Benedict Joseph

Austrian Bishop Presents Crucified Frog

Observe the glass behind the deluded man...cult and culture are locked in fond embrace. Pitiful.
Benedict Joseph

Polish Archbishop Shows "Courage" By Slamming Catholic Priests

Poland too is making its way to the dogs.
Benedict Joseph

Showtime: Francis Kneels To Kiss Feet Of South Sudan Politicians

I was unaware that he demonstrated this absurd comportment more than once. The man has issues beyond reparative intervention.
Benedict Joseph

Cardinal Müller: Francis Is "No Heretic" - He Is "Orthodox”

Self-deception? General denial? Simple dishonesty?
He knows how to work the board. While utterly disgusting, he has to survive in order to have a voice.
This is the level to which we have be debased. Is there no relief.
Benedict Joseph

Josef Seifert: Francis Has “Rejected Christianity”, Turned God into a "Relativist"

We are far beyond the time for this provision of Canon Law to kick in. He and his cartel need be disciplined and dispersed.