San Nicolás-Tradición en Berchtesgaden. Berchtesgadeninfo on Nov 12, 2011 San Nicolás visita el 5 y 6 de diciembre, Berchtesgaden, Alemania. Los hombres se visten de paja, y hacen ruido, para "espantar …Más
San Nicolás-Tradición en Berchtesgaden.

Berchtesgadeninfo on Nov 12, 2011 San Nicolás visita el 5 y 6 de diciembre, Berchtesgaden, Alemania. Los hombres se visten de paja, y hacen ruido, para "espantar" a los malos espíritus...www.bavaria.by/8e63b5c6-067f-e…
😀 😀 😀 👍 😇 🤗
San Nicolás visita el 5 y 6 de diciembre, Berchtesgaden, Alemania. Los hombres se visten de paja, y hacen ruido, para "espantar" a los malos espíritus...www.bavaria.by/8e63b5c6-067f-e…
Pope Benedict reflects on Bavarian Advent traditions
Vatican City, Dec 3, 2011 / 03:11 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI last night enjoyed a traditional Bavarian Advent without leaving Rome courtesy of a German television company that hosted a Christmas Special from the Vatican.
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"Buttnmandl" run in Berchtesgadener Land - The Berchtesgadener Land is home to a long-standing and impressively custom – the "Buttnmandl" run. Men clad themselves from head to toe in straw and cover their faces with a fur mask. According to the custom, this terrifying image together with the loud noise made by the cow bells hanging from their waists should free their houses of evil spirits. The …Más
"Buttnmandl" run in Berchtesgadener Land - The Berchtesgadener Land is home to a long-standing and impressively custom – the "Buttnmandl" run. Men clad themselves from head to toe in straw and cover their faces with a fur mask. According to the custom, this terrifying image together with the loud noise made by the cow bells hanging from their waists should free their houses of evil spirits. The name comes from the word "Butt(e)n" meaning to clang or rattle.

Der Nikolaus besucht am 5. und 6. Dezember die Familien im Berchtesgadener Tal. Im Gefolge des NIkolaus befinden sich entweder Buttnmandln oder Kramperl. Dieser Brauch hat in Berchtesgaden eine sehr lange Tradition. Dies und noch viel mehr können Sie beim Urlaub in der Vorweihnachtszeit in Berchtesgaden erleben.