PAOLO VI VERSO LA BEATIFICAZIONE. La volontà di Benedetto XVI è di procedere speditamente. La beatificazione si prevede avvenga a conclusione dell’anno della fede. Nel 2013 ricorreranno il cinquantesimo …Altro

La volontà di Benedetto XVI è di procedere speditamente.
La beatificazione si prevede avvenga a conclusione dell’anno della fede.
Nel 2013 ricorreranno il cinquantesimo anniversario dell’elezione di Papa Montini,
e il trentacinquesimo della morte.

Un Pontefice che dopo aver condotto in porto il Concilio riuscendo a concluderlo
praticamente all’unanimità, è stato poi testimone sofferente nell’epoca della contestazione
continuando a ribadire con interventi ed encicliche il Credo della Chiesa,
senza mai fare passi indietro rispetto alla via segnata dal Vaticano II.

Dr Bobus
You want to end the conversation because you are ignorant of what happened in the Church during the papacy of Paul VI. Instead of reality, you want to substitute your own fantasies.
1. I received the Sacrament of Confirmation in France (Bourges) in 1973. I have spent 3 years of my life there--visited again last year during Holy Week. I was nade aware of the collapse of Church attendance …Altro

You want to end the conversation because you are ignorant of what happened in the Church during the papacy of Paul VI. Instead of reality, you want to substitute your own fantasies.

1. I received the Sacrament of Confirmation in France (Bourges) in 1973. I have spent 3 years of my life there--visited again last year during Holy Week. I was nade aware of the collapse of Church attendance in France during the Montini Papacy. I have seen the parishes that once flourished but are now locked, without priests.

2. I also was in Italy for 8 years, studying at the Angelicum in Rome. During that time I had specific conversations about the cause of Paul VI with the Head Relator at the Congregation of Saints.

3. Paul VI named his friend Abp Weakland to the archdiocese of Milwaukee. A few years ago Weakland resigned after it became known that he was using money of the archdiocese to pay his young boyfriend to keep silence.

4. So now I will ask you: What are the achievements of the papacy of Paul VI?
I do not want controversy with those who do not know the pontificate of Paul VI.
When she writes that Paul VI was almost destroyed the French Church, the conversation between you and me is closed. Because she has the words destructive attacks free to Paul VI that divide, that are useless. I do not answer anymore.
Dr Bobus
Paul VI was a Francophile--his policies as pope all but destroyed the Church in France. He persecuted those who wanted Latin liturgy, but did nothing about the likes of Kung, Schillebeeckx, and Rahner, who wanted to destroy Catholic life.
He said publicly that Cardinal Mindszenty would be primate of Hungary until he died. One month later Cardinal Mindzenty was no longer the primate. So much for …Altro
Paul VI was a Francophile--his policies as pope all but destroyed the Church in France. He persecuted those who wanted Latin liturgy, but did nothing about the likes of Kung, Schillebeeckx, and Rahner, who wanted to destroy Catholic life.

He said publicly that Cardinal Mindszenty would be primate of Hungary until he died. One month later Cardinal Mindzenty was no longer the primate. So much for Paul VI being a man of his word.

During his papacy 50,000 men left the priesthood.

How's all that for the absolutely great carisma of Paul VI?
Dear Doctor,
is evident on its instrumentalization Holiness Pope Paul VI.
Speaking of power and imprudence are Pope Paul VI vul say that she knows absolutely great carismaa of Paul VI.
The last words before dying of Paul VI were those of St. Paul the Apostle:
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Dr Bobus
Rome's strategy to reform the Church seems to be centered on beatifying every pope since 1940 . . . except Pius XII.
IMHO, moving Bugnini to a position of power in the liturgical reform and creating a situation that led to a schism are both examples of the pastoral imprudence of Paul VI, and that militates against his sanctity.Altro
Rome's strategy to reform the Church seems to be centered on beatifying every pope since 1940 . . . except Pius XII.

IMHO, moving Bugnini to a position of power in the liturgical reform and creating a situation that led to a schism are both examples of the pastoral imprudence of Paul VI, and that militates against his sanctity.