
Catholic Counter-Revolution Part 1

The American Revolution was against The Church and against the Monarchy by Jewish Freemasonry in their quest to establish "The New Atlantis". America was subsequently consecrated to Satan by the childless father of the country George Washington and the Freemason Lodge. The Summorum Pontificum is another trick of the devil. The Holy Father should have abolished the 'Novus Ordo' diabolical mass instead.

Gloria.TV News on the 24th of April 2015

Where are all the Catholic Men?
They are all off running sissy Catholic blogs claiming to be Catholic Warriors, they are droning on incessantly about all the problems, giving their expert views on every little details.
Reminds me of King Saul's warriors that just stood watching Goliath.
"Lord, please send a woman to shame us Catholic men into action as you once sent Judith, and Saint Joan of Arc" …More
Where are all the Catholic Men?

They are all off running sissy Catholic blogs claiming to be Catholic Warriors, they are droning on incessantly about all the problems, giving their expert views on every little details.

Reminds me of King Saul's warriors that just stood watching Goliath.

"Lord, please send a woman to shame us Catholic men into action as you once sent Judith, and Saint Joan of Arc"


František odmítl žádost Putina o zasvěcení Ruska neposkvrněné Panně Marii

Otec Kramer ... "Resistance Priest". Natočeno otec David Hewko; to byl improvizovaný rozhovor v restauraci na Filipínách. a 469fitter na youtube jsou odporu kanály. Prosím, modlete se za Svatého otce. pablo mexické. Chief Administrator, Resistance.

Gloria.TV News on the 13th of January 2014

"... One can't help but wonder, is Gloria TV only interested in sensationalist journalism (like the rest of secular journalism)? Hummm, maybe there is a hidden agenda here? An agenda which is not interested in offering impartial and comprehensive presentation of the Church's activities and affairs..... rather, just the negative "OMG" moments...."
If you want bootlickers, try your local Novus Ordo …More
"... One can't help but wonder, is Gloria TV only interested in sensationalist journalism (like the rest of secular journalism)? Hummm, maybe there is a hidden agenda here? An agenda which is not interested in offering impartial and comprehensive presentation of the Church's activities and affairs..... rather, just the negative "OMG" moments...."

If you want bootlickers, try your local Novus Ordo channels.


Complete Catholic Mass feast of the Epiphany

That is a Roman Protestant Jewish Freemason gathering.
Here is a Catholic Mass:
just in case you might like a Catholic Sermon as well:
May He, Who , for your sake was nailed to the Cross, be in every way impressed upon your heart.
¡Ave María Purísima!
That is a Roman Protestant Jewish Freemason gathering.

Here is a Catholic Mass:

just in case you might like a Catholic Sermon as well:

May He, Who , for your sake was nailed to the Cross, be in every way impressed upon your heart.

¡Ave María Purísima!


Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of July 2014

Outside the Church there is no salvation.

Gloria.TV News on the 13th of June 2014

I live in Phoenix and Father Terra is a Priest and Confessor of mine.
I took the picture in the video.
I live in Phoenix and Father Terra is a Priest and Confessor of mine.

I took the picture in the video.
