
Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

A question for Jmy1975 of its not that personal a question are you married?

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

@Jmy I can ask you the same question can you find dogma that justifies the receiving of The Holy Eucharist; the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Our Lord in the hand is just as reverential if not more so than on the tongue, no you can't.
The first reason why ONLY A PRIEST should handle the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ is because there is no others means of salvation thus it shows …More
@Jmy I can ask you the same question can you find dogma that justifies the receiving of The Holy Eucharist; the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Our Lord in the hand is just as reverential if not more so than on the tongue, no you can't.

The first reason why ONLY A PRIEST should handle the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ is because there is no others means of salvation thus it shows the necessity of a Priest while giving as much glory and reversnce to God as we can The second reason is the Priests hands, yes as much as it pains me to say even the bad ones their hands are consecrated yours aren't mine aren't so to have unconsecrated hands touch the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus shows very little if any respect and more important still reverence

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

Of coarse communion in the hand is sacrilegious the reason why we have the B.S of Communion in the hand is because of Eucharistic Ministers and they justify communion in the hand because of Eucharistic Ministers so yes communion in the hand IS SACRILEGIOUS JUST AS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE SACRILEGIOUS BOTH ARE VATII PERVERSITIES that have happened and continue to happen because of weak …More

Of coarse communion in the hand is sacrilegious the reason why we have the B.S of Communion in the hand is because of Eucharistic Ministers and they justify communion in the hand because of Eucharistic Ministers so yes communion in the hand IS SACRILEGIOUS JUST AS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE SACRILEGIOUS BOTH ARE VATII PERVERSITIES that have happened and continue to happen because of weak Popes and erroneous Bishops to accept an error because it supports your erroneous interpretation does not make it right it is still an error.

Newly ordained Father Ismael Garcia Sainz distributes Communion during Mass

Of coarse communion in the hand is sacrilegious the reason why we have the B.S of Communion in the hand is because of Eucharistic Ministers and they jystify communion in the hand because of Eucharistic Ministers so yes communion in the hand IS SACRILEGIOUS JUST AS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE SACRILEGIOUS BOTH ARE VATII PERVERSITIES that have happened and continue to happen because of weak Popes and …More
Of coarse communion in the hand is sacrilegious the reason why we have the B.S of Communion in the hand is because of Eucharistic Ministers and they jystify communion in the hand because of Eucharistic Ministers so yes communion in the hand IS SACRILEGIOUS JUST AS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE SACRILEGIOUS BOTH ARE VATII PERVERSITIES that have happened and continue to happen because of weak Popes and erroneous Bishops to accept an error because it supports your erroneous interpretation does not make it right it is still an error

"You and what army?" 😇

But its so difficult when being bombarded by so much rubbish. When those who speak of it are held up and applauded and those who are very few speak out against it are shouted down

Las Vegas police officer shot in head during George Floyd protest is paralyzed from neck down

From the media to yhe protesters there all liars they don't say a word about the recent shootings in the U.S where African American child was shot and killed in the back seat of the car according to the B.S of blm this childs life didn't matter much or that if the others that were killed their lives didn't matter much either or they would be protesting about them its all B.S blm my as..

Statue of SAINT Junipero Serra TOPPLED

Unfortunately it has began and I regret it for calling it out 😭 😭 sad misguided people you have know idea what your doing but you are actually sowing the seeds for your own destruction

"You and what army?" 😇

How soon can they get here, because at the moment we have no shepherds and no defence

The “why” of statues destruction/removal = purge by a despot upon seizing power

All this destruction of statues even though they may be secular it's all a precursor to the destruction of the statues of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. After all the reason for this; what we call western civilization is based on Christianity primarily Catholicism for the first 1500 years. Although it is dispicable that the destruction of such religious Icons …More
All this destruction of statues even though they may be secular it's all a precursor to the destruction of the statues of Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. After all the reason for this; what we call western civilization is based on Christianity primarily Catholicism for the first 1500 years. Although it is dispicable that the destruction of such religious Icons is an abominable act which takes place in non Christian/western societies ie; Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Indonesia, and very little in France which is done by the moslems; but very little anywhere else, this will soon change when the antifa/blm idiots come to the conclusion that (I hope they never do) christian statues should be destroyed because western countries have it origins in Christian ideologies when this begins to happen in the west; when this happens in the west we have arrived at the iconoclasts also known as "the breakers of Holy Images" period in History.

Sadly this is just the beginning???

Supreme Court has ‘redefined’ the meaning of ‘sex’ – Catholic World Report

Someone should tell God of the new ruling, I doubt he was even considered an invitation at the discussion table. If history is of any guide he won't be happy. That I'd like to see get rid of these fake so called "conservatives"

In Front of Running Camera: Faithful Abused in Fatima (Video)

All I could get from his sermon was hypocrisy I guess heust have been thinking of himself

Head of RC bishops in Germany says laity will move Church forward

In a way the RC Bishops of Germany (RC) sounds about right too; are correct but in the way Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that it will be the lay people who will only wot the grace of God bring the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church back to think that it will be by these bishops or by the laity who dress up as clowns or have a dancing procession in the sanctuary during the mass I don't think so it …More
In a way the RC Bishops of Germany (RC) sounds about right too; are correct but in the way Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that it will be the lay people who will only wot the grace of God bring the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church back to think that it will be by these bishops or by the laity who dress up as clowns or have a dancing procession in the sanctuary during the mass I don't think so it will be devout catholics

In Canada, Gay Pride Is Mandatory

Trudeau has forgotten that it was mandatory on sodom that didn't end to well

Bishops kneeling peaceful - rally in El Paso this evening

Catholic priests Bowing down to thugs well why not the pope won't bow down to Our Lord and Saviour in the Blessed Sacrament but is more than happy to bow down to moslems. Right is wrong, Wrong is Right, Good is Bad, Bad is Good I guarantee you all I WON'T BE BOWING DOWN TO ANYONE BUT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Not even if Jesus were to say bow down to this prrson or that which He Jesus, would never do …More
Catholic priests Bowing down to thugs well why not the pope won't bow down to Our Lord and Saviour in the Blessed Sacrament but is more than happy to bow down to moslems. Right is wrong, Wrong is Right, Good is Bad, Bad is Good I guarantee you all I WON'T BE BOWING DOWN TO ANYONE BUT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Not even if Jesus were to say bow down to this prrson or that which He Jesus, would never do because that would make them equal to Him These, are not, priests, these are faithless misguided idiots

Statement by the John Paul II Shrine

I agree with you Alex, but from the most insignificant gnat, like Fr.J.M to the most noteable, and in this case supposed catholic like, The pope, idiocy and heresy need to be called out if not then we may as well be like any non-catholic religion any never denounce anything that contadicts God because everyones opinion is valid right; well that is wrong and that includes me, and if and when I speak …More
I agree with you Alex, but from the most insignificant gnat, like Fr.J.M to the most noteable, and in this case supposed catholic like, The pope, idiocy and heresy need to be called out if not then we may as well be like any non-catholic religion any never denounce anything that contadicts God because everyones opinion is valid right; well that is wrong and that includes me, and if and when I speak B.S regards to the catholic faith I hope and pray I never do but I too should be denounced.

Statement by the John Paul II Shrine

Fr. James Martin says Trumps actions makes a mockery of Christianity, well "Fr.James Martin" would know, what would, and would not, make a mockery of christianity, him being a "catholic priest" a vicar of Christ who is supposed to uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ, but instead denouncing every word Jesus had said by Fr. James Martin own actions in supporting homosexuality. Talk about the pot …More
Fr. James Martin says Trumps actions makes a mockery of Christianity, well "Fr.James Martin" would know, what would, and would not, make a mockery of christianity, him being a "catholic priest" a vicar of Christ who is supposed to uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ, but instead denouncing every word Jesus had said by Fr. James Martin own actions in supporting homosexuality. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black hay Fr. James Martin

Francis On Ecumenism: “We Cannot Take Different Paths” - Is He Speaking About the Church?

I agree there cannot be multiple paths to God because all these paths contradict each other so therefore only the catholic church which began with the apostles has and is the fullness of truth, but because this conversation has been started by francis then obviously all religions are regarded as one and any religion that contradicts that so called "one" is now regarded as a different path especially …More
I agree there cannot be multiple paths to God because all these paths contradict each other so therefore only the catholic church which began with the apostles has and is the fullness of truth, but because this conversation has been started by francis then obviously all religions are regarded as one and any religion that contradicts that so called "one" is now regarded as a different path especially within the catholic church where the Traditional Latin Mass has been regarded by francis as separate to the catholic church because it is so ridged and unwaveing, incomparsion to all other religions Including the novus ordo (since francis has has created that distinction) which are far more tolerant to the multiple paths to God, heresy.


Planned Parenthood affiliates apply for, receive loans from federal government's Paycheck Protection …

So they should too, to do anything else would be a lie since Trump has denounced the murder babies and stands with the pro-lifers

Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become criminal offence, Law Commissioner says

She is a liar, it is not for posting information that could endanger lives, it is for posting information to keep everyone aware that this is all govt backed control of all peoples everywhere. She is just another cog in the Orwellian scheme to control. PISS HER OFF
putting it mildly ofcoarse.

Hutton Gibson, the father of actor and director Mel Gibson, has died

Mr. Hutton Gibson was a wise man