Iconography Retreat. In Southwest Virginia, the historical town of Abingdon there is a labarinth at the delightful retreat center called Jubilee House. The center is filled with light and good energy …More
Iconography Retreat.

In Southwest Virginia, the historical town of Abingdon there is a labarinth at the delightful retreat center called Jubilee House. The center is filled with light and good energy to host an iconography workshop. We will have long mornings and afternoons to meditate, paint and enjoy the atmosphere. Great conversation and exchanges always arise at these workshops, the subject and tradition make for a fascinating mix of ancient technique and contemporary revival of eternal wisdom. Do not miss this opportunity to take time out from your busy life, to accept some instruction and meditate on what an amazing thing it is to be alive and here now.…/jubilee-house-r…
Devils walk... anti-Catholic