Is there a way to stop this insanity? Yes. First and foremost, we must educate the people in our communities. The sole reason tyrants are able to pull this off is the ignorance of the masses. People haven’t got the slightest clue what is looming over their heads. They go along unquestioningly with anything that directs them toward this dystopian nightmare. It is our duty to inform them in any way …More
Is there a way to stop this insanity? Yes. First and foremost, we must educate the people in our communities. The sole reason tyrants are able to pull this off is the ignorance of the masses. People haven’t got the slightest clue what is looming over their heads. They go along unquestioningly with anything that directs them toward this dystopian nightmare. It is our duty to inform them in any way we can.

Please share this post widely. Send it to your contacts through email, post it on social media and send it to local authorities in your community. Spread it far and wide.

We are the 99%, the tyrants are only the 1%. But the problem is that most of us are doing nothing. The majority even refuse to see what is right in front of their noses. They have the needles in their arms, the smart phones in their hands, the LED lights in their streets, the smart meters in their homes, the smart technology in their cars… and still they say "it’s all a conspiracy theory". The insanity of this refusal to see reality is nothing less than downright psychosis.

We must open our eyes. Not tomorrow, but TODAY.

How Smart Cities will lock up humanity inside open air concentration camps

A Smart City is an urban environment with omnipresent surveillance and data harvesting technologies that will monitor and record …