
Mayors Tell Irish Parades: No Catholic Values Need Apply

Both New York and Boston have sizeable Irish Catholic populations, but the cities’ mayors have decided to join homosexual activists in boycotting the St. Patrick’s Day parades. by PETER JESSERER SMITHMore
Both New York and Boston have sizeable Irish Catholic populations, but the cities’ mayors have decided to join homosexual activists in boycotting the St. Patrick’s Day parades.
NEW YORK — The mayors of New York and Boston are standing with a handful of homosexual activists in a boycott that organizers of those cities’ St. Patrick’s Day parades believe amounts to a public statement that means no Catholic values need apply.
In early February, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio made a high-profile announcement that he would not be marching in New York’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, the oldest and largest St. Patrick’s Day parade in the world. De Blasio said he took issue with the parade organizers’ refusal to allow units to join the parade with “pro-gay” signage.
Soon after, the city council also followed de Blasio’s lead and announced its own boycott of this New York Irish tradition, which has more than 200,000 participants marching down 5th Avenue in New York on March …More
Enemies of God shall pay 😡 😡 😡 😡

Vatican: Pope Francis Is Spending Anniversary in Prayer

The Holy Father sent out a Twitter message asking only one thing for his anniversary: 'Pray for me.' VATICAN CITY — In light of Pope Francis’ first anniversary as Bishop of Rome, the Vatican has stated …More
The Holy Father sent out a Twitter message asking only one thing for his anniversary: 'Pray for me.'
VATICAN CITY — In light of Pope Francis’ first anniversary as Bishop of Rome, the Vatican has stated that the Holy Father is doing nothing special to celebrate other than to pray, as he is currently in the middle of his Lenten retreat.
Having left Rome on Sunday afternoon with members of the Curia to spend their annual Lenten retreat in the hillside town of Ariccia, thus breaking from the tradition of holding it at the Vatican, Pope Francis is spending his anniversary in deep reflection and prayer.
During the retreat, the Pope and Curia members begin every day with Mass, breakfast and a meditation, which is followed by lunch and a period of free time, before a second meditation is given at 4pm. After this, they pray vespers, have Eucharistic adoration and eat dinner.
This year’s Lenten retreat has the theme: “The Purification of the Heart.”
On Friday, the Pope and Curia members will …More

Pope softening tone, not stance, O’Malley says

By John L. Allen Jr. and Lisa Wangsness But Francis’ stress on mercy and simplicity having huge impact, he believes. Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley says he shares in the sense of wonder at how swiftly Pope …More
By John L. Allen Jr. and Lisa Wangsness
But Francis’ stress on mercy and simplicity having huge impact, he believes.
Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley says he shares in the sense of wonder at how swiftly Pope Francis has captured the world’s attention and softened, with his sometimes startling words and personal gestures, the image of the Roman Catholic Church.
But he cautions that those with high expectations that the shift in tone presages major changes in church teachings on contraception, abortion, homosexuality, and other flashpoint issues are likely to be disappointed.
“I don’t see the pope as changing doctrine,’’ O’Malley said in an interview with the Globe, though he said the pontiff’s focus on compassion and mercy over doctrinal purity has reverberated powerfully throughout the church.
The Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston and the closest American adviser to the popular new pontiff, O’Malley said says it would also be unrealistic to expect the church to consider allowing divorced and …More

Syrian rebels release nuns held since December

By Associated Press MASNA, Lebanon — Syrian rebels released a group of about a dozen Greek Orthodox nuns who had been held since December, Lebanon’s official news agency reported Monday. The release …More
By Associated Press
MASNA, Lebanon — Syrian rebels released a group of about a dozen Greek Orthodox nuns who had been held since December, Lebanon’s official news agency reported Monday.
The release of the nuns and their helpers, 16 women in all, is a rare successful prisoner exchange deal between Syrian government authorities and the rebels seeking to overthrow the rule of President Bashar Assad.
The NNA agency reported early Monday that a convoy of 30 vehicles transporting the freed nuns was heading to the town of Jdeidet Yabous on the Syrian-Lebanon border.
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Planned Parenthood President: My Children’s Lives Began ‘When I Delivered Them’

By: Heather Clark In a recent interview with Fusion TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards stated that she believes her children’s lives began at the time of delivery. read moreMore
By: Heather Clark
In a recent interview with Fusion TV, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards stated that she believes her children’s lives began at the time of delivery.
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For what she did to this moment she ought to be separated from society for whole of her life. She is multiply murderousMore
For what she did to this moment
she ought to be separated from society for whole of her life.
She is multiply murderous

G K Chesterton ‘breaks mould of conventional holiness’, says Cause investigator

The priest investigating whether G K Chesterton’s Cause should be opened has hailed the writer as “potentially a huge model” for the Church who “breaks the mould of conventional holiness”. Canon John …More
The priest investigating whether G K Chesterton’s Cause should be opened has hailed the writer as “potentially a huge model” for the Church who “breaks the mould of conventional holiness”.
Canon John Udris said Chesterton, a married layman who “liked his beer and Burgundy”, was not conventionally devout and could show Catholics “you don’t have to say your rosary every five minutes to be holy”.
Instead, Fr Udris suggested, Chesterton’s holiness could be found in his humour, his charity and his humility. His defence of the faith in particular, Fr Udris said, was a model for Catholics.
“People he would have fierce public debates with felt respected by him, loved by him, even if they didn’t agree with him,” he said, citing his exchanges with atheist opponents H G Wells and George Bernard Shaw.

Gay hair stylist drops New Mexico governor as client because she opposes same-sex marriage

Martinez was recently dropped by her hair stylist, Antonio Darden, who is gay. Darden told a local news station that he cut the governor’s hair three times, but won’t do it again as long as she continues …More
Martinez was recently dropped by her hair stylist, Antonio Darden, who is gay.
Darden told a local news station that he cut the governor’s hair three times, but won’t do it again as long as she continues to oppose gay marriage.
“The governor’s aides called not too long ago, wanting another appointment to come in,” he told KOB-TV. “Because of her stances and her views on this, I told her aides no. They called the next day, asking if I’d changed my mind about taking the governor in and I said no.”
Martinez has said she believes marriage should be between a man and woman.
Gay marriage is not recognized in New Mexico.

Syracuse Catholic churches hold workshops on how to promote ‘trans rights’

by Dustin Siggins As the debate over transgenderism grows across the country, two Catholic churches are holding what local news calls a “series of talks on what it's like to be transgender.” The …More
by Dustin Siggins
As the debate over transgenderism grows across the country, two Catholic churches are holding what local news calls a “series of talks on what it's like to be transgender.”
The talks, which are sponsored by All Saints Catholic Church and St. Lucy's Catholic Church, were organized by the All Saints LGBT Task Force and “volunteers from Family Allies for Trans Equality in New York State.” They will all be held at the All Saints Parish's Bishop Harrison Center.
The Diocese of Syracuse did not return a request for comment on the speaker/workshop series and whether the workshops and presentations violate Church teachings. Empire State Pride Agenda is an organization with a long history of supporting same-sex “marriage” and other issues at odds with Church doctrine.
The Catholic Church in New York State has long stood against same-sex “marriage." In 2011, shortly after the state legalized marriage licenses for homosexual couples, Cardinal Timothy Dolan – then Archbishop …More
The Transgender Day was also celebrate in the Boston Cathedral this last novembre : Boston, Massachusetts Trans* Day of Remembrance Sunday, November …More
The Transgender Day was also celebrate in the Boston Cathedral this last novembre :
Boston, Massachusetts
Trans* Day of Remembrance
Sunday, November 17th, 2013 4:00 PM
to 7:00 PM
The Cathedral of St Paul,
138 Tremont Street,Boston, MA 02111
Prof. Leonard Wessell
I have no energy today to concoct some theoretical insight, reflect on the methodology of understanding Pp Francis, etc. I ask but: How much more? What …More
I have no energy today to concoct some theoretical insight, reflect on the methodology of understanding Pp Francis, etc. I ask but: How much more? What is coming next? Will the Pope lead us into a course for "Gender Mainstreaming" (an event rip into German primary schools)? When will it stop? I am too old for this stress, too tired. I would so love, beyond strictly religious concerns, occupy myself with German Romanticism, fascinating literature and philosophy and art and music and joy of life. (Also, a part of Romanticism returned to Catholicism). Instead, seeming a man named Bergoglio has put on the mask (as ancient Greek actors did) to become the persona of a Pope and persists in disturbing my internal rest with wayward words. When should or may one cry "Enough!". From my days as a graduate student in Spain I have encountered Lib. Theo. and held it as foreign. And now, it swamps me with its religiousfied Marxism (something that I could write a book on). It does, indeed, seem to me …More
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Oxford student commits suicide after boyfriend convinced her to have abortion then broke up with her

by Patrick B. Craine A student at Oxford University committed suicide last year mere hours after her boyfriend broke up with her. The boyfriend told an inquest recently that the young woman’s grief …More
by Patrick B. Craine
A student at Oxford University committed suicide last year mere hours after her boyfriend broke up with her. The boyfriend told an inquest recently that the young woman’s grief had begun only three months earlier after he convinced her to get an abortion.
Charlotte Coursier, 25, was also troubled by a “campaign of harassment” against her by college lecturer Dr Jeffrey Ketland, with whom she had previously had a sexual relationship.
In June, Coursier was found after hanging herself in her home.
She had begun dating Ben Fardell in July 2012. “In the first six months there were issues of trust and commitment in the relationship,” Fardell told the inquest. “But Charlotte was much better in the new year. Then, in February, she discovered she was seven weeks pregnant despite taking contraception.”
According to Fardell, he told her he wasn’t prepared for a child, and helped her make the “incredibly difficult” decision to seek an abortion.
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Belgium's child euthanasia move lamented as 'unbelievable'

By Kerri Lenartowick In the wake of Belgium's recent decision to legalize euthanasia for children, several members of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life voiced their dismay at the new practice. …More
By Kerri Lenartowick
In the wake of Belgium's recent decision to legalize euthanasia for children, several members of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life voiced their dismay at the new practice.
John Haas, president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, Pa. and governing member of the academy, called the development “dreadful.”
“They are appealing to 'rights of children' to make these determinations, but children aren't capable of making those types of self-determinations,” Haas told CNA in Rome Feb. 21.
“So what is really going to happen is that, under the rules of children making these decisions for themselves, parents and physicians are going to be making those decisions, for children, to eliminate them because they've become excessive burdens on them and on the rest of society.”
“It’s a terrible situation. Unbelievable, if I may say so.”
The bill, which was passed by Belgium's parliament on Feb. 13 and has been sent to the country's King Phillipe, allows …More
How can there be no available treatment for pain today? This is a horror. First the unborn, then the elderly, then children, then....More
How can there be no available treatment for pain today?
This is a horror. First the unborn, then the elderly, then children, then....
Dr Bobus
Welcome to John XXIII's New Pentecost.

Ethicists warn against three-parent reproductive technology

By Adelaide Mena Concerned about the effects of a new technology that involves three parents providing genetic information to create a child, experts are cautioning against opening up the technology …More
By Adelaide Mena
Concerned about the effects of a new technology that involves three parents providing genetic information to create a child, experts are cautioning against opening up the technology to human clinical trials.
"The desire to help women suffering from mitochondrial disorders or infertility is admirable and worthy," wrote Robert George, McCormick professor of jurisprudence at Princeton, and Dr. Donald Landry, chair of the Department of Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital in a Feb. 18 letter to the Food and Drug Administration.
"However, the needs of the children being created through novel technologies also must be taken into account,” they warned.

Australian TV Star Commits Suicide After Massive Guilt Following Abortion

Charlotte Dawson, RIP, was born in New Zealand but achieved fame in Australia as a model and a judge on Australia’s Next Top Model. In the end it seemed like the final, inevitable episode of a tragic …More
Charlotte Dawson, RIP, was born in New Zealand but achieved fame in Australia as a model and a judge on Australia’s Next Top Model.
In the end it seemed like the final, inevitable episode of a tragic soap opera: Charlotte Dawson — the model, TV star and social crusader who spent many of her adult years battling depression — ended her life at the age of 47.
Dawson was found hanged in her luxury Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf apartment by a security guard on Saturday morning, the day after the birthday of her ex-husband and the man she still described as the love of her life – disgraced Olympic swimmer Scott Miller….
But friends believe she had never really gotten over her marriage to Miller, which ended in divorce after only a year. In her tell-all autobiography Air Kiss And Tell, she revealed she had an abortion because the pregnancy would interfere with Miller’s preparation for the 2000 Olympics – and blamed that for the start of her long battle with depression.
Dr Bobus
Poena sua sibi sit omnis inordinatus animus (A disordered mind is its own punishment). --St Augustine.More
Poena sua sibi sit omnis inordinatus animus (A disordered mind is its own punishment).
--St Augustine.

Statement of Most Reverend Richard J. Malone

Bishop Richard J. Malone issued the following statement as a result of many questions and concerns raised by parishioners about the decision of New York State Senator Timothy Kennedy to change his stance …More
Bishop Richard J. Malone issued the following statement as a result of many questions and concerns raised by parishioners about the decision of New York State Senator Timothy Kennedy to change his stance on abortion. The story was originally reported by The Buffalo News on Feb. 16, 2014.
When I first arrived in Buffalo, I was encouraged to learn of Senator Kennedy's pro-life position. Today, I am extremely disappointed and deeply concerned about his turnaround on this most critical issue, the protection of pre-born human life.
For anyone to say that he or she is a faithful Catholic and to be pro-abortion/pro-choice rights is totally inconsistent with Catholic teaching, which is clearly articulated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”
Practicing Catholics who claim they are nurturing their children in the faith must teach their children …More

Russia tightens gay adoption ban, politician wants to outlaw Belgian adoptions over child euthanasia

by Colin Kerr MOSCOW, February 18, 2014 ( –After Belgium’s Parliament passed a bill last week allowing children to be euthanized, a Russian politician is urging his government to …More
by Colin Kerr
MOSCOW, February 18, 2014 ( –After Belgium’s Parliament passed a bill last week allowing children to be euthanized, a Russian politician is urging his government to consider outlawing adoption to the country.
The news comes mere days after the Russian government passed a law forbidding the adoption of Russian children by same-sex couples and by single people who live in countries where same-sex “marriage” is legal.
Roman Khudyakov, a member of the right-wing Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, has requested the Russian Foreign Ministry to investigate the Belgian euthanasia law’s implications for children adopted to that country, reports RT, a Russian news agency.
In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin made headlines when he signed a bill forbidding adoptions to the US. This was largely seen as an act of political retaliation for the American government’s criticism of Russia’s human rights record. The US had been adopting about 1,000 Russian children …More

Teen Who Lost His Legs in Botched Abortion Makes State Wrestling Championships

Nik Hoot is quite the athlete. He’s a successful wrestler at a high school – a fact that would likely earn him news coverage anyway. But Nik has overcome the kind of obstacles very few encounter. You …More
Nik Hoot is quite the athlete. He’s a successful wrestler at a high school – a fact that would likely earn him news coverage anyway. But Nik has overcome the kind of obstacles very few encounter.
You see, Nik is a well-rounded athlete in spite of the fact that he is missing parts of both legs and doesn’t have a fully developed set of fingers. The Indiana teenager lives with these disabilities because his biological parents – an unknown couple from Russia – attempted to abort Nik.
The abortion ultimately failed and in the fall of 1996 Nik was born and was put up for adoption. Marvin and Apryl – residents of Woodburn Indiana — gave Nik a chance at life and he has excelled ever since.
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