Cc Ss

White clots common With Major Tom Haviland

Mr John Campbell was horrifically pro mask, distancing, and vax until one day he got orders to make a 180 to tap into the resistance ranks.
Cc Ss

What you’re watching is one of the greatest medical scandals in modern history. Thousands of kids &…

Why is it almost always the mothers that go along with this?
Cc Ss

Rome, We Have a Problem

The #1 problem in the world is promiscuity for it is the entire reason why abortions occur. Ending abortion does nothing to stop the cause of pregnancy and only leads to a surplus of unwed mothers raising children with no family unit. Promiscuity is the evil, abortion and single motherhood are the byproducts.
Cc Ss

Man Who Recently Began Identifying As A “Woman” Charged In The Stabbing Death Of His Mother And Her …

No word of a father. Single mothers turn their sons into husbands. Dressing like a woman is a means of escape.
Cc Ss

Within 24 hours, two extremely different marches took place in Washington, D.C.: The March for Life …

Both are marches for women’s empowerment. Anti-man, anti-father, anti-family marches. No matter how sinful her behavior is, the woman is glorified and the father has been dethroned.
Cc Ss

A Vatican flag at the March for Life 2024

She’s staying with him because she needs her rent paid. If not by him, then she’ll have to hit up Uncle Sam.
Who’s going to teach men to never engage with women they have no interest in marrying?
Cc Ss

Diocese of Brooklyn Sending Two Buses To Attend March For Life Rally

I pray this year’s theme is to place every child in a home with a mother and a father. Otherwise, it’s another anti father, anti family March for women’s rights, not children’s rights
Cc Ss

The missing F-word is the answer to dysfunctional families

It’s difficult to have reverence for God the Father when the person doesn’t have an earthly father. The pro-life/anti-father missions are destroying our relationship with God the Father by claiming a child doesn’t need their own father.
Cc Ss

December 31st, 2023 Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary & Joseph The Holy Family is …

Jesus had an earthly father. I pray those in the pro-single mother missions realize that no child born, even those whose mothers are not married, deserves to be forced to grow up without a father and thus not in a family unit.
Cc Ss

"To End Abortion, the Church Must Awaken."

The Church must bring back adoption convents and return to never supporting single motherhood which it still deems as something no child deserves.
Cc Ss

Did you know Jim Caviezel can sing?! Here's his "debut" in "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" …

Still has a long way to go to make up for his association Ballard and co.
Cc Ss

House report: FBI continues to consider issuing a warning about ‘radical traditionalist Catholics’ …

The Hazidiks don’t use personal cell phones or computers, no personal credit cards, have their own stores, their own yellow pages, their own buses, and probably their own currency. Oh, and don’t report their marriages to the state so they can collect as single moms of 12 kids.
Cc Ss

Pope Francis says 'trans' people can be godparents, homosexual 'parents' can have children baptized

My friends got their adopted daughter confirmed years ago. This is not new and that child should not suffer.
Cc Ss

Couple's incredible journey makes them parents of 4 within 3 months

Adopt embryos? What happened about adopting children from unwed mothers?
Cc Ss

Every time This is why it is important to understand that forgiveness doesn’t ever mean allowing the …

i used to also think forgive and forget meant you forgive the person and forget the act ever happened.
It means you forgive them, then you forget them out of your life.
Cc Ss

Mom's emotional reunion with son placed for adoption: 'He was the best thing I ever did'

The Church does not nor ever did consider raising a child by an unwed woman (and thus without a family) to be at all suitable for the innocent child. Catholics, not the Church, are now following the Protestant solution of single motherhood which is decimating society by the severely disadvantaged future these children are forced to face.
Cc Ss

Day 290: The Duties of Citizens — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

So difficult to listen to him
Cc Ss

"As the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live."

Absolutely. Madonna and child is not a family. The Holy Family is Father, mother, and child. Anyone promoting unwed mothers to raise children without a husband/father for the child, is facilitating the destruction of the family.