Jayme J Caspall

July 11, 2022: It’s Not As If FrancisChurch Wants Catholic Priests Around Anyway

You are not allowed to do that. But the sentiment was good.
Jayme J Caspall

June 30, 2022: Turning The World Into Teletubbies

Nailed it. Yes, one of the biggest problems is that the non Catholic world cannot distinguish between the Catholics and non-Catholics in the church. If it is confusing to us, it is not to them, because they think it is all a part of the weird Catholic soup.
Jayme J Caspall

June 24, 2022: It’s A Good Day To Go See Jesus

Amen and amen!
Jayme J Caspall

June 22, 2022: World Meeting Of Accompanists

Always, always, always hitting the nail on the head! Fantastic!
Jayme J Caspall

June 9, 2022: An Homage To Grandma And Her Gay Son

Frank helps me find a better way to say what I am thinking
Jayme J Caspall

April 11, 2022: Unity With Francis Means Death

Thanks Frank
Jayme J Caspall

March 25, 2022: Please God The Sun Comes Up

i can't figure out why there is only one Canon212
Jayme J Caspall

March 11, 2022: Don’t Be A Sheepy Media Victim. Be Catholic

see you on Monday, Frank!
Jayme J Caspall

March 1, 2022: Hillary’s On The Side Of Right, Right?

and God bless Frank!
Jayme J Caspall

Feb. 28, 2022: PutinDemic canon212.com

A breath of fresh air to end the day
Jayme J Caspall

Jan. 25, 2022: The DeathState And Its Religions Versus Christ

This update is a repeat.
Jayme J Caspall

Dec. 21, 2021: Don’t Be Mesmerized By The Hypnotist’s Watch. Stand With The Church

Frank always hits the nail on the head.