Alejandrina Reyes

Defining "the Church" • Taylor Marshall & Viganò

Have you read this new apostolic letter ? I am speechless . Can you explain me ? Pope Francis calls for ‘paradigm shift’ in theology for world of todayMore
Alejandrina Reyes

Motu Proprio: Francis Orders "New Theology"

I am speechless . I need some wise priest to explain me please
Alejandrina Reyes


Tom have you read the new apostolic letter from Bergolio ? I am
Alejandrina Reyes


Hey Tom ,
Today I mentioned to my Jewish boss that Soros funded Hamas …. He did not believe the news…. He asked the source , I told him NYPOst a and immediately said it was Fox News …. Like from out of hell , you know? Dismissing it as a Lie .
So the conversation ended where it didn’t start at all.
Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros
Alejandrina Reyes

Journalists are shameless liars: Piers Morgan (video)

How can any human being do that to a baby? What about chopping it in pieces inside the mothers womb?
Alejandrina Reyes

Too Many Scandals or Only Too Catholic? Polish Bishop Resigns At 59

I was saved from the depths through the Divine Mercy . You can say all what you want . There are millions of us with the same story .
Alejandrina Reyes

Parenting in the Digital Age: No Phones, No Social Media, No Regrets

Hi Tom, we are starting a Parenting podcast in Spanish. One of the chapters is access to technology, so si find this article as a great example . Thank you. I am digging into the author’s website
Alejandrina Reyes


Of course we are !
Alejandrina Reyes


You really think they will let him get there?
Alejandrina Reyes

9/11 Predicted in Media 🔮 🌏 🌎 🌍 ........October 11, 2023

Do you have the one for Klaus Schwab?
Alejandrina Reyes


Of course not! That is the point!
Alejandrina Reyes

Not Carbon Free Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsHgxzodywms

Cancel faithful priests
Cancel TLM
Cancel TLM Nuns
Alejandrina Reyes

👉 THE DR.JANE RUBY Show 👈 .. September 27/2023... 🇺🇸 🌏

5G near hospitals
Alejandrina Reyes

Some states in the US practice some form of weather modification: Dr. Michio Kaku

We live in Miami and Hurricane Irma was predicted to devastate south Florida ….. a lot of people tried to escape north and a lot prayed and prayed…. What happened? The hurricane turned 90 degrees left to the Gulf of Mexico! 90!
Alejandrina Reyes

WSJ: Scholz blocks transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine due to fear of Russia

Look Tom
This is The rea son why Harari From WEF says they can hack brains. That technology exists …years ago… the jab is just the path to get there . Please share share share
Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!”
Deep State (CIA) Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!” Lectures, comments and interview 4/22/21…More
Look Tom
This is The rea son why Harari From WEF says they can hack brains. That technology exists …years ago… the jab is just the path to get there . Please share share share
Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!”
Deep State (CIA) Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!” Lectures, comments and interview 4/22/21 – Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults
Alejandrina Reyes

‘Kink’ festival with the most obscene acts imaginable lauded (and attended) by California’s most …

Look Tom
This is The rea son why Harari From WEF says they can hack brains. That technology exists …years ago… the jab is just the path to get there . Please share share share
Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!”
Deep State (CIA) Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!” Lectures, comments and interview 4/22/21…More
Look Tom
This is The rea son why Harari From WEF says they can hack brains. That technology exists …years ago… the jab is just the path to get there . Please share share share
Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!”
Deep State (CIA) Neuroscientist Dr. Charles Morgan (6/14/18): “We Are Targeting Brains, It’s Fun!” Lectures, comments and interview 4/22/21 – Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults