Lesson 1 Need and Outline for Re-Evangelization. Catholic Re-Evangelization Lesson 1 Need and Outline for Re-EvangelizationMore
Lesson 1 Need and Outline for Re-Evangelization.
Catholic Re-Evangelization
Lesson 1
Need and Outline for Re-Evangelization
James O’Keefe as Osama bin Laden crosses border from Mexico to US. In a Project Veritas investigation released on Monday, James O’Keefe crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States disguised …More
James O’Keefe as Osama bin Laden crosses border from Mexico to US.
In a Project Veritas investigation released on Monday, James O’Keefe crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States disguised as Osama bin Laden.
Fr. Arnaud Rostand - US District Superior. Fr. Arnaud Rostand - US District Superior of the SSPX at St. Joseph's Chapel on July 22nd, 2012. (I tried uploading this a few months ago, but had some account …More
Fr. Arnaud Rostand - US District Superior.
Fr. Arnaud Rostand - US District Superior of the SSPX at St. Joseph's Chapel on July 22nd, 2012. (I tried uploading this a few months ago, but had some account limitations that I just now got rectified)
Fr. Mark Goring Response to Bishop Tony Palmer and Pope Francis on Christian Unity. Check out this man.More
Fr. Mark Goring Response to Bishop Tony Palmer and Pope Francis on Christian Unity.
Check out this man.
Reports that Putin flew similar route as MH17 Malaysian Airlines MH17 plane was travelling almost the same route as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s jet shortly before the crash that killed 298, …More
Reports that Putin flew similar route as MH17
Malaysian Airlines MH17 plane was travelling almost the same route as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s jet shortly before the crash that killed 298, Interfax news agency reports citing sources.
Divorce: Pope Francis telephones Argentine Woman. Questions and Answers with Father GrunerMore
Divorce: Pope Francis telephones Argentine Woman.
Questions and Answers with Father Gruner

How Francis is dealing with Italian bishops opposed to his vision.

By Massimo Faggioli A few weeks after Benedict XVI announced his resignation, the political philosopher Giorgio Agamben published a short book called The Mystery of Evil: Benedict XVI and the End of …More
By Massimo Faggioli
A few weeks after Benedict XVI announced his resignation, the political philosopher Giorgio Agamben published a short book called The Mystery of Evil: Benedict XVI and the End of Times. In that volume, Agamben calls the pope’s resignation a prophetic moment, and argues that it highlights the crisis of institutional legitimacy. His conclusions may be farfetched—an eschatological showdown between church and political power probably isn’t in the offing—but he does bring into focus the sense of crisis that shook the Vatican in the months leading to Benedict’s departure. A series of scandals—from Vatileaks to the Vatican bank—raised questions about Benedict’s administrative capacities, questions he himself seemed to answer when he chose to resign in February 2013. As the cardinals assembled in Rome to elect a new pope, curial reform became the conclave’s watchword. That is Francis’s mandate. It is also one of his greatest challenges. Whether he is able to rouse the …More
Eroding free speach. American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in CanadaMore
Eroding free speach.
American pro-family activist LaBarbera arrested in Canada
Car crashes into church during service. .More
Car crashes into church during service.
The One-Minute Aquinas. Michael Voris welcomes psychologist and author Kevin Vost. Dr. Vost has written nine Catholic books including, "The One-Minute Aquinas".More
The One-Minute Aquinas.
Michael Voris welcomes psychologist and author Kevin Vost. Dr. Vost has written nine Catholic books including, "The One-Minute Aquinas".
Massa Damnata. It's often said that we can hope Hell is empty. But can we? In this episode of Dispatches, Michael Voris goes through scripture, tradition and history to see what the Church REALLY says …More
Massa Damnata.
It's often said that we can hope Hell is empty. But can we? In this episode of Dispatches, Michael Voris goes through scripture, tradition and history to see what the Church REALLY says about hell and its population.
Gender ruling: High Court recognises third category of sex. A Sydney resident who fought to be legally recognised as being of non-specific sex has hailed a High Court ruling that New South Wales laws …More
Gender ruling: High Court recognises third category of sex.
A Sydney resident who fought to be legally recognised as being of non-specific sex has hailed a High Court ruling that New South Wales laws do permit the registration of a category of sex other than male or female.
Andrew Wilson reports from Crimea. SkynewsMore
Andrew Wilson reports from Crimea.
The Girl Scouts Contradict Our Catholic Faith. Mother and daughter team, Rochelle and Madelyn Focaracci, explain why they left the Girl Scouts after a 5 year relationship. www.girlscoutswhynot.comMore
The Girl Scouts Contradict Our Catholic Faith.
Mother and daughter team, Rochelle and Madelyn Focaracci, explain why they left the Girl Scouts after a 5 year relationship. www.girlscoutswhynot.com
Pictures from Before the Revolution. Old Photos showing an era long gone. I do not dislike the new Mass but, it is hard to argue that the cultural revolution did not also effect the Church in profound …More
Pictures from Before the Revolution.
Old Photos showing an era long gone. I do not dislike the new Mass but, it is hard to argue that the cultural revolution did not also effect the Church in profound ways.
Music is Ne Irascaris Domine by William Byrd by Currende available at iTunes
I wonder whi is the Byzantine Bishop at 8:21.
France: Churches into Mosques | European Journal. The sale of church buildings has become commonplace in France - but a recent proposal to convert a church to a mosque has triggered a nationwide …More
France: Churches into Mosques | European Journal.
The sale of church buildings has become commonplace in France - but a recent proposal to convert a church to a mosque has triggered a nationwide controversy. Church congregations in France are dwindling and the town of Vierzon is no exception. With a population of only 27,000, Vierzon is home to six Roman Catholic churches. To balance its books, the local diocese decided to sell one of the churches. But tempers flared after a Moroccan Muslim organization said it wanted to buy the church and convert it to a mosque. For more go to www.dw.de/…/s-3065-9798
Peaceful and prayerful Muslims: gloria.tv/post/rL6v3GsHG3BH1VmBbaMEpRjXB

Discussion: Shall John Paul II be Canonized?

The dilemma presented by John Paul II’s canonization In the January 2014 issue (no. 372) of Courrier de Rome, Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize, professor of ecclesiology at St. Pius X Seminary in Econe, published …More
The dilemma presented by John Paul II’s canonization
In the January 2014 issue (no. 372) of Courrier de Rome, Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize, professor of ecclesiology at St. Pius X Seminary in Econe, published a study entitled “John Paul II: a new saint for the Church?” After recalling that a canonization is infallible, he asked, “Are the new canonizations binding on all Catholic faithful?” and then “Can John Paul II be canonized?” quoting the Polish pope’s statements to Lutherans, Anglicans, the Orthodox, Jews and Moslems, as well as his remarks on religious liberty.
The following is Fr. Gleize’s epilogue.
If John Paul II is a saint, his theology must be irreproachable, down to the smallest detail. Indeed, the virtue of faith at heroic levels implies a perfect docility to the entire spirit of the Magisterium, and not only to the letter of the teachings of infallible Magisterium and to the lowest common denominator of mandatory dogmas.
If John Paul II is truly a saint, the Catholic faithful …More

Metalhead priest and his 'Sinners' bandmates are big pope fans

from the archives July 30, 2013 BUENOS AIRES--He's not your average parish priest: Father Cesar fronts the “Sinners” metal band, has a major record deal and jokes that he opens for the pope, a close pal. …More
from the archives
July 30, 2013
BUENOS AIRES--He's not your average parish priest: Father Cesar fronts the “Sinners” metal band, has a major record deal and jokes that he opens for the pope, a close pal.
Pope “Francis has rock inside him because rock is all about breaking down structures,” quipped Cesar Scicchitano, an assistant priest in a neighborhood of Buenos Aires, the pontiff's hometown.
Known as the “rocker priest” in Argentina, Scicchitano and Francis have been friends for almost two decades, sharing a tight bond the musician likened to a father-son relationship.
Scicchitano said he recently received a letter from the pope, who just wrapped up a landmark visit to Brazil, urging him “to keep rocking, and reinforce his message from onstage.”
Music, for Father Cesar, is an intricate part of life and faith.
“Faith without music is like a movie without music: boring,” he said, arguing that “Jesus was a rocker because of the hard core toughness he had. He had to get up on that cross …More
I agree with Father Jason. 🤐 This Priest (César Scicchitano) is saying that he is working part time as a priest and after Mass he goes and works at a …More
I agree with Father Jason.
🤐 This Priest (César Scicchitano) is saying that he is working part time as a priest and after Mass he goes and works at a bar an going tour with his band playing rockmusic . One of the reasons Our Lady in La Sallete complained against priests was because they abandoned their duties as a priest to please the world. 🤦
This is against the Bible that said : 2 Timothy 2:4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
Luke 14:26 ‘If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my disciple.
"Priests should occupy themselves only with the affairs of the Church! They must be pure, very pure." Our Lady of Fatima
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Christian Militancy. Michael Voris is joined by author and columnist, Theodore Shoebat, to talk about Christians in the Middle-East fighting back against Islamic persecution.More
Christian Militancy.
Michael Voris is joined by author and columnist, Theodore Shoebat, to talk about Christians in the Middle-East fighting back against Islamic persecution.