
ABSTRACT OF THE CATECHISM OF PERSEVERANCE by Mgr Jean-Joseph GAUME - FIRST PART Containing the history and explanation of religion from the beginning of the World until the coming of the Messiah.

6th LESSON - Knowledge of God through his works. Third day of Creation .

What did God do on the third day?

On the third day God placed the sea in the bed he had prepared for it; he commanded the earth to appear and produce green grass, plants and trees.

What do you notice about the extent of the sea?

It should be noted about the extent of the sea that it is neither too large nor too small. If it were larger, the earth would be an uninhabitable swamp, because we would have too much rain; and if it were smaller, we wouldn't have enough of it; the earth would be barren, and we would die of hunger.

How did God keep the water in the sea from becoming corrupt?

God prevented the water of the sea from being corrupted by two means:

The first is the ebb and flow . The sea is always rough; for six hours it pushes its waters from the middle towards the coasts, and for six hours, it recalls them from the coasts towards the middle.

The second is the salt with which the sea water is penetrated . This salt also has the advantage of making the water heavier and preventing the sun from pumping out too much of it.

What do we owe to the sea?

We owe a large number of benefits to the sea:

1 . it provides us with rain, fish, pearls;

2 . it brings us, by means of navigation, the riches of all countries;

3 . it facilitates the rapid propagation of the faith among all nations.

What did God do after placing the sea in the bed he had prepared for it?

After having placed the sea in the bed that he had prepared for it, God made the earth appear, to which he gave the name arid, in order to teach us that the goods it produces do not come from its bottom.

What did he cover her with?

He then covered it with green grass, because green is the color that best rests our eyes. If he had dyed the earth red, white or black, we would not have been able to bear the sight of it.

What property did God give to herbs?

God gave herbs the property of carrying their seed, in order to perpetuate and multiply, so as to provide for our sustenance and that of the animals that serve us.

How many parts are there in the plant?

There are four parts in the plant:

1. the root , which fixes and nourishes the plant;

2. the stem , which is intended to carry the seed and the fruit;

3. the leaf , which beautifies it, warms it and nourishes it;

4. the seed or fruit, which serves our needs and our pleasures, and which perpetuates the plant.

What should we conclude from this?

We must conclude from this that it is enough to study the smallest flower to be filled with confidence and love towards God, and to cry with Our Lord: Never was Solomon, in all his glory, dressed so of magnificence.

Men of little faith, if God takes so much care of a grass that lasts only one day, what care will he not take of you, who are his children?

I resolve to love God above all things, and my neighbor as myself for the love of God; and, as a testimony of this love, I will give my heart to God every morning.

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