The Case Against Cannabis The truth about marijuanaMore
The Case Against Cannabis

The truth about marijuana
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Causes of Cardiac Arrest | American Heart Association
Recreational drug use – This can occur in otherwise healthy people.More
Causes of Cardiac Arrest | American Heart Association

Recreational drug use – This can occur in otherwise healthy people.
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National Institutes of Health:
What can trigger a cardiac arrest?
Sometimes an activity or behavior triggers a cardiac arrest. Triggering events are more common in people who have heart conditions or other risk factors.
Possible triggers include:,
Heavy alcohol use or binge drinking
Physical exertion or physical stress, including competitive sports: In 1 out of 3 cardiac arrests in athletes, the …More
National Institutes of Health:
What can trigger a cardiac arrest?
Sometimes an activity or behavior triggers a cardiac arrest. Triggering events are more common in people who have heart conditions or other risk factors.

Possible triggers include:,

Heavy alcohol use or binge drinking
Physical exertion or physical stress, including competitive sports: In 1 out of 3 cardiac arrests in athletes, the event occurred while they were resting or sleeping after activity. Some types of cardiomyopathy, and rarely, conduction disorders such as long QT syndrome, can cause cardiac arrest during exercise or sleep. However, regular physical activity lowers the risk of cardiac arrest.
Recent use of cocaine, amphetamines, or marijuana ( – This can occur in otherwise healthy people. American Heart Association)
Drinking too much coffee: This is more common in people who do not regularly drink coffee. Regular coffee drinkers should try to limit consumption to no more than six 5-ounce cups per day. Getting too much caffeine in powders, pills, or energy drinks can also lead to cardiac arrest.
Severe emotional stress in the prior month
Influenza (flu) infection in the prior month
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The liberals's broken record of using the narrative of legalizing marijuana to "do some supposed studies" is false. How many years does it take California and Colorado to do these so-called studies if Cannabis can be obtained for free even for a few pennies? In addition, we already have these studies, you just need to investigate in the public medical pages and you will see the statistics. For …More
The liberals's broken record of using the narrative of legalizing marijuana to "do some supposed studies" is false. How many years does it take California and Colorado to do these so-called studies if Cannabis can be obtained for free even for a few pennies? In addition, we already have these studies, you just need to investigate in the public medical pages and you will see the statistics. For example, anyone can look for these studies: Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: A Review ; also: What We Know About Marijuana | Featured Topics | Marijuana and Public Health (cdc gov)
la verdad prevalece
⚠️On the Internet, cannabis promoters mislead young people by twisting the meaning of certain passages to justify its use. Like for example this passage from 1 Timothy 4:4
1 Timothy 4:4 Commentaries: For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; (biblehub.com)
For every creature of God is good - Greek, "all the creatures, or all that God …More
⚠️On the Internet, cannabis promoters mislead young people by twisting the meaning of certain passages to justify its use. Like for example this passage from 1 Timothy 4:4
1 Timothy 4:4 Commentaries: For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; (biblehub.com)

For every creature of God is good - Greek, "all the creatures, or all that God has created" - πᾶν κτίσμα pan ktisma: that is, as he made it; compare Genesis 1:10, Genesis 1:12, Genesis 1:18, Genesis 1:31. It does not mean that every moral agent remains good as long as he is "a creature of God," but moral agents, human beings and angels, were good as they were made at first; Genesis 1:31. Nor does it mean that all that God has made is good "for every object to which it can be applied." It is good in its place; good for the purpose for which he made it. But it should not be inferred that a thing which is poisonous in its nature is good for food, "because" it is a creation of God. It is good only in its place, and for the ends for which he intended it. Nor should it be inferred that what God has made is necessarily good "after" it has been perverted by man. As God made it originally, it might have been used without injury.
Apples and peaches were made good, and are still useful and proper as articles of food; rye and Indian-corn are good, and are admirably adapted to the support of man and beast, but it does not follow that all that "man" can make of them is necessarily good. He extracts from them a poisonous liquid, and then says that "every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused." But is this a fair use of this passage of Scripture? True, they "are" good - they "are" to be received with gratitude as he made them, and as applied to the uses for which he designed them; but why apply this passage to prove that a deleterious beverage, which "man" has extracted from what God has made, is good also, and good for all the purposes to which it can be applied? As "God" made these things, they are good. As man perverts them, it is no longer proper to call them the "creation of God," and they may be injurious in the highest degree. This passage, therefore, should not be adduced to vindicate the use of intoxicating drinks (or drugs that are extracted from plants such as mind-altering Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from Marijuana, cocaine, etc.). As employed by the apostle, it had no such reference, nor does it contain any "principle" which can properly receive any such application.
And nothing to be refused - Nothing that God has made, for the purposes for which he designed it. The necessity of the case the "exigency of the passage" - requires this interpretation. It "cannot" mean that we are not to refuse poison if offered in our food, or that we are never to refuse food that is to us injurious or offensive; nor can it anymore mean that we are to receive "all" that may be offered to us as a beverage. The sense is, that as God made it, and for the purposes for which he designed it, it is not to be held to be evil; or, which is the same thing, it is not to be prohibited as if there were merit in abstaining from it. It is not to be regarded as a religious duty to abstain from food which God has appointed for the support of man.
If it be received with thanksgiving - see the 1 Corinthians 10:31 note; Ephesians 5:20 note; Philippians 4:6 note.
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What We Know About Marijuana | Featured Topics | Marijuana and Public Health (cdc.gov)
Inhaling or Eating Marijuana
Vaping THC-containing products has been linked to lung injury and even death. Use of concentrates in vaping or dabbing devices delivers very high levels of THC to the user and may carry health risks because of the high concentration or strength of THC being used.
Eating edibles (…More
What We Know About Marijuana | Featured Topics | Marijuana and Public Health (cdc.gov)

Inhaling or Eating Marijuana

Vaping THC-containing products has been linked to lung injury and even death. Use of concentrates in vaping or dabbing devices delivers very high levels of THC to the user and may carry health risks because of the high concentration or strength of THC being used.
Eating edibles (foods and drinks that contain marijuana) can take longer to kick in compared to smoking marijuana. The delayed effect of consuming edibles may increase the risk of consuming too much, which can lead to poisoning or serious injury.
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⚠️Beware this page "Knowing Jesus"
is deceiving young people.
This page misleads people into thinking that the Bible speaks specifically about marijuana and that its use is justified. And they are the same class of heretics who spend their time saying that the Word Purgatory or Trinity does not appear in the Bible, for example.
Although Cannabis is commonly known as "weed", "grass". No Bible verse …More
⚠️Beware this page "Knowing Jesus"
is deceiving young people.
This page misleads people into thinking that the Bible speaks specifically about marijuana and that its use is justified. And they are the same class of heretics who spend their time saying that the Word Purgatory or Trinity does not appear in the Bible, for example.
Although Cannabis is commonly known as "weed", "grass". No Bible verse refers to marijuana.
2 more comments from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Not all grass is edible, so we see that when God gives Noah the command, He specifically tells him to store only the species that are edible (vegetables, grains, and fruits). Genesis 6:21 Commentaries: "As for you, take for yourself some of all food which is edible, and gather it to yourself; and it shall be for food for you and for them." (biblehub.com) Cambridge Bible for Schools and CollegesMore
Not all grass is edible, so we see that when God gives Noah the command, He specifically tells him to store only the species that are edible (vegetables, grains, and fruits). Genesis 6:21 Commentaries: "As for you, take for yourself some of all food which is edible, and gather it to yourself; and it shall be for food for you and for them." (biblehub.com) Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
21. of all food that is eaten] Presumably vegetables, cereals, and fruit. Cf. Genesis 1:29.
la verdad prevalece
This is another biblical passage that liberal Cannabis promoters manipulate by using the translations that change the word meat for foods.
1 Timothy 4:3
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth.More
This is another biblical passage that liberal Cannabis promoters manipulate by using the translations that change the word meat for foods.
1 Timothy 4:3

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth.
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According to the U.S. Library of National Medicine, “Smoking cannabis has been further linked with symptoms of chronic bronchitis… Based on immuno-histopathological and epidemiological evidence, smoking cannabis poses a potential risk for developing lung cancer.
[Cannabis smoking and lung cancer] - PubMed (nih.gov)
Cannabis exposure doubles the risk of developing lung cancer.More
According to the U.S. Library of National Medicine, “Smoking cannabis has been further linked with symptoms of chronic bronchitis… Based on immuno-histopathological and epidemiological evidence, smoking cannabis poses a potential risk for developing lung cancer.

[Cannabis smoking and lung cancer] - PubMed (nih.gov)

Cannabis exposure doubles the risk of developing lung cancer.
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What About “Vaping” Marijuana?:
"Though many think it’s safer to “vape” weed, the reality is that the vape devices have been said to emit ammonia, which can be inhaled by the person using the vape. The ammonia can cause lung irritation, and it can also affect the central nervous system. (Bloor et al. 2008).
John A Cassani
There is nothing good that comes from recreational marijuana use. I can’t comment on medicinal use. It clearly alters the mind, and harms a person’s intelligence and ambition. The difficulty with it is that anyone can grow at least enough for their own personal consumption. It can be done indoors with the right equipment. It doesn’t require the sort of refinement of the other schedule 1 substances …More
There is nothing good that comes from recreational marijuana use. I can’t comment on medicinal use. It clearly alters the mind, and harms a person’s intelligence and ambition. The difficulty with it is that anyone can grow at least enough for their own personal consumption. It can be done indoors with the right equipment. It doesn’t require the sort of refinement of the other schedule 1 substances, and doesn’t have the same grave dangers of physical harm that other “hard drugs” have. I’m against it’s legalization, but formation in temperance is badly needed, if half of American adults have used it, and 68% want it legal. It’s never going to go away, so it needs to be shunned.