ALL. Papal infallibility does not extend to every written or spoken word nor does it extend to every action of a pope. This is one of the huge errors of our modern world and this new heresy that says the pope can do anything is what is leading many ignorant and …More
Papal infallibility is limited to a very specific circumstance when the pope defines a teaching of the Church that must be believed by ALL. Papal infallibility does not extend to every written or spoken word nor does it extend to every action of a pope. This is one of the huge errors of our modern world and this new heresy that says the pope can do anything is what is leading many ignorant and apathetic souls in the Vatican II/Novus Ordo Church deeper into error.

From the First Vatican Council this is the dogmatic teaching on infallibility, and it is very limited as you can see with the 3 conditions necessary:

"We teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that

when the Roman pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA,
that is, when,

1. in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians,


in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority


he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole church,

he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter,
that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals.
Therefore, such definitions of the Roman pontiff are of themselves, and not by the consent of the church, irreformable."

Also what is important to note is that the Pope can not make known NEW doctrine (i.e. this new ecumenism - like the sacrilegious idolatry that took place as Assisi). Vatican I stated that the pope was not given the Holy Spirit to make know new doctrines:

"For the holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter
not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine,
but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles.
Indeed, their apostolic teaching was embraced by all the venerable fathers and reverenced and followed by all the holy orthodox doctors..."

Happy Easter from Cardinal Wuerl

Cardinal Wuerl - you are a complete disgrace and a coward. You should resign for your handling of the Fr. Marcel incident. How can you place him on leave for doing what every priest should do? He denied communion to a non-believing sodomite, but perhaps you don't even believe in the real presence? And perhaps you don't believe that homosexuality is a sin? Repent Coward Wuerl and get out.

La liberté religieuse selon Vatican II (2)

What is a real disappointment is that Catholics have been deceived by Benedict XVI and the entire Vatican II Church into thinking that the Novus Ordo Mass is a legitimate mass when it is nothing more than a Protestant Lord's Supper and those who offer it and assist in it are actually Schismatic because they have gone against the Dogmatic Council of Trent which codified THE ONLY CATHOLIC MASS OF THE …More
What is a real disappointment is that Catholics have been deceived by Benedict XVI and the entire Vatican II Church into thinking that the Novus Ordo Mass is a legitimate mass when it is nothing more than a Protestant Lord's Supper and those who offer it and assist in it are actually Schismatic because they have gone against the Dogmatic Council of Trent which codified THE ONLY CATHOLIC MASS OF THE LATIN RITE. In addition, what is also disappointing is that the entire Hierarchy and the Clergy have fallen into something far worse than the Arian Heresy where now we have the synthesis of all Heresies - Modernism - inflecting all aspects of the Church. Where for the entire 2,000 year tradition, ecumenism, modernism, and liberalism were always condemned, and are still condemned. As far as schism goes, it appears that the Schism actually happened when the SSPX was formed. The SSPX is the Catholic Church of all time, while the Vatican II sect is a new religion, hence the "Novus Ordo", the "new theology", the "new ecclesiology" - The Council is "hiding in plain view" the fact that it is a NEW RELIGION using the name Catholic as a front. The Vatican II sect has only stolen the buildings, the Catholic name and ornaments. Here have a read of this, this should open your eyes: II die…