Mend the Hole in the Cosmos. Greed and Beauty Magnificent coastlines which have no buildings, and pristine mountain slopes standing naked but for some weathered trees are both visual comfort zones of …More
Mend the Hole in the Cosmos.

Greed and Beauty
Magnificent coastlines which have no buildings, and pristine mountain slopes standing naked but for some weathered trees are both visual comfort zones of peace and rest. The fields grow wheat and oats, the sheep and cattle graze on a thick bed of moist green grass. At first glance the beauty will take your breath away until you realize a few, a very few humans own it all, swapping its production and output among themselves. The beauty is owned by the unbridled greed of the supper wealthy, fortunes amassed in an age of greed and excessive power.

When is it Enough?
I learned 85 % of land in Scotland is owned by 7% of the people, the percentage may vary a bit but it illustrates the point. Ownership keeps the land beautiful and productive but READ MORE