Fear Doesn't Interfere With Nuns' Hospital Work in Egypt

Photo ~ Sister Elizabeth Azim of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary looks over charts at the Italian Hospital in Cairo Aug. 25.

CAIRO (CNS)—It was lunchtime at Cairo's Italian Hospital, and some of the nuns who reside there were watching state television's latest announcements on Egypt's "war on terror," the expression used by the country's military and its supporters to describe the nationwide crackdown on Islamists.

"It is the first time I am afraid to go out, really afraid," said Italian Comboni Sister Pina De Angelis, who has been in Egypt for 28 years.

But fears of what is outside the hospital gates—including a spike in attacks on the country's Christian institutions—appeared to interfere little with the sisters' chores inside the historic medical facility built by Egypt's one-time vibrant Italian community.

In addition to coordinating the nurses, corresponding with institutions outside the hospital, organizing medical assistance for Egypt's Catholic clergy as well as for the occasional sick Italian tourist, Sister Pina said she also served as just plain friend to those in need.

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