This guy said it all : if there was any racism, then explain how come Asian students perform better than other groups (whites included)…
Hound of Heaven
The mature mind recognizes that just because I don't like what is said does not mean it isn't true. Our society has become infantilized in its reasoning and in its fits of pique which result in deeming all things which we do not want to hear or acknowledge as hateful.
Ludovic 2Nîm
Can you reformulate what you mean, please ? It's not completly clear to me what you mean.
Hound of Heaven
I meant to say that this gentleman is saying something which, while true, will be rejected by some because it doesn't fit what they would prefer to believe or because it doesn't agree with what they have been told to think. I agree with this gentleman not only because I want to but because he is saying something which is objective fact. I hope that clarifies.
Ludovic 2Nîm
Yes, thank you. It’s very clear.
Ludovic 2Nîm
After Harvard's Roland Fryer Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings, He Lived Under Police Protection For A Month | Blog Posts
During a sit-down conversation with Bari Weiss of The Free Press, Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer discussed the fallout from a 2016 study he published on racial bias in Houston policing.
The study found that police were more than twice as likely to manhandle, …More
After Harvard's Roland Fryer Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings, He Lived Under Police Protection For A Month | Blog Posts

During a sit-down conversation with Bari Weiss of The Free Press, Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer discussed the fallout from a 2016 study he published on racial bias in Houston policing.

The study found that police were more than twice as likely to manhandle, beat or use some other kind of nonfatal force against blacks and Hispanics than against people of other races. However, the data also determined that officers were 23.8 percent less likely to shoot at blacks and 8.5 percent less likely to shoot at Hispanics than they were to shoot at whites.

When Fryer claimed the data showed “no racial differences in officer-involved shootings,” he said, “all hell broke loose,” and his life was upended.
Everyday for Life Canada
There is only thing to do with CRT: get it out of every institution, especially schools. It causes nothing but harm and division. Do it, yesterday.