Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots are "100 effective," Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots "offers very limited protection, if any," against …More
Albert Bourla: "The two dosis offer limited protección, if any" - After once claiming his shots are "100 effective," Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots "offers very limited protection, if any," against COVID-19. During a round of interviews on Monday, Bourla unleashed several truth bombs on an unsuspecting corporate press audience, seemingly sowing doubt into the idea that his own COVID shots are “effective,” unless the individual has had at least 3 doses. It seems to me that it would be time to understand that these people are mocking us right under our noses, in a completely shameless, cynical and perverse way. We're dealing with criminal psychopaths of the worst kind. WE HAVE TO OPEN YOUR EYES RIGHT NOW AND GIVE THESE CRIMINALS THEIR DESERVED PUNISHMENT. OTHERWISE, IF THEY GET AWAY, I DON'T SEE HOW HUMANITY COULD ESCAPE A STATE OF TOTAL SLAVERY TO THE CRIMINAL PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY AND THE TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENTS THAT SERVE THEM.
Related: About Pfizer: 1. "Pfizer's confidential …More